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User Comments for: The Amazing Race

bondless says...
4 years ago
I get emotional about _The Amazing Race_ (better known simply as _TAR_) because while it's not the best reality show out there it is one of the most comforting and easy to watch. I watched the entire run of the series from Season 1 to Season 31 while recovering from a surgery and while I couldn't move out of my bed I was able to join a sometimes fun, frustrating and (sometimes) fucking stupid group of hundreds of people cross the globe together (I've included my top 10 seasons here and will rank each one in their respective season page). In addition, if you decided to do what I did I highly recommend checking out the reddit group associated with the show on which you can find reviews of each episode/season and discussions of the best/worst seasons/characters in the history of the show (r/theamazingrace). This community alone makes the journey much more enjoyable as everyone on there enjoys discussing old seasons. My top ten seasons were:

1. TAR5
2. TAR4
3. TAR All-Stars
4. TAR23
5. TAR10
6. TAR21
7. TAR: Unfinished Business
8. TAR9
9. TAR22
10. TAR1
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