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User Reviews for: Poker Face

/10  2 years ago
I was expecting this show to have a stronger crime/mystery department. It turns out to be a "hang-out show", not too real, not too fiction. "Just casually watch and relax" type of thing where you just like the characters. So if you're going to ask questions like "how does she always end up in places where crime happens", "how does police always leave clues behind", "blabla can't happen in real life", it's clearly not that type of a show. I don't think it tries to be either. If you want a solid crime show with 100% reality tone, you're in the wrong place.

Here's what the creator told:

>"The big ingredient I knew I needed for a show is a charismatic figure at the heart of it, because Columbo or Rockford Files, as much as those shows are mysteries, what really brings you back each week is you want to hang out with the main character. They're really 'hang out' shows," Johnson explained. "When I saw Natasha in Russian Doll, I thought here is somebody who has the presence and the charisma on the screen that I would just want to come back and be with her every week and see her win."

As many others, I love Natasha Lyonne from OITNB and Russian Doll, so it's good watching her in Poker Face as well. Having fun so far, but we'll see how the season go.
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Reply by dbjrkodi
2 years ago
@votresprit you said that perfect I grew up with Rockford Files, Columbo and the likes.. you nailed it.... yeah she pulls at ya like a sister or something. endearing she's always getting the shaft but does the right thing ....... LOL that puppy scene in the car .. "Avenge you... I don't even fucking like you" I hope she stays with this a long time... Haven't had one of these feel good shows in a lonnnnngg time
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Reply by robturner45
12 months ago
Yeh you're right, it doesn't take itself incredibly seriously and that's fine, people criticising it for realism need to take a step back and view the bigger picture.<br /> <br /> I've watched a few of them now I think I got up to the BBQ one or the one after that. I'm not totally invested tbh and it's probably not something I'll carry on watching and that's fine.<br /> However that's not to say it's bad, you can see the craft and love put into the writing the set design, pretty much everything. It's a good show and maybe I'll revisit it someday but right now it's not for me.<br /> <br /> When I see people criticising it for having not enough realism or spectacular elements I'm thinking they must just be in my state of mind of "it's just not for me".
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