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User Comments for: Star Trek: Lower Decks

Taomyn says...
4 years ago
Just when you thought CBS couldn't make any worse Trek, they vomit out this garbage. Not a funny thing in it and the animation is appalling. Roddenberry must be spinning in his grave at warp 9.
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Reply by polycarp
4 years ago
@taomyn I don't think he would. Behind the goofiness they do touch on similar subjects that TOS and TNG did. You might not like the humor, and that's your right, but the themes are very much Star Trek-y. And they call out Starfleet on a lot of their bullshit, especially in the second half, and that was refreshing.
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Reply by DrLRay
3 years ago
@taomyn Lower Decks is a dynamo because they wrap Rodenberry's body in copper wire and put magnets on either side of his coffin. That's right generating power with the spinning dead.
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+luisdanielurea says...
4 years ago
Being both a Star Trek and Rick & Morty fan I had some hopes, giving not so much importance about how piss off was the community of Trekkies about prior CBS shows. However, sadly, at least the first chapter feels like a bad parody. There are a lot of references, but humor is not as compelling or good as prior Mike McMahan shows.
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Paladin5150 says...
4 years ago
Looks like it comes from the SAME animation studio as Final Space, with many of the same character tropes. Not a "counter" to The Orville, but a look at the Trek universe and canon from the eyes of the usually expendable "Redshirts". In this universe, Starfleet Command staff don't always have "the RIGHT stuff, but instead are very, VERY LUCKY, always egotistically looking for ways to "make history" so they can get a mention in the official books, and are prone to take credit for the lower deck Geeks good ideas, and actions.

Lots of hat tips and mentions to TOS characters, creatures, and memes, as well as a pretty hilariously accurate depiction as to what would probably occur if you ACTUALLY tried to spar someone with a Bat'leth. A bit of intrigue is injected with the disclosure of Ensign Beckett Mariner's lineage, which looks like it might be interesting.

Didn't quite hit it out of the park the first episode, but, a fun and entertaining look at an alternate perspective of the Trek verse...
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benhanchett says...
4 years ago
Feels like a weak attempt to counter The Orville. Orville and Final Space are much better than this
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Hamadam says...
4 years ago
Much better than Orville, give it a try.
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Defestated says...
4 years ago
As a HUGE trek fan who's also not up my own arse I gave it a go as I'll always watch anything Trek. It started off rocky but I've found the in jokes, the things shown/talked about they you never see in normal trek and the nods to everything trek to be highly amusing. If you take this more as a rick and morty meets star trek it's pretty enjoyable you just had to take it for what it is rather than a classic trek.
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Reply by 2Ls1T
4 years ago
@defestated "_As a HUGE trek fan who's also not up my own arse_" - sadly there are far too many of those; you only need look at most of the comments here, or on the _Picard_ and _Discovery_ pages.
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Reply by Defestated
4 years ago
@2ls1t oh tell me about it. I saw a picard post on Facebook and people were absolute trolls and saying it was slow and boring and that patrick shouldn't of been in it or not named Picard when that was the WHOLE point....Had to argue with a lot of people who it turns out only watch some of the shows and had a very narrow view of the franchise. Everyone can have their own opinion but some of them were crazy stupid.
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Reply by 2Ls1T
4 years ago
@defestated I agree people will differ, quite rightly, over whether they enjoy these latest franchise installments but their reasons often stem from the same root. It's really rather tedious, especially as a lot of it (especially with _Discovery_ and to a lesser extent with _Picard_) comes from right-wing, anti 'anything that isn't straight white and male'. Like, just admit you're a 'bigot' and save us all some time, lol.
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tiny_thanos says...
4 years ago
A brilliant show that, unlike most Trekkies, doesn’t take itself to seriously and is able to poke fun at some of the sillier aspects of the universe without being a fully blown parody. The writing is great and the characters are as deep as we’ve come to expect from other adult animation.
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slimyboi says...
4 years ago
This is a good animated show. If you're a Star Trek fan it's a pretty good show. Is it Rick and Morty? No, but who cares? It's funny and goes beyond my expectations. This could have been a lame PG piece of garbage but it's legitimately entertaining and funny. The characters are great, the animation is dope, and it's excellent fan service.
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edrodez says...
4 years ago
It's a comedy, in the style of the most popular shows in the genre. It's a show that seeks to get new fans. It's very good what they're doing
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boolalanga says...
4 years ago
Do yourself a favor and watch Futurama instead.

Tepid and strictly for hardcore trekkies only.
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FinFan says...
4 years ago
Why even write something about it?

Those who hate it, too, will probably agree, those who like it may call me a disgruntled Trekkie. What the heck, I've been called worse.

I've endured the Abramsverse, Discovery, and Picard but this is where Star Trek dies.
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Reply by misnomer
4 years ago
@finfan aw, so disappointed to read your negative opinion about this show. For me, it's the best thing out of the Star Trek universe since _Voyager_ (bear in mind I have yet to watch _Enterprise_). It didn't impress me at first, but it gets hilarious with time. I guess it's just not for hardcore Trekkies, but I'd say that for anyone who enjoys the Star Trek universe and is fond of shows like _Futurama_ and _Ricky and Morty_, this can be top shelf stuff! I'm loving it, now, and seriously considering bumping my rating up a notch!
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Reply by FinFan
4 years ago
@misnomer See, that is exactly my point. I don't want Star Trek to be hilarious, it is not suposed to be hilarious. I may have a narrow vision when it comes to that but you can't just label something as Star Trek just because you put it in the general vicinity. Star Trek has a philosophy, there was a thought behind the idea. Of course it can be funny but not in a way that it becomes a sitcom. <br /> I gladly re-watch all the old stuff and leave this for others. And right now, I don't think there could be a future Star Trek show of interest. A friend of mine, also a decade long Trek fan, recently said he always thought every fan loves Trek. But it is that every fan loves HIS Trek. And that is probably the best way to explain it. I respect everyone who likes this but it just isn't for me.
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Reply by misnomer
4 years ago
@finfan this isn't meant to be a serious Trek show and you're clearing taking it seriously. But I understand your point of view, you're definitely an old-school, hardcore Trek fan. I've been watching Star Trek shows since the late '80s (I think), but I'm more flexible when it comes to what they do with the franchise, as long as the result is good. _Lower Decks_: good. _Discovery_ and _Picard_: bad. But to each their own, definitely, and I do understand where you're coming from.
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