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Storm Hawks


Streaming Episode Guide

Season 2
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Season 2  
Cyclonia Rising (2)
Episode 26 - 4-06-2009
In only a few weeks, Cyclonis conquers all of Atmos. Every Sky Knight is trapped in a crystal prison and their vehicles scrapped. Only the Storm Hawks remain, playing childish pranks on Cyclonis. Piper is in bad shape, the Binding slowly weakening her despite not using it. Cyclonis, tired of their resistance, threatens to destroy Terra Atmosia, and the Storm hawks surrender to prevent it. This turns out to be a ploy to reach the crystal prison, which Aerrow shatters with help from Piper. The freed Sky Knights attempt to shoot down Cyclonia with stolen Skimmers, but cannot penetrate the shielding on the levitation pontoons. Stork and Finn, however, discover that the crystal technology the Night Crawlers wear is allergic to Radarr's fur. Meanwhile, Aerrow and Piper face Cyclonis and the Dark Ace. Already quite weak, Piper's ability to empower Aerrow ultimately gives out. However, when Aerrow insists they will die together, the Binding flows from him and into her, restoring her health and empowering them both. Unable to defeat them with her ordinary skills, Cyclonis draws power from her far side crystal to empower the Dark Ace, but gets carried away and destroys him. The resulting energy release destroys the far side crystal, allowing Finn and Junko to disable the pontoons. Cyclonis escapes through the door to the other side while the Storm Hawks follow. The end scene is narrated by Starling, who relates that it has been six hours since their victory. They raise up a flag of the Storm Hawks, the bravest heroes Atmos has ever known. Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks make it to the other side filled with new creatures and places. The story continues in season three of Storm Hawks at the other side of the Atmos.
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Cyclonia Rising 2
Cyclonia Rising (1)
Episode 25 - 4-03-2009
Using her far side door, Master Cyclonis arms her Night Crawlers with crystal technology from the far side, making them far superior to any force in Atmos. Aerrow leads a united Atmos straight into Cyclonia for the battle to end all battles. Piper learns from Cyclonis that her new power, known as the "Binding", is evil and will turn her evil if she masters it. Piper insists on developing the power anyway, despite Aerrow's misgivings. Aerrow's united force manages to defeat the first wave of regular Cyclonians, but is vastly outgunned when Cyclonis releases a second wave of Night Crawlers. Furthermore, she has equipped her terra with levitation pontoons, turning it into a flying fortress.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Cyclonia Rising 1
The Key
Episode 24 - 4-02-2009
While reconstruction of the Condor gets underway with countless volunteers, Aerrow and Piper check out a report of Cyclonian activity in the Forbidden City. There they find Master Cyclonis and the Dark Ace summoning the spirit of the Oracle, in order to divine the location of the Oracle Stone, which is the key to Master Cyclonis' far side door. Said stone was given to Piper as a gift by Aerrow, and remains in her possession. When Cyclonis threatens to destroy the Oracle spirit, Aerrow jumps in and gives her time to escape. During the battle, Cyclonis takes the key and Piper finds herself displaying new skills that give Aerrow power, like super strength, which Master Cyclonis is also capable of. However, the Dark Ace and Cyclonis escape. Aerrow and Piper head back to Bogaton where the workers have completed the Condor. Piper worries about her new skill, saying that it feels dark, as does the Dark Ace, who fears that Piper may become as powerful as Cyclonis herself. Cyclonis remains unconcerned, convinced that Piper will destroy herself before she can master the power. In the final scene, Cyclonis opens the door to the far side and walks in.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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The Key
Episode 23 - 4-01-2009
The Raptors destroy the Condor, and a Cyclonian attack on the Storm Hawks scatters the team. Piper lands on Gundstaff's terra, who decides to help her after revealing that the Cyclonians have also taken his family. Finn lands on a Blizzarian's garbage truck. Junko fights off Cyclonians with the help of some wrestlers. Aerrow is told by the three guardians from "Origins" and Arygyn that the future of Atmos doesn't include him, but Arygyn assures him that he will do fine. Finally, Stork follows Repton to Terra Bogaton and single-handedly liberates it during his anger/revenge fit on Repton for destroying the Condor. Grateful for his actions, the Bogaton scientists decide to rebuild the Condor. Snipe is banished for failing to destroy Aerrow.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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A Wallop For All Season
Episode 22 - 3-31-2009
Junko has been summoned back to his home on Terra Wallop and Aerrow insists that they accompany him. They head to see the chief who tells him he is taking over the family business: underwear retail. Junko cannot refuse as it will bring shame to his family. Piper and Aerrow head to find Junko's Uncle Dilly, the previous owner, and discover Cyclonians. The chief reveals that he invited the Cyclonians as a part of a treaty, as he expects them to win the war and wants to be on the winning side. Junko challenges the chief to a battle after failing to convince him that the Cyclonians are evil. During the match, Junko tries to reason with the chief, but the chief won't listen. Junko realizes the chief won't fight the Cyclonians because he is afraid to stand up to them, and manages to subdue the chief by tricking him into knocking trees onto himself. Junko refuses to deliver the finishing below that would solidify his position as the new chief. As the Storm Hawks depart, Junko states that strength means nothing unless they have the courage to use it for good. Other Wallops contemplate on Junko's words of courage and decide that just because their chief supports Cyclonia, they do not have to. Junko's words have inspired them to create the Wallop Resistance.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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A Wallop For All Season
The Ultra Dudes
Episode 21 - 3-30-2009
While the Storm Hawks return to Tropica to investigate the temple Stork found there, Finn and Radarr are sent off on a solo mission for cooking crystals so Finn doesn't compromise their stealth mission. Finn lands on a Western-style terra and enters a salon, where he angers a four-armed bandit and is challenged to a draw. Finn defeats the bandit, earning the respect of the townspeople. The bandit swears revenge on Finn. Elsewhere, the Storm Hawks reach the temple, only to find Ravess there instead of the doorway or the monster. Disgruntled by her banishment, she tells them that the door leads to the far side of Atmos, but without the key Cyclonis cannot open it. Back on the western terra, Finn's ego gets the better of him and he makes his own squad called the Ultra Dudes, teaching them useless tricks. When the bandit returns with his Murk Raider allies, Finn confesses that everything he taught them was useless. The Ultra Dudes, however, still have faith and want to defend their home, but naturally cannot do much against the Murk Raiders with what Finn taught them. Finn comes to their rescue after some guilt tripping from Radarr. The Ultra Dudes manage to defeat the Murk Raiders with the help of the townspeople. Finn challenges Captain Scabulous to a draw, which Scabulous cheats at, and wins when the townspeople step in. Finn returns to the Condor and is glad that he is not the leader of the Storm Hawks, seeing as there is so much work to it.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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The Ultra Dudes
Episode 20 - 3-27-2009
This episode serves as a prequel to the series. Aerrow, Finn, Piper and Radarr are orphans living in a fortress on a small terra, which is threatened by a Cyclonian Youth Squad, which Junko is a part of. Three men approach Aerrow and give him a key and map to the Condor, stating that he is the last descendant of Lightning Strike, leader of the Storm Hawks, and thus inherits leadership. However, because of them Aerrow and his friends are captured. The leader of the Youth Squad radios Snipe and is told to throw them into the Wastelands. Junko volunteers to do it, but lets them go when the others are not looking, as he does not want to be a bad guy. They manage to find the Condor in the Wastelands, and it has already been repaired by Stork, who has lived there for years trying to find the key. In possession of items they both desire, the two sides team up. Stork takes them to the hangar bay, where they find all of the Skimmers and weapons used by the original Storm Hawks. The Storm Hawks head back to their terra to reclaim it and battle the Youth Squad. Junko switches sides upon seeing the Condor. Snipe arrives and gives a leech crystal for the leader to attach to the Condor. Aerrow manages to get it off just before the Condor plunges into the Wastelands. After regaining their home, Aerrow feels as though it can no longer be their home knowing what they now know about the Storm Hawks. Piper then states that the Storm Hawks were special because they didn't have a home terra; they protected everyone. The same three men appear again and contemplate on their future stating that the boy will be a Sky Knight, and whether the "girl" is the "one"; only time will tell. On Cyclonia, Master Cyclonis is seen moving her grandmother's throne and working on her Storm Generator.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Home Movie Night
Episode 19 - 3-26-2009
The Storm Hawks have a night to watch a movie on their adventures. Each of the Storm Hawks get a chance to show a video about them. Finn makes a movie about himself, Piper makes two videos (one about crystals and another about places in the Atmos), Junko shows a movie about each of their Skimmers, Stork shows his top ten fears (things to avoid in the Atmos), and Aerrow shows what it's like to be a Sky Knight. Everyone bails at the last minute when Junko suggests to watch his experimental film where he sleeps for hours.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Home Movie Night
Power Grab
Episode 18 - 3-25-2009
Master Cyclonis leaves on a secret mission to retrieve the doorway Stork found in the previous episode puts Ravess in charge in her absence. Ravess abuses her power at Snipe's expense, so Snipe stages a mutiny with the help of the commander from "Radarr Love" and takes control of Cyclonia. More concerned with his own amusement than running Cyclonia, Snipe ignores the commander that helped him and carelessly orders the Talons to shoot down anyone that approaches, which happens to be Repton and the Raptors. Angered by Snipe's actions, Repton successfully overthrows Snipe, helped by the commander Snipe snubbed. Now in charge, Repton prepares the fleet for an attack. The rest of the Raptors decide to overthrow Repton because of how he treats them and end up driving their ship into Cyclonia. In his attempt to punish them, Repton accidentally locks himself and the Raptors in a cell with Snipe and Ravess. Lugey, however, is left outside and takes charge, just as Master Cyclonis returns. Still needing their services, Cyclonis forgoes punishing the Raptors or Snipe, but has Ravess banished for her incompetence.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Power Grab
Episode 17 - 3-24-2009
After a futile search for Operation Exodus, the Storm Hawks decide to take a vacation on Terra Tropica. However, a tsunami separates Aerrow, Finn, Junko, Piper and Radarr from Stork and the Condor, who is ambushed by some natives. Aerrow heads to find Stork with Radarr while the others search for food and make shelter. Stork manages to scare off the natives with an amateur magic trick and makes his way to the Condor but it confronted by the same natives, only angrier. They chase him throughout the jungle. Stork flees into an ancient temple which the natives won't enter. While inside, Stork finds a strange door guarded by a giant crystal golem. Stork runs out of the cave followed by the now frightened natives and the angry golem. Stork makes it to the Condor but finds it guarded by natives. He uses one of their masks to impersonate them to get by. He flies the Condor to his friends and picks them up before a second tidal wave hits. Stork tells them of the natives, the golem, and the and strange door but they don't believe him. In the final scene, Cyclonians are seen heading to the same temple.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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A Colonel of Truth
Episode 16 - 3-23-2009
The Colonel has lost his favorite pet, "Mr. Fluffykins", who ends up on the Condor and causes havoc. The Colonel track Fluffykins to the Condor, and out of gratitude for "rescuing" his pet gives them his services for the day, as part of a gangster code. While Finn plays along, Stork believes that Fluffykins really ran away. The Storm Hawks take advantage of this to keep him so busy that he won't be able to do his regular crimes. His jobs include working in a soup kitchen, picking up trash, exterminating bugs, giving away some of his money, and releasing prisoners from Cyclonian prison. The Colonel soon realizes that they never rescued Fluffykins and plans to take revenge on them for humiliating him. The Colonel tries to unleash Fluffykins on Piper, Stork and Junko, but Fluffykins stops when he sees a flock of his own kind. They realize that he just wants to be with free. Fluffykins tries to fly but his restraining collar prevents him from doing so, causing him to fall into a pit filled with lava. The Colonel reluctantly frees the Storm Hawks and uses his web to lower Radarr to save Fluffykins. The Colonel states he is again in their debt, and Piper wants him to release Fluffykins. Colonel sadly releases him and says goodbye to his beloved pet.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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A Colonel of Truth
Number One Fan
Episode 15 - 3-20-2009
With nothing better to do, the Storm Hawks answer a distress call from a very small, almost unnoticeable terra, where they meet a nerdy boy named Noob. Noob is their number one fan and president of the Storm Hawks fan club. Noob manages to talk his way onto the Condor, quickly becoming an annoyance to the Storm Hawks. Noob wants to see them fight Cyclonians but the Cyclonians haven't been active for weeks, which Aerrow finds suspicious. Cyclonis is planning something that requires many rare warp crystals, that she sends her Talons to collect. While playing on Finn's Skimmer, Noob nearly falls into the Wastelands. The Storm hawks decide it is time for him to leave, but he refuses to, believing that they are testing him. Finn finally snaps and hurts his feelings, which convinces Noob to leave. Noob soon sends another distress signal, but the Storm Hawks don't believe him, even though Ravess and some Talons are actually attacking the crystal mines on his terra. Ravess captures Noob and interrogates him. The Storm Hawks, feeling bad, head back to his terra. Meanwhile, Ravess accidentally reveals Cyclonis' secret plot. The Storm Hawks arrive and rescue Noob, who possesses three warp crystals. Noob drives his trailer into Ravess and the warp crystals activate, sending her to Master Cyclonis. Noob then tells them about Operation Exodus, Cyclonis' secret mission. Noob realizes that he shouldn't obsess with the Storm Hawks and whips out a trailer dedicated to the Absolute Zeros.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Number One Fan
Dark Waters
Episode 14 - 3-19-2009
The Storm Hawks respond to a distress call from the bottom of Terra Aquanos to rescue the Neck Deeps. At the bottom they find monsters which have been released by I.J. Domiwick from a sealed cavern. In this cavern are supposed endless tunnels that lead to everywhere throughout the Atmos, even the fabled "other side". While the Storm Hawks and Neck Deeps try to seal the cavern, Domiwick escapes, but only delays their plan and swims into the cavern before Finn reseals it. However, just as the Storm Hawks head for the surface, one of the monsters punctures the Condor, causing it to flood. All but Aerrow abandon ship, Aerrow having giving his breather to Piper after Domiwick stole hers. Aerrow manages to make it to the surface while riding atop the monster, now called "Bessie", to satisfy Stork's belief that it exists. In the last scene, Domiwick is seen crawling up onto shore on an unknown land.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Dark Waters
Energy Crisis
Episode 13 - 12-06-2008
The Dark Ace stumbles upon a powerful suit of armor that is powered by crystals. Now the Dark Ace goes on a power hungry rampage, sucking up every crystal he can find and it's up to the Storm Hawks to stop him.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Energy Crisis
Five Days
Episode 12 - 11-29-2008
After winding up in a body cast, Aerrow must spend five days in bed while his wounds heal. This proves to be difficult when Master Cyclonis invades the Condor.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Five Days
Sky's End
Episode 11 - 11-22-2008
The Storm Hawks end up at Sky's End, an uncharted part of Atmos which is believed to be home to dragons. They meet a group of young dragons and try to protect them from the Murk Raiders who want to slay them.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Skys End
Scout's Honor
Episode 10 - 11-15-2008
As part of volunteer work, Stork takes a group of young Merb scouts on a camping trip. But things go totally wrong when Stork and the scouts land on the wrong terra, which is full of vicious creatures. They also have a run in with Snipe, who is testing a new weapon of his.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Scouts Honor
Radarr Love
Episode 9 - 11-08-2008
While on a trip to Terra Neon, the Storm Hawks accidentally leave Radarr at a rest stop. Now Radarr must find a way to get back to the Condor while avoiding Cyclonians and a chicken that has a crush on him.
Where to watch
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Radarr Love
Second Chances
Episode 8 - 11-01-2008
Carver, the former Sky Knight, claims that he has reformed and wants to join the Storm Hawks. The Storm Hawks really believe that Carver has changed, except for Aerrow, who thinks that Carver hasn't changed one bit. He's finally right when Carver tries to convince his friends that he's under Cyclonian mind control.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Second Chances
Royal Twist
Episode 7 - 10-18-2008
Piper meets a princess who looks exactly like her. The princess wants some adventure in her life, so she switches places with Piper and joins the Storm Hawks. But Piper gets into trouble when the princess' kingdom is invaded by a group of creatures know as the Nightcrawlers.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Royal Twist
What Got Into Finn?
Episode 6 - 10-11-2008
The Storm Hawks have to deliver a weird container and are told not to open it. But Finn's curiosity gets the better of him and he opens the container, which shoots out a weird gas that turns Finn into a monster. Stork creates a cure, but gets a little carried away trying to get Finn to take it.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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What Got Into Finn
Life with Leugey
Episode 5 - 10-04-2008
Stork and Leugey get stuck together when Stork swallows a Gravatron Crystal. Now the Storm Hawks must find a way to get the two unstuck without Repton knowing about it.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Life with Leugey
The Last Stand
Episode 4 - 9-27-2008
Stuck in the unforgiving Wastelands, the Storm Hawks must fend off an old Cyclonian rival bent on revenge. Meanwhile, Junko hopes to impress the tough as nails Wallop miners they went there to rescue.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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The Last Stand
Episode 3 - 9-20-2008
The space race is on, and Cyclonia has a head start. After discovering Ravess is commanding a battle platform high in the Stratosphere, the Storm Hawks must go higher, faster and farther than ever before to stop her.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Almos, Most Wanted
Episode 2 - 9-13-2008
Robberies have been occurring all over Atmos, and have somehow been linked to the Storm Hawks! They go looking for the culprits while desperately trying to prove to their friends that they are innocent.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Almos Most Wanted
The Masked Masher
Episode 1 - 9-06-2008
To get inside Cyclonia during its "Ultimate Warrior Championships," the Storm Hawks enter Junko as one of the colorful competitors. Things quickly get out of hand - especially when Junko gets a little too much into character.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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The Masked Masher
Season 1  
Tranquility Now
Episode 27 - 6-18-2007
Junko worries that without his Knuckle Busters, he is worthless to the Storm Hawks. All the while, the Time Pulse that controls all navigation instruments is shut down.
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Tranquility Now
Dude, Where's My Condor
Episode 26 - 12-10-2007
The Condor falls into the hands of a gangster that has devious plans for the Hawks' ship.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Dude Wheres My Condor
The Lesson
Episode 25 - 12-07-2007
The Hawks train in sky-fu to battle the supercharged Talons.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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The Lesson
Calling All Domos
Episode 24 - 12-06-2007
There’s trouble again on Terra Vapos, and since Finn saved them once before, he’s called back to Domo duty. But with the rest of the Hawks dealing with Junko’s wallop-sized toothache, Finn only has Stork to back him up. But will that be enough against the scary pirates known as The Murk Raiders?
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Calling All Domos
Siren's Song
Episode 23 - 12-05-2007
A Sky Siren tempts the Hawks with their greatest desires while trying to pull them into a whirlpool.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Sirens Song
Talon Academy
Episode 22 - 12-04-2007
Being a Cyclonian isn’t as cool as they make it sound – and Aerrow, Radarr and Piper are determined to prove that to the kids at a Talon training academy. Sneaking inside as students, the Hawks quickly turn the training ground into a battle ground and overthrow the staff. Now they’ve got to teach headmaster Snipe a lesson!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Talon Academy
The Storm Hawks Seven
Episode 21 - 12-03-2007
Starling joins the Storm Hawks for a daring mission to take back a tiny terra from the Cyclonians. Though it may seem like a harmless chunk of rock, Ravess is using the terra to house her evil sonic blaster, big enough to take out an entire airship! Unless Starling and the Hawks can find a way to work together, Ravess is going to control the skies!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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The Storm Hawks Seven
Terra Neon
Episode 20 - 11-30-2007
The Storm Hawks are sharing the spotlight on glitzy Terra Neon - but not by choice. Two evil producers have taken the Terra captive and are forcing everyone to audition for their next big show. And unless they can find a star, it’s curtains!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Terra Neon
Episode 19 - 11-29-2007
One Finn is plenty, but an entire Condor-full? That’s what happens when Finn accidentally sets off a crystal that creates dozens of brand new Finns, each one exactly like the next. But when Snipe gets his hands on it, the Storm Hawks quickly put those Finns to work against a growing army of Snipes!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Haven't Seen
Episode 18 - 10-06-2007
The Condor has been swallowed whole by a giant sky creature, with Radarr inside! The terrified locals are no help at all, so the Storm Hawks will have to set out with nothing but their skimmers and their brains to hunt down the monster, and save their ship and their friend.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Forbidden City
Episode 17 - 9-29-2007
A double-crossing explorer has found a way inside the ancient Forbidden City, which means Snipe will get his hands on the treasure, unless the Storm Hawks can get there first. Of course they’ll have to brave a lot of dangerous traps and confusing riddles on the way in. The test is on: is Stork really prepared for anything?
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Forbidden City
Episode 16 - 9-22-2007
Aerrow and Radarr make a break from the escape-proof prison on Terra Zartacla. With jail warden Mr. Moss on their tail, our two heroes set out to prove anything’s possible when you’re a Storm Hawk! Using every trick in the book, the two try to outsmart their jailers and survive the dangerous jungle. But will it be enough to get them to freedom?
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Thunder Run
Episode 15 - 9-15-2007
It's a race against the clock for the Storm Hawks! If they can't bring back a mysterious treasure from the other end of Atmos by sundown, a gangster known as The Colonel is going to have Junko for lunch! To give the Condor an extra burst of speed, Finn nabs a Velocity crystal off of a couple of Raptors. But will it be enough now that Repton's on their tail too?
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Thunder Run
A Little Trouble
Episode 14 - 9-01-2007
Everyone's worried when Junko agrees to look after a baby Wallop for the day. But when the Storm Hawks set out on a mission to bring construction on Snipe's new mega-ship to a standstill, what starts as a simple favor turns out to be an adventure in babysitting… of giant proportions!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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A Little Trouble
Storm Warning
Episode 13 - 8-20-2007
The Storm Hawks manage to steal a crate full of Leech Crystals from some Cyclonians. However, unknown to them, these crystals are part of Ravess' plan to defeat them. Meanwhile, Piper becomes upset since the team acts like they don't need her, so she pretends to quit to teach them a lesson, but will her plan backfire on her?
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Storm Warning
Terra Deep
Episode 12 - 12-13-2007
Jagged rocks and thick clouds surround them, villainous Murk Raiders are on their tail and an entire Cyclonian fleet waits for them beyond. The Storm Hawks have to fly silent and fly quick if they’re going to survive Terra Deep.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Terra Deep
King for a Day
Episode 11 - 7-30-2007
Finn is declared to be the long lost hero of Terra Vapos. Naturally he's loving every minute of it. But when he's expected to actually save them from a sinister foe, Finn learns being the Chosen One isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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King for a Day
Fire and Ice
Episode 10 - 7-23-2007
After finding out his favorite vacation spot, Terra Blizzaris, has been covered in snow, Repton and his squadron plan to get revenge on the culprits. Meanwhile, the Storm Hawks meet a group called the Absolute Zeroes, a wild and crazy squadron that has just moved in on Terra Blizzaris.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Fire and Ice
Episode 9 - 12-13-2007
Every year dozens of Sky Knights go head to head in a treacherous bike race across Terra Saharr, competing to win a rare and powerful Velocity crystal. The adrenaline-fuelled run should give Aerrow a chance to show his stuff, but all bets are off when a mysterious masked rider shows up and plays by his own rules...
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Absolute Power
Episode 8 - 7-09-2007
Starling receives a distress call from scientists that are under siege from Repton. Aerrow and Radarr sign up to help Starling with the mission, but they have keep a "low profile". However, this is easier said than done because the terra where the scientists are being held has "the most impervious aerial defense system in all of Atmos".
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Absolute Power
The Black Gorge
Episode 7 - 7-02-2007
The Storm Hawks take a fatal shortcut through the Black Gorge, where Stork warns the team of the many creatures that live there.
Where to watch
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The Black Gorge
Best Friends Forever
Episode 6 - 12-13-2007
The Storm Hawks are in for a big surprise when they meet Piper's new friend Lark. While she looks like she might be a friend, the group starts to wonder when they're attacked by an "invisible" enemy and Piper has gone missing.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Best Friends Forever
The Code
Episode 4 - 6-11-2007
After losing a Phoenix Crystal to the "honorable" Rex Guardians, the Storm Hawks challenge them to a series of events to get it back. However, in order to win, they will have to do it without breaking their ancient rules. Meanwhile, the Dark Ace plans to steal the crystal, but will he succeed?
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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The Code
Gale Force Winds
Episode 3 - 6-04-2007
The Storm Hawks promise an old Sky Knight they'll rescue his granddaughter Dove, a prisoner in the clutches of Cyclonia. But when they sneak inside the Smelters of Terra Gale for the mission, they find Dove is anything but a damsel in distress. Rebel Ducks: Protectors of Terra Gale, until a Cyclonian invasion defeated the squadron. Several members were forced into exile, while the rest were imprisoned and made to work in the factories and smelters that now pollute the once-clear skies of their beloved home terra.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Gale Force Winds
Age of Heroes: Part 2
Episode 2 - 5-25-2007
The Storm Hawks join a mission to take back the Aurora Stone; though the team is instrumental in getting the stone away from Master Cyclonis, the members are not allowed to register as a Sky Knight squadron.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Age of Heroes Part 2
Age of Heroes: Part 1
Episode 1 - 5-25-2007
Young Sky Knight Aerrow and his squadron, The Storm Hawks, are determined to become an official squadron, but they will first have to prove themselves to the Sky Knight Council. Meanwhile, the Dark Ace and his squadron are sent by the evil Master Cyclonis to steal the Aurora Stone, the most powerful crystal in the world of Atmos.
Where to watch
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Age of Heroes Part 1
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
Terra Neon
Episode 20 - 11-30-2007
The Storm Hawks are sharing the spotlight on glitzy Terra Neon - but not by choice. Two evil producers have taken the Terra captive and are forcing everyone to audition for their next big show. And unless they can find a star, it’s curtains!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Haven't Seen
Terra Neon
The Storm Hawks Seven
Episode 21 - 12-03-2007
Starling joins the Storm Hawks for a daring mission to take back a tiny terra from the Cyclonians. Though it may seem like a harmless chunk of rock, Ravess is using the terra to house her evil sonic blaster, big enough to take out an entire airship! Unless Starling and the Hawks can find a way to work together, Ravess is going to control the skies!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
The Storm Hawks Seven
Talon Academy
Episode 22 - 12-04-2007
Being a Cyclonian isn’t as cool as they make it sound – and Aerrow, Radarr and Piper are determined to prove that to the kids at a Talon training academy. Sneaking inside as students, the Hawks quickly turn the training ground into a battle ground and overthrow the staff. Now they’ve got to teach headmaster Snipe a lesson!
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Talon Academy
Siren's Song
Episode 23 - 12-05-2007
A Sky Siren tempts the Hawks with their greatest desires while trying to pull them into a whirlpool.
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
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Haven't Seen
Sirens Song
Calling All Domos
Episode 24 - 12-06-2007
There’s trouble again on Terra Vapos, and since Finn saved them once before, he’s called back to Domo duty. But with the rest of the Hawks dealing with Junko’s wallop-sized toothache, Finn only has Stork to back him up. But will that be enough against the scary pirates known as The Murk Raiders?
Where to watch
Amazon Freevee
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Calling All Domos
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