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I Cesaroni


Streaming Episode Guide

Season 6 | Season 5
| Season 4
| Season 3
| Season 2
| Season 1
| Top 5 Episodes
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Season 6  
Ti amo troppo per (non) dirtelo
Episode 12 - 11-19-2014
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Ti amo troppo per non dirtelo
Il più bel giorno della sua vita
Episode 11 - 11-12-2014
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Il pi bel giorno della sua vita
C'era un figlio in America
Episode 10 - 11-09-2014
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Cera un figlio in America
I ragazzi del lago
Episode 9 - 10-26-2014
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I ragazzi del lago
Per un pugno di Mimmo
Episode 8 - 10-19-2014
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Per un pugno di Mimmo
Il bene e il malore
Episode 7 - 10-12-2014
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Il bene e il malore
Basso tradimento
Episode 6 - 10-05-2014
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Basso tradimento
La stanza della figlia
Episode 5 - 9-28-2014
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La stanza della figlia
Sesso, bugie e webseries
Episode 4 - 9-23-2014
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Sesso bugie e webseries
Paura e delirio alla Garbatella
Episode 3 - 9-16-2014
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Paura e delirio alla Garbatella
Due cuori e una speranza
Episode 2 - 9-10-2014
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Due cuori e una speranza
Giulio e i suoi fratelli
Episode 1 - 9-03-2014
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Giulio e i suoi fratelli
Season 5  
Ci sono della gente che non li fanno più
Episode 29 - 12-14-2012
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Ci sono della gente che non li fanno pi
Un vero dramma
Episode 28 - 12-14-2012
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Un vero dramma
Uguali e diversi
Episode 27 - 12-07-2012
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Uguali e diversi
Siamo tutti così
Episode 26 - 12-07-2012
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Siamo tutti cos
Inutile nascondersi
Episode 25 - 11-30-2012
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Inutile nascondersi
La ricetta perfetta
Episode 24 - 11-30-2012
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La ricetta perfetta
Vecchie leggende
Episode 23 - 11-23-2012
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Vecchie leggende
Episode 22 - 11-23-2012
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Alla ricerca del tempo passato
Episode 21 - 10-26-2012
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Alla ricerca del tempo passato
Con nobili princìpi
Episode 20 - 11-16-2012
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Con nobili princpi
Sognando la realtà
Episode 19 - 11-16-2012
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Sognando la realt
Senza mezze misure
Episode 18 - 11-09-2012
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Senza mezze misure
Da occidente a oriente
Episode 17 - 11-09-2012
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Da occidente a oriente
Contro tutto e tutti
Episode 16 - 11-02-2012
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Contro tutto e tutti
Ad occhi chiusi
Episode 15 - 11-02-2012
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Ad occhi chiusi
Milano andata e ritorno
Episode 14 - 10-28-2012
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Milano andata e ritorno
Un passo alla volta
Episode 13 - 10-21-2012
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Un passo alla volta
Mai al tappeto
Episode 12 - 10-21-2012
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Mai al tappeto
Episode 11 - 10-19-2012
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Genio tra le pagine
Episode 10 - 10-19-2012
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Genio tra le pagine
Dall'amor rapito
Episode 9 - 10-12-2012
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Dallamor rapito
Tu musica divina
Episode 8 - 10-12-2012
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Tu musica divina
Lontano dai pregiudizi
Episode 7 - 10-05-2012
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Lontano dai pregiudizi
Padre vero
Episode 6 - 9-28-2012
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Padre vero
Un segnalibro nel cuore
Episode 5 - 9-28-2012
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Un segnalibro nel cuore
L'eterna giovinezza
Episode 4 - 9-21-2012
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Leterna giovinezza
Bagliore nel cielo
Episode 3 - 9-21-2012
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Bagliore nel cielo
A folle velocità
Episode 2 - 9-14-2012
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A folle velocit
L'arte di amare
Episode 1 - 9-14-2012
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Larte di amare
Season 4  
Episode 20 - 12-21-2010
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Manzo argentino
Episode 19 - 12-17-2010
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Manzo argentino
Rei per una notte
Episode 18 - 12-14-2010
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Rei per una notte
Nel pallone
Episode 17 - 12-10-2010
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Nel pallone
Germana anno zero
Episode 16 - 12-07-2010
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Germana anno zero
Sim sala sbam!
Episode 15 - 11-30-2010
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Sim sala sbam
Episode 14 - 11-23-2010
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Il sorriso di Marta
Episode 13 - 11-16-2010
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Il sorriso di Marta
Cattive compagnie
Episode 12 - 11-09-2010
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Cattive compagnie
Pregiudizio universale
Episode 11 - 11-02-2010
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Pregiudizio universale
Non darmi buca
Episode 10 - 10-26-2010
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Non darmi buca
Pulizie di primavera
Episode 9 - 10-19-2010
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Pulizie di primavera
Pensiero stupendo
Episode 8 - 10-11-2010
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Pensiero stupendo
Due amici in affitto
Episode 7 - 10-04-2010
1h 10m
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Due amici in affitto
Gli imboscati
Episode 6 - 9-30-2010
1h 10m
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Gli imboscati
Occhio vigile
Episode 5 - 9-23-2010
1h 10m
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Occhio vigile
Successo assicurato
Episode 4 - 9-17-2010
1h 10m
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Successo assicurato
Ragazza triste
Episode 3 - 9-17-2010
1h 10m
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Ragazza triste
Toro seduto
Episode 2 - 9-16-2010
1h 10m
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Toro seduto
Serenissima variabile
Episode 1 - 9-09-2010
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Serenissima variabile
Season 3  
Ovunque andrai
Episode 29 - 5-25-2009
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Ovunque andrai
Io e te per sempre
Episode 28 - 5-25-2009
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Io e te per sempre
Foto di famiglia
Episode 27 - 5-22-2009
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Foto di famiglia
Diversità elettive
Episode 26 - 5-18-2009
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Diversit elettive
Ancora tu
Episode 25 - 5-11-2009
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Ancora tu
Padre padrone
Episode 24 - 5-11-2009
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Padre padrone
Ti amo, neanch'io
Episode 23 - 5-04-2009
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Ti amo neanchio
Non ho l'età
Episode 22 - 5-04-2009
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Non ho let
Care mamme
Episode 21 - 4-24-2009
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Care mamme
Ninnananna nonni
Episode 20 - 4-17-2009
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Ninnananna nonni
Campagna acquisti
Episode 19 - 4-17-2009
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Campagna acquisti
Ho sposato Eros
Episode 18 - 4-10-2009
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Ho sposato Eros
Basta crederci
Episode 17 - 4-03-2009
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Basta crederci
Danni e donne
Episode 16 - 4-03-2009
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Danni e donne
A volte ritornano
Episode 15 - 3-27-2009
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A volte ritornano
Era mia madre
Episode 14 - 3-27-2009
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Era mia madre
Roulette russa
Episode 13 - 3-20-2009
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Roulette russa
Siamo uomini, o gnomi?
Episode 12 - 3-20-2009
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Siamo uomini o gnomi
Scelta di campo
Episode 11 - 3-13-2009
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Scelta di campo
Sfido dunque sono
Episode 10 - 3-13-2009
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Sfido dunque sono
Mutuo soccorso
Episode 9 - 3-06-2009
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Mutuo soccorso
Il pesce pilota
Episode 8 - 3-06-2009
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Il pesce pilota
Il seme dell'amicizia
Episode 7 - 2-27-2009
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Il seme dellamicizia
Su la testa
Episode 6 - 2-27-2009
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Su la testa
I garbatelleros
Episode 5 - 2-20-2009
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I garbatelleros
Le verità nascoste
Episode 4 - 2-20-2009
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Le verit nascoste
Porchetta e porcellana
Episode 3 - 2-13-2009
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Porchetta e porcellana
Garbatella calibro 9
Episode 2 - 2-13-2009
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Garbatella calibro 9
Lotta senza il quartiere
Episode 1 - 2-06-2009
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Lotta senza il quartiere
Season 2  
Prova di maturità
Episode 26 - 5-08-2008
Giulio and Lucia Cesaroni organize the ritual barbecue that marks the end of summer. Among those present are Giulio's inevitable brother, the mechanic Ezio Masetti and his wife Stefania, a friend of Lucia and the principal of the school where they both teach. Obviously Lucia's mother, Gabriella, is also there, while the youngest of the family, Mimmo, observes that this year the doors of middle school are opening for him. For Alice and Rudi, always dog and cat, instead the much more terrifying doors of high school are opening wide! The firstborns Marco and Eva are far away: he studies music in Milan while she is in New York to specialize in journalism and live with her chef boyfriend, Alex. Their friend Walter, son of Stefania and Enzo, is left hanging around Garbatella, drooling over Carlotta, his beautiful girlfriend from the upper neighborhoods. While walking with Rudi, his passion for mechanics leads him to notice a splendid vintage motorcycle that he inadvertently knocks over.
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Prova di maturit
Crescere, che fatica!
Episode 25 - 5-04-2008
Rudi, miraculously promoted, refuses to work in the wine shop, resorting to the blue telephone. The intervention of social services helps Giulio and Lucia to teach the little rascal a lesson. Meanwhile, Eva's departure does not go down well with Lucia.
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Crescere che fatica
Tutto per uno
Episode 24 - 5-01-2008
Giulio and Cesare are convinced that Ezio has contracted the Ebola virus, infected by the parish priest Don Luciano who has just returned from Africa. The three friends believe they are infected and lock themselves in a wine shop, drunk, awaiting death.
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Tutto per uno
Ma quant'è dura la salita
Episode 23 - 4-24-2008
The Cesaroni's great soccer dream is about to come true: Romulana could make the jump in category. Giulio uses legal and illegal means to achieve victory, while Cesare does everything he can to ensure Romulana loses.
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Ma quant dura la salita
Episode 22 - 4-18-2008
Cesare, having escaped a collision with a chandelier that fell into a liquor store just as the procession of San Saverio was passing through the neighborhood, believes he has been miraculously saved and undergoes a sudden conversion, worrying Giulio.
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I segreti sono come i cereali nel latte
Episode 21 - 4-17-2008
Little secrets torment the Cesaronis. Lucia throws a water bomb that hits Stefania and makes her miss the meeting of her life with a famous writer, while Giulio and Ezio believe that Cesare hides his gambling addiction from them.
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I segreti sono come i cereali nel latte
Episode 20 - 4-04-2008
Cesare, to encourage little Mimmo to take swimming lessons, boasts of being a great swimmer, but in the pool he is forced to confess that he fears water more than his nephew, keeping away from it. Faced with Mimmo's difficulty during the race, Cesare, however, does not hesitate to dive in to accompany the child to the finish line. Lucia and Giulio, meanwhile, try to stay close to Eva and Marco, still suffering from the end of their relationship. While Marco prefers to stay alone, Eva, resumes her relationship with Alex.
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Sogno o son Giulio
Episode 19 - 4-04-2008
On the advice of the doctor, who fears a new trauma, the Cesaronis indulge the amnesiac Francesco who believes himself to be Giulio. The man usurps the innkeeper's place at home, in the wine shop and also next to Lucia.
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Sogno o son Giulio
L'amico immaginario
Episode 18 - 3-28-2008
Due to an accident in the wine shop, Giulio is forced to welcome the amnesiac Francesco into his home, who soon wins the sympathy of the entire family. Meanwhile, Cesare and Ezio discover his true identity: Francesco's name is Oreste and he is gay.
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Lamico immaginario
Che brutto affare
Episode 17 - 3-28-2008
Giulio and Cesare are convinced by Ezio to join him, to sell sandwiches and wine with a traveling stall. The company works, but soon Ezio, instigated by Barilon, demands most of the profits, starting a war between the partners.
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Che brutto affare
Amore che vieni, amore che vai
Episode 16 - 3-21-2008
Cesare sees Pamela again, the two still love each other and start dating again. The innkeeper, however, cannot confess to her that he is a virgin and instead of sincerity, he prefers to disguise himself, on Giulio's advice, behind the false identity of the wealthy Achille.
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Amore che vieni amore che vai
L'erba voglio
Episode 15 - 3-21-2008
Giulio and Ezio are convinced that Cesare is abusing drugs, while the poor innkeeper is struggling with a furious stomach ache, due to the consumption of expired sardines. Lucia, who returns to teach in Rudi's class, attracts the antipathy of her parents.
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Lerba voglio
Fuori gioco
Episode 14 - 3-14-2008
The Cesaroni family and the customers of the wine shop are in a frenzy: soon there will be a derby between the football team of the Garbatella neighborhood and the team of the neighboring neighborhood. Captain Giulio, overcoming Lucia's resistance, decides to participate.
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Fuori gioco
La chiave inglese
Episode 13 - 3-14-2008
Giulio discovers that years before his father, to indulge his passion for engines, had left him a mechanical workshop, which was then sold, without his knowledge, by Cesare to pay off the debts of the liquor store.
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La chiave inglese
A Londra con amore
Episode 12 - 3-07-2008
There is tension in the Cesaroni household over Marco and Eva's affair. While they are waiting for Giulio to return from the hospital, the two young people are wondering about the future of their relationship: Eva is considering dropping out of school.
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A Londra con amore
Il cuore del problema
Episode 11 - 3-07-2008
Giulio is in the hospital, cared for by the loving Lucia. Ezio and Cesare do everything they can for their friend, getting into all sorts of trouble, while the little Cesaronis blame themselves, believing they are responsible for what happened. The crisis is overcome and the innkeeper can return to the affection of his loved ones. Marco and Eva apologize to their father for what happened, but this time, being forgiven will not be easy.
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Il cuore del problema
La posta del cuore
Episode 10 - 2-29-2008
Giulio, to impress his friends Ezio and Cesare, makes up a story: he says he kissed the model Alena Seredova. Together with Lucia, Giulio surprises Marco and Eva in bed together. The story causes him to have a heart attack.
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La posta del cuore
Un week-end da incorniciare
Episode 9 - 2-29-2008
Giulio and Lucia leave to spend a weekend of absolute relaxation in the countryside. Unfortunately for them, however, their vacation is disturbed by the presence of the Barilons, guests of the same agriturismo. In Rome, meanwhile, Stefania does everything she can to adopt a child, while Marco and Eva organize a party together with Walter without their parents' knowledge.
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Un weekend da incorniciare
Vuoi ballare con me?
Episode 8 - 2-22-2008
There will soon be a dance competition. Giulio and Lucia, unbeknownst to each other, take tango lessons but, while Lucia, thanks also to the skill of her partner Barilon, makes great progress, her husband is clearly in difficulty.
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Vuoi ballare con me
Provaci ancora, Ezio
Episode 7 - 2-22-2008
Ezio seems to have lost the sexual connection with his wife, so much so that he falls asleep during their intimate moments. Lucia, against Giulio's wishes, gives her friend a hand so that he can be forgiven by his wife, but Ezio misunderstands.
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Provaci ancora Ezio
Tre giorni da cani
Episode 6 - 2-15-2008
Cesare accidentally hits Barilon's dog with his van. Giulio and Ezio are convinced that the innkeeper killed a tax inspector and plan to report him to the police. Alice babysits her friend Umberto's brother.
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Tre giorni da cani
Sogno di un mattino di mezz'autunno
Episode 5 - 2-15-2008
Lucia, taken by the sacred fire of art, enrolls in a theater course together with Stefania but Giulio, influenced by Ezio's worries, becomes jealous. The career of the new actress, however, does not last long.
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Sogno di un mattino di mezzautunno
Ci vorrebbe un amico
Episode 4 - 2-08-2008
Giulio is worried because his wife Lucia is not getting pregnant. After having tried the unlikely treatments proposed by Cesare and Ezio without obtaining results, the innkeeper asks his friend Ezio to be a donor for artificial insemination.
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Ci vorrebbe un amico
Vicini, troppo vicini
Episode 3 - 2-08-2008
The innkeeper Giulio Cesaroni and his family are dealing with the terrible new neighbors, who moved from Padua: the Barilons. Meanwhile Marco, who has broken up with Rachele, tries to get closer to Eva. The girl, however, is not at all well disposed.
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Vicini troppo vicini
Oste ascendente vergine
Episode 2 - 2-01-2008
Cesare confesses to Giulio and Ezio the reason for his breakup with Pamela: he is a virgin and did not have the courage to reveal it to his fiancée. The two, to help Cesare, send him to a prostitute, but Pamela surprises him and misunderstands the situation.
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Oste ascendente vergine
Se la bomba non scoppia
Episode 1 - 2-01-2008
The end of the holidays seems to bring some news to the Cesaroni household: Lucia, suffering from strange ailments, fears she is pregnant and tries to talk to Giulio who, misunderstanding, believes that Stefania is expecting a child. Marco, meanwhile, has resumed his relationship with Rachele.
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Se la bomba non scoppia
Season 1  
Un mare di guai
Episode 26 - 11-12-2006
Lucia plans a group vacation at a campsite in Sardinia, but friends and relatives have other plans and one by one they back out, so Giulio and Lucia are forced to leave alone. Eva, convinced by Giulio to forget Marco, for the good of the family, follows Veronica to Croatia, while Marco and Walter leave for Greece.
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Un mare di guai
Derby del cuore
Episode 25 - 11-12-2006
While Eva tries to win over Marco, who is distressed by the end of his relationship with Rachele, Giulio and Cesare find themselves in trouble with the tax authorities. With financial help from Gabriella, the two must accept the woman, Lucia and Stefania as assistants in the management of the wine shop. The business starts up again with flying colors, but the men are not happy with the female presence.
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Derby del cuore
Scuola di pulizia
Episode 24 - 11-05-2006
At school Rudi and Alice compete for the role of gang leader, while Lucia, depressed by her absence from teaching, devotes herself with obsessive attention to household chores, worrying Giulio. Marco, abandoned by Rachele, confesses to Eva that months before he had been in love with her.
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Scuola di pulizia
L'ultima occasione
Episode 23 - 11-05-2006
Giulio helps Rudi study for his class test, but the boy gets a bad grade for the umpteenth time. Meanwhile, the school newspaper edited by Alice reports a secret relationship between a student and a teacher, and Rachele, thinking that Marco is to blame, tries to get revenge. Rudi and Alice manage to make amends.
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Lultima occasione
Cattive influenze
Episode 22 - 10-29-2006
Little Mimmo is in love with his classmate Sara, who plays the princess in the school play. The child, in order to be close to her, accepts the part of the maid of honor and asks Lucia for help in getting ready. Giulio, noticing the preparations for the play, misunderstands Mimmo's interest in the female universe and, believing him to be gay, tries to involve him and convert him to male activities.
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Cattive influenze
Istruzioni per l'uso
Episode 21 - 10-29-2006
Giulio needs to spend more time with his children and, in agreement with Cesare, hires a maid, Daniela. The woman, however, falls in love with him and the innkeeper must try in every way to resist the young woman's assaults. Meanwhile, Alice, to impress a boy, joins the school soccer team coached by Cesare and Lucia returns from America.
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Istruzioni per luso
Houston, abbiamo un problema
Episode 20 - 10-22-2006
After a strange phone call, Giulio becomes convinced that Lucia is being pursued by a man. After entrusting his children to the care of Ezio and Stefania, the innkeeper leaves for the United States with Cesare and Gabriella, but during the flight the Cesaroni brothers are mistaken for two attackers and repatriated. Upon his return to Italy, Giulio discovers that the mysterious John is none other than Lucia's gay roommate.
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Houston abbiamo un problema
Episode 19 - 10-22-2006
Rudi is growing up and seems to be morbidly attracted to girls. So Giulio, not without embarrassment, begins to address the topic of sex with his children. Rudi, however, wants to move from theory to practice and invites his friends home to play the "postman game". When the innkeeper catches Rudi kissing Alice, he goes back to his old ways. Meanwhile, Eva becomes jealous once she discovers the relationship.
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L'apparenza inganna
Episode 18 - 10-15-2006
Alice hangs out with a bully named Riccardo who, in order to be accepted by Giulio, tries to appear serious and studious. When the innkeeper, with Rudi's help, discovers the boy's true nature, he reserves his most classic punishment for him: the broom. Meanwhile, Marco, while still being troubled by his feelings for Eva, lets himself be seduced by Rachele, the new teacher.
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Lapparenza inganna
All'ombra del Colosseo
Episode 17 - 10-15-2006
Gabriella, upset by Augusto's abandonment, shows up at the Cesaroni house accompanied by a fortune teller, who instills in Ezio the doubt that Walter is not really his son. After undergoing a medical test, which shows he is sterile, the mechanic is convinced that the father of his son is Giulio. Luckily, Stefania manages to clarify the matter.
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Allombra del Colosseo
Sedotta e abbandonata
Episode 16 - 10-08-2006
Giulio, Cesare and Ezio are about to leave for the traditional fishing trip when Sergio, seriously ill, shows up again. The three, suspicious of the sudden arrival of Lucia's ex, kidnap him and take him with them to Abruzzo. Upon returning to Rome, his illness revealed, the man says goodbye to his family and leaves for treatment in the United States, accompanied by Lucia, encouraged by Giulio.
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Sedotta e abbandonata
Lo zio d'America
Episode 15 - 10-08-2006
While Augusto, out of the hospital, starts a relationship with Gabriella, Eva returns from Milan with her friend Beatrice. Giulio, hoping that Marco will fall in love with her and forget his stepsister, convinces his son to organize a party. Marco, however, disappoints his father's expectations. Meanwhile, Lucia, due to the return of Professor Zuppante, has to leave school.
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Lo zio dAmerica
Arrivi e partenze
Episode 14 - 10-05-2006
After years of absence, Augusto Cesaroni, Giulio and Cesare's brother, leaves the United States and returns to Rome. Giulio, who has always believed Augusto to be a rich and powerful former race car driver, has to change his mind. The man, full of debts, has actually shown up only to claim his share of the liquor store. Meanwhile, Rudi blackmails Alice because of his stepsister's affair with a boy.
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Arrivi e partenze
La guerra dei Masetti
Episode 13 - 10-05-2006
Ezio and Stefania argue furiously and involve Giulio and Lucia in their delusions. Meanwhile Marco wins a music competition but is sad because he would like to confess his love to Eva and to complicate matters there is also Cristian, the girl's ex who resurfaces after a long time, and Giulio, who, not understanding the young man's feelings, urges him to forget his stepsister.
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La guerra dei Masetti
Scherzi a parte
Episode 12 - 9-29-2006
Marco learns that Eva is going to London for a weekend and would like to accompany her, so he tries to scrape together the necessary money and his uncle Cesare finds him a job as a liscio player with a small orchestra of over-sixty year olds in a club. Meanwhile, Ezio, because of a prank by Giulio and his brother, argues with Stefania and leaves home.
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Scherzi a parte
Episode 11 - 9-29-2006
Giulio must serve a two-match suspension as the Romulan coach following a heated argument with a referee and is forced to ask Ezio to replace him on the field. Meanwhile, little Mimmo is struggling with a difficult assignment for him: an essay about his mother. The child, who remembers nothing about Marta, his dead mother, asks his father and brothers for news.
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Tutti gli uomini dal presidente
Episode 10 - 9-28-2006
Marco seems increasingly strange and it is now clear to everyone that he is in love. However, no one suspects that the lucky girl is Eva. Meanwhile, Sergio shows up at the Cesaroni house and, on the verge of being named Cavaliere del Lavoro by the President of the Republic, he would like to take advantage of the opportunity to embarrass Giulio and win Lucia back.
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Tutti gli uomini dal presidente
Il superdotato
Episode 9 - 9-28-2006
Rudi takes part in a psychological test and the result, to everyone's surprise, is that the boy is a genius. Giulio, enthusiastic, does everything to satisfy his son's needs and stimulate his intelligence. Alice, suspicious, discovers that the Leonardo da Vinci of Garbatella copied the answers. Lucia convinces Rudi to confess and the father's punishment is not long in coming.
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Il superdotato
Non è la gelosia
Episode 8 - 9-21-2006
Don Gervasio, the president of the Romulana, the neighborhood soccer team, dies suddenly, so Cesare and Andrea run for the succession. The innkeeper, thanks to Ezio's help, becomes the new president but, for the good of the team, gives up his place to the wealthier rival. The latter, after another attempt to seduce Lucia, receives Giulio's violent congratulations.
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Non  la gelosia
Provaci ancora Cesare
Episode 7 - 9-21-2006
Marco and Giulio have a tough fight over the young man's decision to become a musician. Meanwhile, Lucia receives a beautiful necklace as a gift from an anonymous admirer. The woman thinks that the gift was given to Giulio and when she discovers that the necklace actually came from her admirer Andrea, she flies into a rage.
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Provaci ancora Cesare
Le manette dell'amore
Episode 6 - 9-15-2006
There is tension in the Cesaroni household. Lucia is so busy with work and household chores that Giulio hasn't been able to have a moment of intimacy with her for several days. Meanwhile, Marco has a fight with Lucia, guilty of having taken the guitar from the closet that reminds the boy of his deceased mother. However, things smooth out and Marco starts playing again.
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Le manette dellamore
Il padre perfetto
Episode 5 - 9-15-2006
After a meeting with the school psychologist, Giulio tries to imitate Lucia in his relationship with his children, who are worried about their father's change. Meanwhile, Lucia feels lost when Eva confides in her that she intends to make love for the first time with her boyfriend and has a tough fight with her daughter.
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Il padre perfetto
127 rustica
Episode 4 - 9-14-2006
Giulio, in an excess of romanticism, leads Lucia to the place where twenty years before he had made love to her for the first time, but unfortunately he gets the wrong place. Lucia, with a deadly pressure, manages to make Giulio confess: the other, the accused girl, was Stefania, now Ezio's wife. Lucia punishes her friend by wrecking her car.
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127 rustica
Il matrimonio del secolo
Episode 3 - 9-14-2006
Lucia discovers Sergio's deception and Giulio, having escaped danger, immerses himself once again in the preparations: he wants his wedding party to be unforgettable for the entire neighborhood. Unfortunately, finances are languishing and Giulio finds himself entangled with a financial company and forced to lie to Lucia. The latter, having discovered her future husband's lies, decides to punish him to teach him a lesson.
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Il matrimonio del secolo
Non ci vedo chiaro
Episode 2 - 9-07-2006
Sergio wants Lucia to get back together with him, but after her ex refuses, the ruthless manager goes to Giulio's liquor store and threatens to take away his future wife, daughters and job. Giulio acts on impulse and doesn't hesitate to punch him, so Sergio, with the complicity of a doctor friend, makes the Cesaronis believe he is dying.
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Non ci vedo chiaro
Promessi sposi
Episode 1 - 9-07-2006
Giulio Cesaroni and Lucia Cudicini, he a widower, she separated, meet again after twenty years in Rome. They realize they still love each other and decide to get married, so Lucia's daughters, Eva and Alice, arrive from Milan and move in with the Cesaronis. Getting to know Marco, Rudi and Mimmo, Giulio's sons, is not easy and things are also complicated by uncle Cesare, Giulio's brother, and his jealousy.
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Promessi sposi
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
Crescere, che fatica!
Episode 25 - 5-04-2008
Rudi, miraculously promoted, refuses to work in the wine shop, resorting to the blue telephone. The intervention of social services helps Giulio and Lucia to teach the little rascal a lesson. Meanwhile, Eva's departure does not go down well with Lucia.
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Crescere che fatica
Era mia madre
Episode 14 - 3-27-2009
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Era mia madre
Non ho l'età
Episode 22 - 5-04-2009
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Non ho let
Promessi sposi
Episode 1 - 9-07-2006
Giulio Cesaroni and Lucia Cudicini, he a widower, she separated, meet again after twenty years in Rome. They realize they still love each other and decide to get married, so Lucia's daughters, Eva and Alice, arrive from Milan and move in with the Cesaronis. Getting to know Marco, Rudi and Mimmo, Giulio's sons, is not easy and things are also complicated by uncle Cesare, Giulio's brother, and his jealousy.
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Promessi sposi
Scherzi a parte
Episode 12 - 9-29-2006
Marco learns that Eva is going to London for a weekend and would like to accompany her, so he tries to scrape together the necessary money and his uncle Cesare finds him a job as a liscio player with a small orchestra of over-sixty year olds in a club. Meanwhile, Ezio, because of a prank by Giulio and his brother, argues with Stefania and leaves home.
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Haven't Seen
Scherzi a parte
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