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Phenomenon: The Lost Archives


Streaming Episode Guide

Season 1
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Season 1  
HeavyWatergate: The War Against Cold Fusion
Episode 14 - 1-01-1998
On March 23, 1989, respected chemists, Dr. Stanley Pons and Dr. Martin Fleishman made an announcement that rocked the world of science. Their tabletop experiments with heavy water, a renewable resource readily available in ocean water, yielded enormous amounts of heat energy. Appropriately named, "Cold Fusion," this breakthrough challenged many basic scientific concepts. In response, a group of powerful physicists, heavily reliant upon government funding for their hot fusion research, leveled an unprecedented smear campaign against Pons, Fleishman and the entire field of Cold Fusion science. Was the discovery of Fire From Water too good to be true? Or was it the discovery of the millennium?
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HeavyWatergate The War Against Cold Fusion
H.A.A.R.P. Holes in Heaven
Episode 13 - 1-01-1998
High-Frequency Active Aural Research Project or H.A.A.R.P. is a combined effort of the Air Force and Navy ostensibly designed to influence the weather. Consisting of large fields of high energy projectors, this brainchild of the controversial Nikola Tesla, has been associated with everything from the breakdown of the ozone layer, to electromagnetic warfare. H.A.A.R.P. has achieved long range undersea communications, but its clandestine applications as a long range particle beam weapon able to alter the electrical impulses of the human brain are what make the technology controversial. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
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HAARP Holes in Heaven
American Midnight
Episode 12 - 1-01-1998
This shocking, power packed indictment, brings into sharp focus the Iran/Contra conspiracy through the least likely of events: The slaying of two innocent high school students. Out for a night of fun near the train tracks, these unassuming local boys witness an airdrop of drugs by the infamous international drug smuggler and CIA operative, Barry Sieles. Though some are jailed and others pay with their lives, the remaining victims: The parents of the slain boys, the Constitution of the United States and the people of the Western World, have yet to divine justice.
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American Midnight
Unknown Encounter
Episode 11 - 1-01-1998
Supported by interviews with Barry Taft, one of the nations leading para-psychologists, Unknown Encounter chronicles the six year haunting of a California woman and the researchers committed to finding out the truth about the her unwelcome visitor. Where does this secret guest hail from: Is he a family member, a guardian specter or just an unwanted nuisance? Was foul play involved? With the historical backdrop of first hand testimonials and the discovery of an unsolved murder involving the invading entity, this program delivers a visually rich, and spooky hour of Blair Witch like chills.
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Unknown Encounter
Monopoly Men
Episode 10 - 1-01-1998
During the Wilson Presidency, the U.S. Government sanctioned the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization maintained to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the FED is shrouded in secrecy. People of the world will be shocked to discover that the principal business of the FED is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. Government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top secret international organizations is explored.
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Monopoly Men
Irretrievably Lost: The Search for the Savannah Warhead
Episode 9 - 1-01-1998
Recently released government documents indicate that over the past 50 years, American military operations have been responsible for the loss or disappearance of 12 Atomic weapons. How could this happen? What are the consequences? Each account is explored in frightening detail through interviews with the actual pilots that erroneously dropped the deadly weapons. In Savannah, the boggy home to families of residential fisherman, we join investigators as they dredge and wade through the mire in search of what experts believe to be an armed nuclear warhead. "If we've lost 12, how many have they lost?"
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Irretrievably Lost The Search for the Savannah Warhead
Genesis Revisited
Episode 8 - 1-01-1998
Evidence of a civilization ruled by emissaries from another world are revealed in the ancient tablets of man. Historian and Archeologist Zecharia Sitien uncovers the lost and hidden archives of the Annunaki: Extra-planetary visitors who over 6,000 years ago inspired what is thought to be the earliest civilization known to man; Sumeria. From the sacred stone tablets of this culture, many of the teachings of the earliest inventors, philosophers and biblical scholars once thought mythical, are now known to be true. Where did these Anunaki come from? Sitien says and NASA scientists concur, that there may be a mysterious 10th member to our solar system: The planet the Sumerians called, Nibiru.
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Genesis Revisited
Science Fraud: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog?
Episode 7 - 1-01-1998
1h 0m
The Cold Fusion Debacle and the purported discovery of the Piltdown man stand as two of the greatest shams perpetrated over the course of scientific history. Have the people of science learned anything from the real or alleged Goldbricks of the past? Experts in the field seem to think not. Today's scientists are under mounting pressure to achieve results. If they do not, they risk losing research grants and/or a chance at University tenure. How do these inherent conflicts of interest impact the integrity of medical and scientific discovery and how do they affect our society at large?
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Science Fraud Is the Tail Wagging the Dog
Keeping the Faith
Episode 6 - 1-01-1998
How does the charismatic energy of any leader result in the voluntary death of hundreds, even a thousand people. Throughout the development civilization, incidents of mass suicide have shaken humanity to it's foundation. Yet history records very different social attitudes toward these extreme events. From the martyrdom staged at Masada against the Romans, to the debauchery and carnage perpetrated by Jim Jones in Guyana, are these the acts of the morally righteous or the morally depraved? In the end, what made them do it?
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Keeping the Faith
Lost Lighting: The Missing Secrets of Nicola Tesla
Episode 5 - 1-01-1998
At the end of the 19th century, a race was on to power the world. Fraught with shameless incidents of divisiveness and greed, some of our most respected historical figures sounded the battle cry, among them inventor Thomas Edison and the worldly entrepreneur, J.P. Morgan. Caught in the crossfire was arguably the greatest inventor of all time, the man responsible for harnessing Niagara Falls and the AC current that powers our homes. Nikola Tesla claimed he could provide everyone with free, unlimited energy. Could his claim have been true?
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Lost Lighting The Missing Secrets of Nicola Tesla
Up for Sale
Episode 4 - 1-01-1998
On October 4, 1957, the Soviets launch the legendary orbiter, Sputnik, ushering in the space age. In 1998, the Russian Federation sends the first stage of the international space station, Freedom into space. While at first glance it seems little has changed, closer scrutiny reveals that billions of American dollars are being funneled to Russia to secure their participation in the Space Station partnership. Called by the elite of NASA, a foreign aid project for the Russians, the principle purpose of the program may be to abate the mass exodus of Russian rocket scientists to unfriendly nations interested in developing weapons of mass destruction.
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Up for Sale
Stolen Glory: The Cover-up of Cosmonaut Vladimir Ilyushin
Episode 3 - 1-01-1998
On April 12th, 1961, the Soviet Union reports the successful launch, orbit and reentry of the first man in space, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. With the collapse of communism and the rise of freedom in the Russian Federation, recent access to documents in the Kremlin archives reveal a story intended to remain buried forever. Yuri Gagarin, the icon of triumphant communism known world over, was not the first man in space. Join us for a visit with Vladimir Ilyushin, the unsung hero of the first manned Soviet Space mission.
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Haven't Seen
Stolen Glory The Coverup of Cosmonaut Vladimir Ilyushin
Tunguska: The Russian Roswell
Episode 2 - 1-01-1998
Just prior to the Russian Revolution a mysterious 40 megaton explosion lays to waste nearly 200 square kilometers of Earth in the desolate northlands of Siberia. The Official Story alleges the impact of an asteroid, but no known scientific explanation can account for the metal fragments found at the site, the lack of an impact crater or the high level of radiation present. Was it an asteroid? Or could it have been the explosion of an extra terrestrial craft? Scientifically speaking each conclusion has equal merit.
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Tunguska The Russian Roswell
Noah's Ark Found?
Episode 1 - 1-01-1998
In 1960, a joint US/Turkish expedition sets out to investigate the aerial sighting of a boat shaped object located in the Ararat Mountains of Eastern Turkey. Though this initial investigation bears little fruit, the stage is set for explorer and archaeologist, Ron Wyatt. 35 years later, at 6,300 feet above sea level, to assemble the proof that may establish the half buried boat shaped object as the mortal remains of the legendary Noah's Ark.
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Noahs Ark Found
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
Unknown Encounter
Episode 11 - 1-01-1998
Supported by interviews with Barry Taft, one of the nations leading para-psychologists, Unknown Encounter chronicles the six year haunting of a California woman and the researchers committed to finding out the truth about the her unwelcome visitor. Where does this secret guest hail from: Is he a family member, a guardian specter or just an unwanted nuisance? Was foul play involved? With the historical backdrop of first hand testimonials and the discovery of an unsolved murder involving the invading entity, this program delivers a visually rich, and spooky hour of Blair Witch like chills.
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Unknown Encounter
Genesis Revisited
Episode 8 - 1-01-1998
Evidence of a civilization ruled by emissaries from another world are revealed in the ancient tablets of man. Historian and Archeologist Zecharia Sitien uncovers the lost and hidden archives of the Annunaki: Extra-planetary visitors who over 6,000 years ago inspired what is thought to be the earliest civilization known to man; Sumeria. From the sacred stone tablets of this culture, many of the teachings of the earliest inventors, philosophers and biblical scholars once thought mythical, are now known to be true. Where did these Anunaki come from? Sitien says and NASA scientists concur, that there may be a mysterious 10th member to our solar system: The planet the Sumerians called, Nibiru.
Where to watch
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Haven't Seen
Genesis Revisited
American Midnight
Episode 12 - 1-01-1998
This shocking, power packed indictment, brings into sharp focus the Iran/Contra conspiracy through the least likely of events: The slaying of two innocent high school students. Out for a night of fun near the train tracks, these unassuming local boys witness an airdrop of drugs by the infamous international drug smuggler and CIA operative, Barry Sieles. Though some are jailed and others pay with their lives, the remaining victims: The parents of the slain boys, the Constitution of the United States and the people of the Western World, have yet to divine justice.
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American Midnight
H.A.A.R.P. Holes in Heaven
Episode 13 - 1-01-1998
High-Frequency Active Aural Research Project or H.A.A.R.P. is a combined effort of the Air Force and Navy ostensibly designed to influence the weather. Consisting of large fields of high energy projectors, this brainchild of the controversial Nikola Tesla, has been associated with everything from the breakdown of the ozone layer, to electromagnetic warfare. H.A.A.R.P. has achieved long range undersea communications, but its clandestine applications as a long range particle beam weapon able to alter the electrical impulses of the human brain are what make the technology controversial. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
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Haven't Seen
HAARP Holes in Heaven
Noah's Ark Found?
Episode 1 - 1-01-1998
In 1960, a joint US/Turkish expedition sets out to investigate the aerial sighting of a boat shaped object located in the Ararat Mountains of Eastern Turkey. Though this initial investigation bears little fruit, the stage is set for explorer and archaeologist, Ron Wyatt. 35 years later, at 6,300 feet above sea level, to assemble the proof that may establish the half buried boat shaped object as the mortal remains of the legendary Noah's Ark.
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Haven't Seen
Noahs Ark Found
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