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User Comments for: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

borayeris says...
3 years ago
Another project fucked up for SJW. Masters of the Universe is He-man. We don't want to watch Teela. We want He-man. You are ruining He-man as Disney ruined Star Wars with Rey.
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Reply by ThunderZtormDK
3 years ago
@borayeris No, Masters of the Universe is Masters of the Universe. He-Man is just ONE of the many characters.
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Reply by borayeris
3 years ago
@thunderztormdk not one of the many characters. He-man is the most important character.
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Reply by Saydaysago
3 years ago
@borayeris i mean the whole season is about He-Man, his death, and his coming back to life, etc so I agree he is still the most important character in these first five episodes
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Reply by DidouPh
3 years ago
@borayeris About 40 years have passed, and our world changed a lot since then... Everything changes... you're obviously not the same as when the original release came out... Grow up like He-Man did. Disney ruined Star Wars by being Disney... Rey is a decent character that you don't like... really ... keep it accurate and relatable. A strong female character being settled among a swarm of men with depth as shallow as they are muscular... that's not ruining a show, that's making it resound beyond the original franchise and get in synch with the message it tried to forecast in the first place...
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Reply by TheMeliv
3 years ago
@didouph [spoiler] I think Rey is decent, the part I don't like is the fact that she was mad at He-Man several years later, after he even died saving them, because he kept a secret from her, that literally only like 4 other people knew about.[/spoiler]
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Arunkk052 says...
3 years ago
It's A Treat To He-Man Fans, Animation Is Good, But Only Downside is that it has only 5 Episodes
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Reply by giraffic.park
3 years ago
@arunkk052 This is just part one
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Entrapta says...
3 years ago
First of all, while it isn't _nearly_ as great as She-Ra _(obviously)_ it is still enjoyable. And while I "get" why the fanbois got their panties all in a twist they seriously just need to get over it. This is not a bad show at all.

The art and music is all great. It fits the show well. The character designs are all true to the '80s version, just with an updated style and it looks good. The voice cast is of course amazing with many great stars in it and they mostly do a great job. Unfortunately I feel that casting Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela was a miscast. And only because her voice doesn't seem to match the strongly built character. It just feels off.

The fleshing out of secondary (and tertiary) characters is really nice as they finally gain some depth, even if it is just a little it is still more than we've ever had. I love Roboto, and even Orko got some actual proper dialogue! Backstory even! Orko!
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Reply by TheUnderdog
3 years ago
@entrapta i hated she-ra and i like Masters of the Universe :thumbsup:
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Reply by dtsouza
3 years ago
@theunderdog Did you watch the whole thing? I felt so-so at first but it's great once the side characters are more fleshed out.
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Archangell says...
3 years ago
More like _**She-Man: Whamen of teh Uterverse**_

#SpoilerAlert: This is not about He-Man. It's the... Teela Show. Complete with the "one side of the head shaved hairdo" that hollyweird seems to **THINK** all lesbians and/or "strong women" sport.

This series is a big joke and it's completely disrespectful to [1] He-Man fans and [2] Actual women

Unless you have **NO IDEA** what He-Man is about and/or you're new to this IP (**I**ntellectual **P**roperty), don't waste your time on this hot garbage.
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kryptwalker says...
3 years ago
WTF? Why do they keep doing this?
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AlmightyKD says...
3 years ago
People need to calm down. This is just the first part of the story to reboot the franchise. it's not focused on He-man but he'll be the focus soon enough. it's very well done and as someone who watched this as a kid I loved how they took a show that really had no reason for existing other than to market the toys and gave it purpose. I really enjoyed it and look forward to seeing where they take the story next.
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Reply by dtsouza
3 years ago
@almightykd Most of those people didn't bother to watch it close enough to realize all the plot point being set up - if they even watched the whole thing, that is.
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joshvaughn777 says...
3 years ago
Beautiful animation but now I see why it is masters of the universe and not He-man and the masters of the universe…He-man is literally written out and relegated to an insignificant add on…disappointing.
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Fragnet says...
3 years ago
Let's start with the positive, great animation and design, amazing work by the artists.
The writing though was kind of okay I guess.
Addressing the elephant in the room, yes, I felt extremely cheated by all the trailers and sinopses Netflix marketing provided, sure I was surprised by the direction they chose the series to go but at the same time I felt they pranked and trolled me. [spoiler]Basically I was hoping to to see Adam/He-man but the production decided NOPE! Take Teela instead she'll be your primary character now, and He-man will be just an afterthought. The problem is I really like the character of Teela but their bait and switch made me feel resentful towards her. Poor marketing I guess and not having a clue what their target demographic was hoping to see.[/spoiler]
I'm all for subverting expectations, but I just fell cheated.

Look what they done to my boy... :disappointed:
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HarboeJacob says...
3 years ago
Well that was dissapointing. Started fine, but keept going down from there.
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Mystech says...
3 years ago
I have no issue with Teela taking a more central role in the series. What I have issue with is how it took a new series to make me realize how boring the MotU story was and still is. Bracing for fan rage...
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Auron1983 says...
3 years ago
Wokeflix attacks again, Teela as She-man? Orko dead? Multiverse with feminism? No thanks i will keep the original series as canon, not this.
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Reply by InTheGripOfWinter
3 years ago
@auron1983 big scary woman ruined my He-Man, boo hoo!
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Reply by axonrlp
3 years ago
@inthegripofwinter bad story ruined the show, not cuse its a show with female lead, that narrative is already tired try to use something new.
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Reply by JokerDBlue
3 years ago
@auron1983 Have you ever heard of separate canons?
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Reply by InTheGripOfWinter
3 years ago
@axonrlp according to the original post the show is bad because it's to "woke", whatever that means, anche because it has femenism so take it up with him. Saying the story is "bad" means nothing.
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Reply by DidouPh
3 years ago
@auron1983 About 40 years have passed, and our world changed a lot since then... Everything changes... you're obviously not the same as when the original release came out... Grow up lieke He-Man did.
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drmndrummer says...
4 years ago
Stoked for this!!! You are bringing my childhood back to life!
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Reply by drmndrummer
3 years ago
And ruined it a fresh...
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dwkish says...
5 years ago
this show hasnt ended, still in production
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JohnsonAlexander150 says...
3 years ago
Nothing tastes as good as salty dude bro tears, honestly watching all these men have a tantrum makes this even better.

As a nineties kid I never watched HeMan, and honestly it’s too dated for me to enjoy at this point, so I am coming in fresh here. But this is amazing animation, and incredible voice talent.

The story is compelling and enjoyable, with twists and wonderful female empowerment. This is modern animation at its finest and I am very invested in the future of this program.

I hope to see queer representation also as was done with She-Ra.
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Reply by Archangell
3 years ago
@johnsonalexander150 **NOTHING** about this series was compelling :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:.... I find it so telling that those of your ilk never want to create something brand new, but you're **ALWAYS** willing to take what someone else created and deconstruct it and/or destroy it to push an ideological narrative. so compelling....:grimacing:<br /> <br /> And FYI: criticizing something as 'terrible' because **IT IS** terrible is not "dude bro tear tantrums". it's simply criticizing
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Reply by Kaisaria
3 years ago
@johnsonalexander150 You do realize that a lot of the people pissed off (like yours truly) are WOMEN who were fan of the original and the 2002 version, right? Not only is this not He-Man, and disrespects the male fans, it slaps the female fans in the face as well by making a formerly strong heroic female character (Teela) into a totally unlikable selfish bitch, even going to far as to remove any of her feminine traits (both physical ones like long hair and curves, and more ephemeral feminine traits like her big sisterly attitude she used to have). She's effectively just a dude with tits in this show.
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Reply by JohnsonAlexander150
3 years ago
@kaisaria once again I say, this is not Twitter I’m not going to sit here and argue my review with you. Almost every other review is harsh, critical, and in my opinion over the top. I’m sorry it’s not what you expected or hoped for but sometimes things change. This is my review, I liked it. I liked it more because people were mad and I happen to like progressive, feminist forward media. That’s it, that’s my review. Feel free to post your own which I won’t comment and argue with, let me be the one person in fifth that likes something and hopefully my review will be seen by somebody and will encourage them to watch it, rather than listen to the fifty people who aren’t watching it for what it is and are stuck with their childhood memories. Sometimes things are not for you and that’s okay,
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Reply by JohnsonAlexander150
3 years ago
@kaisaria once again I say, this is not Twitter I’m not going to sit here and argue my review with you. Almost every other review is harsh, critical, and in my opinion over the top. I’m sorry it’s not what you expected or hoped for but sometimes things change. This is my review, I liked it. I liked it more because people were mad and I happen to like progressive, feminist forward media. That’s it, that’s my review. Feel free to post your own which I won’t comment and argue with, let me be the one person in fifth that likes something and hopefully my review will be seen by somebody and will encourage them to watch it, rather than listen to the fifty people who aren’t watching it for what it is and are stuck with their childhood memories. Sometimes things are not for you and that’s okay,
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Reply by omniapex
3 years ago
Spoiler Alert: Cooked Review by VIP badge
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