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The All-New Super Friends Hour


Streaming Episode Guide

Season 1
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Season 1  
Episode 60 - 12-16-1977
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Haven't Seen
Episode 59 - 12-09-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Protector
Episode 58 - 12-09-1977
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The Protector
The Ghost
Episode 57 - 12-09-1977
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The Ghost
Cable Car Rescue
Episode 56 - 12-02-1977
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Haven't Seen
Cable Car Rescue
Dangerous Prank
Episode 55 - 12-02-1977
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Haven't Seen
Dangerous Prank
Frozen Peril
Episode 54 - 12-02-1977
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Frozen Peril
The Mummy Of Nazca
Episode 53 - 12-02-1977
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The Mummy Of Nazca
Tibetan Raiders
Episode 52 - 11-25-1977
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Tibetan Raiders
Episode 51 - 11-25-1977
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The Man-Beasts Of Xra
Episode 50 - 11-25-1977
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Haven't Seen
The ManBeasts Of Xra
The Tiny World Of Terror
Episode 49 - 11-25-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Tiny World Of Terror
Day Of The Rats
Episode 48 - 11-18-1977
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Haven't Seen
Day Of The Rats
Pressure Point
Episode 47 - 11-18-1977
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Haven't Seen
Pressure Point
Forbidden Power
Episode 46 - 11-18-1977
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Haven't Seen
Forbidden Power
The Lionmen
Episode 45 - 11-18-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Lionmen
Attack of the Killer Bees
Episode 44 - 11-11-1977
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Attack of the Killer Bees
Episode 43 - 11-11-1977
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The Fifty-Foot Woman
Episode 42 - 11-11-1977
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Haven't Seen
The FiftyFoot Woman
Exploration: Earth
Episode 41 - 11-11-1977
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Haven't Seen
Exploration Earth
River Of Doom
Episode 40 - 11-04-1977
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River Of Doom
Episode 39 - 11-04-1977
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The Invisible Menace
Episode 38 - 11-04-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Invisible Menace
The Coming Of The Arthropods
Episode 37 - 11-04-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Coming Of The Arthropods
Episode 36 - 9-24-1977
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Game Of Chicken
Episode 35 - 9-24-1977
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Haven't Seen
Game Of Chicken
Attack Of The Giant Squid
Episode 34 - 9-24-1977
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Haven't Seen
Attack Of The Giant Squid
The Water Beast
Episode 33 - 9-24-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Water Beast
Alaska Peril
Episode 32 - 10-29-1977
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Alaska Peril
Episode 31 - 10-29-1977
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The Collector
Episode 30 - 10-29-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Collector
The Mind Maidens
Episode 29 - 10-29-1977
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The Mind Maidens
Flood Of Diamonds
Episode 28 - 10-22-1977
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Flood Of Diamonds
Shark Attack
Episode 27 - 10-22-1977
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Haven't Seen
Shark Attack
The Enforcer
Episode 26 - 10-22-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Enforcer
Planet Of The Neanderthals
Episode 25 - 10-22-1977
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Haven't Seen
Planet Of The Neanderthals
The Antidote
Episode 24 - 10-15-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Antidote
Tiger On The Loose
Episode 23 - 10-15-1977
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Tiger On The Loose
The Secret Four
Episode 22 - 10-15-1977
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The Secret Four
Voyage of the Mysterious Time Creatures
Episode 21 - 10-15-1977
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Voyage of the Mysterious Time Creatures
Energy Mass
Episode 20 - 10-08-1977
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Energy Mass
Episode 19 - 10-08-1977
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The Monster Of Dr. Droid
Episode 18 - 10-08-1977
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The Monster Of Dr Droid
SuperFriends vs. SuperFriends
Episode 17 - 10-08-1977
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SuperFriends vs SuperFriends
Episode 16 - 10-01-1977
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Haven't Seen
The Protector/Stowaways/The Ghost/Rampage
Episode 15 - 10-01-1977
The Protector Aquaman, Batman and Robin try to stop pirates led by the Shark who is immobilizing ships to steal valuables to fund a fleet of attack ships to protect the seas from oil refinery, weapons testing, and overfishing. Stowaways The Wonder Twins must come to the rescue when two girls stow away on a yacht and its captain is knocked unconscious during a storm. The Ghost The ghost of Gentleman Jim Craddock returns to take revenge on Superman and Wonder Woman for tricking him back to his grave--by turning them into ghosts. Rampage Superman and Green Lantern go to India to stop an elephant that has gone on a rampage.
Fandango at Home
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Haven't Seen
The ProtectorStowawaysThe GhostRampage
The Fifty Foot Woman/Cheating/Exploration Earth/Attack of the Killer Bees
Episode 14 - 11-12-1977
The Fifty Foot Woman When Professor Amy Zahn develops a serum that turns her into a rampaging 50-foot giant, Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin look to get her back to normal size. Cheating The Wonder Twins look for two missing boy scouts in danger. The only one who knows where they are is a young man who saw them as he cheated during a cross country race. Exploration Earth A giant, indestructible space lander comes to Earth and begins taking various objects, animals, and people, including the Wonder Twins. The SuperFriends take action to find where it came from and put it out of commission. Attack of the Killer Bees Samurai and Aquaman must save an African village from killer bees.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The Fifty Foot WomanCheatingExploration EarthAttack of the Killer Bees
Frozen Peril/Dangerous Prank/The Mummy of Nazca/Cable Car Rescue
Episode 13 - 10-01-1977
Frozen Peril Superman and Aquaman must contend with the Scuplin, who is freezing the world's oceans. Dangerous Prank The Wonder Twins try to track down a missing teen who goes off course on a ski slope after some friends played a practical joke on her. The Mummy of Nazca The evil Professor Korloff brings an ancient space mummy to life and uses him in hopes of gaining power. Cable Car Rescue When a cable car becomes stranded high up outside a ski resort, Wonder Woman and the Atom go to the rescue.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Frozen PerilDangerous PrankThe Mummy of NazcaCable Car Rescue
Man-Beasts of XRA/Prejudice/Tiny World of Terror/Tibetan Raiders
Episode 12 - 9-24-1977
1h 0m
The Man-Beasts of Xra Superman, Batman and Robin must battle a group of animal men created by a mad scientist. Prejudice The Wonder Twins help a black couple being harassed by a group of white bikers. The Tiny World of Terror An evil scientist uses a shrinking machine on a couple of colleagues and drops them in the middle of a swamp which poses a number of dangers for them at their reduced size. The only way to find them is for the SuperFriends to shrink down as well, and then deal with the rogue who caused the trouble. Tibetan Raiders Superman and the Flash head to Tibet to save the passangers of a crashed airplane who are being threatened by raiders.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
ManBeasts of XRAPrejudiceTiny World of TerrorTibetan Raiders
Forbidden Power/Pressure Point/The Lion Men/The Day of the Rats
Episode 11 - 9-19-1977
1h 0m
Forbidden Power Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin head into space to find Professor Zarkoff, a scientist who is looking for a powerful device on an artifical planet in hope of helping humanity. Pressure Point The Wonder Twins must help a young mototcyclist who foolishly decides to jump a ravine hoping to gain respect from peers who often ridicule him. The Lionmen Lionex and his alien Lionmen attempt to carve the Earth into sections in an effort to extract the planet's natural resources to sell to other alien races. The SuperFriends must put an end to their plans before Earth is destroyed. The Day of the Rats Batman, Robin and Black Vulcan must stop rampaging rats from unleashing terror in Gotham City after they're exposed to a lost sonic device.
Fandango at Home
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Haven't Seen
Forbidden PowerPressure PointThe Lion MenThe Day of the Rats
Invisible Menace/Initiation/Coming of the Arthropods/River of Doom
Episode 10 - 9-24-1977
The Invisible Menace Superman and Aquaman battle submarine pirates who utilize the power of invisibility to steal a scientist's mining machine in order to cause undersea destruction. Initiation To join a club, a boy must get a picture of a bear. But when it awakens and traps him, the Wonder Twins must save him from certain doom. Coming of the Arthropods The SuperFriends must stop exiled alien insects who attempt to use a device to gain revenge on their homeworld. River of Doom When three archaeologists are captured by Jivaro Indians in South America, Wonder Woman and Rima race to their rescue.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Invisible MenaceInitiationComing of the ArthropodsRiver of Doom
Attack of the Giant Squid/Game of Chicken/Water Beast/Volcano
Episode 9 - 9-24-1977
Attack of the Giant Squid Superman and Aquaman battle a giant squid that sinks an ocean liner and enlarges other sea life in the process. The squid was enlarged by mad scientist Dr. Pisces, who is bent on solving world hunger. Game of Chicken The Wonder Twins must stop a pair of teens who decide to play chicken with a pair of speed boats. The Water Beast Aquaman's old enemy Manta creates a giant creature made of water and threatens the world. Volcano Superman and Samurai try to save a flying saucer that has crashed inside a volcano. Rescue plans are complicated when their captain is mistrustful of the SuperFriends' intention to help.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Attack of the Giant SquidGame of ChickenWater BeastVolcano
The Collector/Handicap/The Mind Maidens/Alaska Peril
Episode 8 - 9-17-1977
The Collector Superman and Wonder Woman must stop Newton Domehead, a scientist who tries to preserve world monuments by changing them into photographs. Handicap The Wonder Twins must find a couple of boys whose vehicle rolled down a cliff, trapping one and leading the other to overcome his disability to get help. The Mind Maidens The evil Medula enslaves all women in the world--including Wonder Woman and Jayna, in an attempt to take over the planet. Alaska Peril Batman, Robin, and Apache Chief race to rescue a couple of environmental scientists from a giant abdominable snow creature in the deep part of the Alaskan wilderness.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The CollectorHandicapThe Mind MaidensAlaska Peril
The Enforcer/Shark/Planet of the Neanderthals/Flood of Diamonds
Episode 7 - 9-17-1977
The Enforcer Wonder Woman and Aquaman go to an island in the South Pacific to rid a kingdom of an evil dictator. Shark The Wonder Twins help two boys who overturn their boat with a carnivorous shark lurking in the ocean. Planet of the Neanderthals An evil scientist known as Barko de-evolves Earth back to a prehistoric planet, which will remain so unless the SuperFriends can stop him. Flood of Diamonds Aquaman and Green Lantern help a group of miners in Africa when their mine is flooded with water.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The EnforcerSharkPlanet of the NeanderthalsFlood of Diamonds
The Secret Four/Tiger on the Loose/The Mysterious Time Creatures/The Antidote
Episode 6 - 9-17-1977
The Secret Four Superman, Batman, and Robin battle a group of hooded villains called the Secret Four who have been attacking the world's oil reserves. Tiger on the Loose When a tiger escapes from the zoo, the Wonder Twins race into action. The Mysterious Time Creatures Evil alien Dictor takes control of his home planet Chrono and uses a time medallion to age the rightful leader, who flees to Earth. Dictor follows and battles the SuperFriends. The Antidote Wonder Woman and Apache Chief must find the antidote to a serpent's venom when a village in India is attacked by poisonous cobras.
Fandango at Home
Windows Store
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The Secret FourTiger on the LooseThe Mysterious Time CreaturesThe Antidote
The Monster of Dr. Droid/Vandals/SuperFriends vs. SuperFriends/Energy Mass
Episode 5 - 9-17-1977
The Monster of Dr. Droid Dr. Droid creates an android monster which goes on a rampage, until Superman and Wonder Woman stop him. Vandals The Wonder Twins must save some vandals from a falling elevator. SuperFriends vs. SuperFriends The SuperFriends are captured by the citizens of Oceania and forced to fight in their gladiatorial game. Energy Mass Batman, Robin and the Atom must rescue a runaway train before it runs right off the tracks while an out of control experimental energy mass obstructs efforts for them to slow it down.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The Monster of Dr DroidVandalsSuperFriends vs SuperFriendsEnergy Mass
Doctor Fright/Drag Race/Day of the Plant Creatures/Fire
Episode 4 - 9-10-1977
1h 0m
Doctor Fright The villainous Dr. Fright uses fear gas to paralyze his victims, but Wonder Woman and Superman stop his plans. Drag Race The Wonder Twins must stop two teens who have decided to have a dangerous drag race in the middle of the city. Day of the Plant Creatures A meteor from outer space lands in a swamp, changing the plants into zombielike creatures that can mutate people into plant-like beings. Can the SuperFriends stop this threat? Fire Batman, Robin, and Rima go to the rescue during a forest fire as they pursue a pair of escaped convicts.
Fandango at Home
Windows Store
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Doctor FrightDrag RaceDay of the Plant CreaturesFire
The Marsh Monster/Runaways/Will the World Collide?/Time Rescue
Episode 3 - 9-10-1977
The Marsh Monster Superman, Batman, and Robin must stop a swamp monster who steals the plans of an inventor. Runaways The Wonder Twins search for two boys who have run away from home. Will the World Collide? With the aid of an evil scientist, an alien planet composed of Kryptonite moves on a collision course for Earth, threatening to destroy it, unless the SuperFriends can stop it. Time Rescue Superman, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl travel 2000 years into the future to save a kidnapped scientist.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The Marsh MonsterRunawaysWill the World CollideTime Rescue
Invasion of the Hydronoids/Hitchhike/City in a Bottle/Space Emergency
Episode 2 - 9-10-1977
1h 0m
Invasion of the Hydronoids Batman, Robin, and Aquaman do battle with underwater aliens who use a device to wipe out human minds. Hitchhike The Wonder Twins help a girl who learns the dangers of hitchhiking the hard way. City in a Bottle Aliens shrink Mid City with the Wonder Twins among the population inside and encase it in a bottle. The SuperFriends pursue them in space to an ice planet and must restore the city before the shrink effect is permanent. Space Emergency When a spacelab and shuttlecraft are placed in danger, Wonder Woman, Hawkman and Hawkgirl fly to the rescue.
Fandango at Home
Windows Store
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Invasion of the HydronoidsHitchhikeCity in a BottleSpace Emergency
The Brain Machine/Joy Ride/Invasion of the Earthors/The Whirlpool
Episode 1 - 9-10-1977
The Brain Machine Scientist Dr. Cranum invents a machine which evolves him into a futuristic genius, but when he tries to turn it on everyone, Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin must stop him. Joy Ride The Wonder Twins must rescue two boys who steal a plane for a joyride, not knowing it has a bad engine. Invasion of the Earthors The SuperFriends must stop a race of rock people who live underground from destroying the Earth. The Whirlpool Aquaman and Black Vulcan help the crew of a ship that is led by a captain who puts a speed record before his crew's safety.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The Brain MachineJoy RideInvasion of the EarthorsThe Whirlpool
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
The Collector/Handicap/The Mind Maidens/Alaska Peril
Episode 8 - 9-17-1977
The Collector Superman and Wonder Woman must stop Newton Domehead, a scientist who tries to preserve world monuments by changing them into photographs. Handicap The Wonder Twins must find a couple of boys whose vehicle rolled down a cliff, trapping one and leading the other to overcome his disability to get help. The Mind Maidens The evil Medula enslaves all women in the world--including Wonder Woman and Jayna, in an attempt to take over the planet. Alaska Peril Batman, Robin, and Apache Chief race to rescue a couple of environmental scientists from a giant abdominable snow creature in the deep part of the Alaskan wilderness.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The CollectorHandicapThe Mind MaidensAlaska Peril
Man-Beasts of XRA/Prejudice/Tiny World of Terror/Tibetan Raiders
Episode 12 - 9-24-1977
1h 0m
The Man-Beasts of Xra Superman, Batman and Robin must battle a group of animal men created by a mad scientist. Prejudice The Wonder Twins help a black couple being harassed by a group of white bikers. The Tiny World of Terror An evil scientist uses a shrinking machine on a couple of colleagues and drops them in the middle of a swamp which poses a number of dangers for them at their reduced size. The only way to find them is for the SuperFriends to shrink down as well, and then deal with the rogue who caused the trouble. Tibetan Raiders Superman and the Flash head to Tibet to save the passangers of a crashed airplane who are being threatened by raiders.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
ManBeasts of XRAPrejudiceTiny World of TerrorTibetan Raiders
The Secret Four/Tiger on the Loose/The Mysterious Time Creatures/The Antidote
Episode 6 - 9-17-1977
The Secret Four Superman, Batman, and Robin battle a group of hooded villains called the Secret Four who have been attacking the world's oil reserves. Tiger on the Loose When a tiger escapes from the zoo, the Wonder Twins race into action. The Mysterious Time Creatures Evil alien Dictor takes control of his home planet Chrono and uses a time medallion to age the rightful leader, who flees to Earth. Dictor follows and battles the SuperFriends. The Antidote Wonder Woman and Apache Chief must find the antidote to a serpent's venom when a village in India is attacked by poisonous cobras.
Fandango at Home
Windows Store
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The Secret FourTiger on the LooseThe Mysterious Time CreaturesThe Antidote
Frozen Peril/Dangerous Prank/The Mummy of Nazca/Cable Car Rescue
Episode 13 - 10-01-1977
Frozen Peril Superman and Aquaman must contend with the Scuplin, who is freezing the world's oceans. Dangerous Prank The Wonder Twins try to track down a missing teen who goes off course on a ski slope after some friends played a practical joke on her. The Mummy of Nazca The evil Professor Korloff brings an ancient space mummy to life and uses him in hopes of gaining power. Cable Car Rescue When a cable car becomes stranded high up outside a ski resort, Wonder Woman and the Atom go to the rescue.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Frozen PerilDangerous PrankThe Mummy of NazcaCable Car Rescue
Attack of the Giant Squid/Game of Chicken/Water Beast/Volcano
Episode 9 - 9-24-1977
Attack of the Giant Squid Superman and Aquaman battle a giant squid that sinks an ocean liner and enlarges other sea life in the process. The squid was enlarged by mad scientist Dr. Pisces, who is bent on solving world hunger. Game of Chicken The Wonder Twins must stop a pair of teens who decide to play chicken with a pair of speed boats. The Water Beast Aquaman's old enemy Manta creates a giant creature made of water and threatens the world. Volcano Superman and Samurai try to save a flying saucer that has crashed inside a volcano. Rescue plans are complicated when their captain is mistrustful of the SuperFriends' intention to help.
Fandango at Home
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Attack of the Giant SquidGame of ChickenWater BeastVolcano
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