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User Reviews for: La Frecuencia Kirlian

CONTAINS SPOILERS7/10  3 years ago

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This is a fun little anthology show where each episode is based on a different spooky ghost story. I honestly quite enjoyed it and binged through it all in one sitting. None of the episodes are long so you can sit down and watch every episode fairly quickly and then move onto a longer show or a movie.

There's many good episodes in The Kirlian Frequency, some stand out ones for me are Season 1 Episode 2 "The Masters of the Night" and Season 1 Episode 3 "A New Colour". Both of these episodes were full of the right amount of spookiness and kept you guessing even though they didn't last long at all. One thing I really like about this show is that even though they don't have the longest episodes they still manage to get just the right amount of information into the episode to keep you interested and content with what you've watched.

If I'm honest though there isn't anything stand out about this show and there's many shows out there than can provide the same as this or better **BUT** this show still provides what it does in a good way. It can be a little boring at times and there were 1 or 2 episodes that I didn't find interesting at all but when it comes to the show as a whole it was an enjoyable watch.

I really like the way the show is animated, it's one of the most beautiful animations I have seen. Looking back on it now there's a few episodes (even the ones that I didn't enjoy too much) that were designed beautifully and it really helped pain the picture across whilst also keeping the creepy vibe alive.

Unfortunately I had to stop watching The Kirlian Frequency due to me not knowing anywhere that was uploading the show. It's a shame but I'll look back on the show quite fondly and it'll always be a nice little spooky gem that I'll have in my library.

**Overall rating: 7/10**
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