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User Reviews for: Mr. Mercedes

/10  one year ago
im done. fuck me up the ass (hodges).

ok ... first... if you know the books.... dont watch the series. if you dont know the books... maybe you can try. i read the books, was was looking forward to watch the series... and im very disappointed.

but there is one good thing: the actors: hodges, holly, jerome.... they fit. they fit very good. brady is ok - in my head is more a paul dano
and i know - stephen king books are in many ways hard to make movies from it. but must of the time because the story, the horror is to "extrem". but not here, these are very basic crime-books. nothing extraordinary.

book 1 - series 1 - was fine. close to the book. sure, some things are different (ida, his wife) - but overall fine. even the art-gallery instead of the concert is ok. brady stabbing lou... ok... why not.
book 3 - series 2 - i get it why they changed - to keep the brady-story alive. but why killing pete? why montez? why changing the way brady interacts with dr z? oh sorry, there is no dr z. because brady never took control over babineau. the whole zappit-thing was the main-thing in the book. the reason they called z-boy and dr z. brady wanted. brady wanted control over the people from the concert (or art gallery). he tried the get in there brain and commit suicide. nothing was in the series. in the end - brady takes over babineau, kills his body in drives to the cabin - hodges follows for the showdown. but no - brady comes back alive. hunts babineau - gets arrestet and killed from lou in the trail. complete diffrent
book 2 - series 3 - a lot of new charakter. only the baseline - like 10% are from the books. charakters are complete differten from the books (bellamy is a badass, not such a wuss). and in the books - lou was not in this one. there is no trail. there is no finkelstein for holly[/spoiler]

im angry. such a good story, such good actors. and then making this bullshit out of it. they changed to much. took 10% maybe 20% - the rest is something else. the books are very good - the series is not.
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Reply by handykl
one year ago
is the 2nd book of the bill hodges series content of this tv show? or just mr. mercedes and mind control (in 2 of 3 seasons?)
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