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User Comments for: Trixie Motel

TvWatcha3 says...
2 years ago
3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Trixie Motel’:

1. This show is essentially one season-long advertisement for the motel. But I love Trixie, and she’s a genius. Because it worked. I wanna stay there.

2. As far as serving as an entertaining television series, it struggles. It’s at its best during the renovation segments, and seeing those gorgeous transformations, but those are unfortunately few and far between. Beyond that, it feels like we’re mostly served way too many _(poorly)_ scripted/staged moments that pull us away from what is supposed to be reality.

3. [spoiler]Katya[/spoiler] was, hands down, the best guest. Her entrance was a breath of fresh air compared to the others. And she and Trixie have such a natural chemistry. It is absolutely delightful. I can understand why they’ve stuck together for so long.
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