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User Comments for: Penny Dreadful: City of Angels

mrjeffwright says...
5 years ago
What the floating flying fuck have they done to Penny Dreadful? This keeps getting worse - and more cliche, and boring - with each episode.
I'll try to keep watching and just hope it gets at least a little bit better by the end of the season, but holy crap...
what a disappointment, Mr. Logan, sir. What a huge disappointment.

EDIT: Finished the 10th episode today.
Great photography;
Superb choreographies (the dance scenes really were amazing);
So much - and I'll repeat: SO MUCH - potential;
All the right themes/ideas were there, and they could have been dealt with in such a unique manner...
but they weren't. This was just a huge disappointment.
The ending felt rushed - if that was an ending, I'm not even sure right now -, and didn't give us anything it built up to.
Well, to keep this short... I don't want to give any spoilers, so for whoever's reading this: watch it, and have your own opinion.
Me? I'm honestly not looking forward to any new episodes.
(But I still trust Mr. Logan. I know he'll continue to give us amazing shows/films/stories. Let's just wait.)
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