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Streaming Episode Guide

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Season 5  
Till We Meet Again
Episode 9 - 11-28-2004
In the series finale Nancy plans to leave the clinic to offer services in a third-world country. Things get complicated for Clint when he wrestles with whether to propose to Nancy, or head back to Montana to take over Harley's practice with Sarah. Raul faces a crisis of his own when he learns he has diabetes. Also Mrs. Doss learns she is pregnant and wants to name the baby after Clint or Nancy. This episode features scenes from various episodes of the series as Clint sings " Friends are friends forever. "
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Till We Meet Again
Happy Trails
Episode 8 - 11-21-2004
Nancy is invited to travel with friends to New Zealand tragedy is about to strike the clinic as they get word of a plane crash. Colleagues at Westbury start to grieve for Nancy as Derrick finds that all the passengers on the flight have perished. What they don't realize is that Nancy messed the flight now they must figure out the news of the plane crash. Raul has to write a paper on whether under God belongs in the pledge of allegiance as he does his research he learns why the First Amendment was written. His teacher Mr. Adams doesn't agree with what Raul wrote on his paper. After he learns why he gets what grade he got, Raul learns he has a connection with Mr. Adams.
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Happy Trails
The Last Ride
Episode 7 - 11-14-2004
Nancy feels her life is in a rut. She and Clint go on a ride with the New York Emergency Medical Services Team. Dr. Crane treats a patient for panic attacks but later learns may be all his patient needs is a new change life. As they continue their ride with the New York EMS team Clint and Nancy soon discover their next patient is a dog. The patient's name is Claire who decided to lie down for while forgetting to turn the stove off. Her dog (who is hearing) actually called 911.
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The Last Ride
The Family Tree
Episode 6 - 11-07-2004
Everyone learns about their own family history. Nate and Major Capt. Doss start their own family history business. They looked into Dr. Crane 's family history and learn he is actually related to George Washington. Donna puts turning into a database that matches people with their biological parents. After she learns the database has found her biological mother Donna tries to contact her only to learn her mother doesn't want see her. Nancy learns she is from a wealthy family but some learns that coming from a wealthy family isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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The Family Tree
Nip, Tuck & Die
Episode 5 - 10-31-2004
Clint is asked to help Hank gets his job as a hospital security guard back after being accused of letting a member of the press in to take a picture of Parker Pittman after he is found dead in the operating room. Clint and Hank suddenly have to deal with the tabloids after the picture of the dead actor appears on the cover. Tippy discovers the photo has been doctored, because an old scar on the actor's left wrist is missing. Clint figures out how to clear Hank's name. Nate is selected to lead the church choir into a competition. He is hesitant at first but discovers why it may be worthwhile after all.
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Nip Tuck  Die
Lights, Camera, Medicine
Episode 4 - 10-24-2004
Clint and Westbury take on a new challenge, with the help of Marcia who wants to teach African doctors how to operate on children in Africa over the Internet. Meanwhile Tippy and Dr. Crane going to be starring in a play called " The servant who would be king " After Barbara Dr. Crane's first leading lady suddenly quits the play he is shocked to find that Tippy is his leading lady. Major Doss watches his wife in action but begins to get worried when the director shows Dr. Crane exactly what he is looking for in his leading man.
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Lights Camera Medicine
Episode 3 - 10-17-2004
Derek believes he may have Glaucoma because his blood pressure is too high and may be losing his sight. Dr. Crane wants to know how Tippy comes up with the sayings that grace the board in the waiting room because he can't seem to come up with any.
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Wake-Up Call
Episode 2 - 10-10-2004
Dr. Crane gets a surprise when his old girlfriend wants to work at the clinic to help get some grants approved. A patient of Clint's wakes up, to find that his daughter is unsure of whether to hug him. Rick later becomes upset when he learns that his wife has had to run the car dealer ship by herself for seven years while her husband was in a coma. Dr. Crane becomes upset when he learns that Dr. Hall approved someone else's grant before his.
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WakeUp Call
Get Me To Church On Time
Episode 1 - 10-03-2004
As Tippy's wedding draws near everything is ready, except the wedding ring! Captain Doss got in Germany. Everybody begins to head back to the restaurant where they ate and hopefully find the wedding ring. The wedding ring is found in the tummy of a dog. After the wedding ring is finally located everybody keeps the secret from Tippy and Captain Doss. Captain Doss tells Tippy that the wedding will have to be called off because of the deployment in four hours.
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Get Me To Church On Time
Season 4  
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Episode 22 - 5-23-2004
Tippy's cousin Twyla and her boyfriend have broken up because he didn't like the way Twyla wore in a certain way. Nancy devices a plan to get Tippy's cousin back together with her boyfriend. Clint and Nancy's plan doesn't go as expected Twyla falls in love with Clint while junior falls in love with Nancy.
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He Loves Me He Loves Me Not
Choices of the Heart
Episode 21 - 5-16-2004
Friends of Nancy come to the clinic to meet Clint later they have to make a decision that will affect their twins. They will need to decide whether to terminate one twin's life to save the other. Clint tells Jerry and Dana that she has twin to twin transfusion that means that one baby is stealing nutrients from the other Baby. Clint goes to Jerry and Dana's regular doctor to see if the couple has another option to take so both babies might live.
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Choices of the Heart
The Great Wall
Episode 20 - 5-09-2004
Clint treats a young boy for exhaustion but learns that the boy wants to be just like his father. The young man has trouble meeting his father 's expectations. Clint learns that his patient has Dyslexia and ends up in the hospital after taking some pills. Clint learns that his patient was taking pills to help him think better. His father decides to send his son back to China because he is slower then most people with Dyslexia. Derek is jealous that his wife spends more time with Dan who takes his daughter to modeling shoots. Derek is worried about the crash Dan seems to have on Nellie. When Derek 's wife tries to explain that they are nothing more than friends Derek doesn't by the explanation.
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The Great Wall
Eminent Domain
Episode 19 - 5-02-2004
Nancy tries to save her father's store from being condemned. Nate learns that he needs to give a speech to new police officers. Derek tells Nate that a joke might be the best way to get over being nervous, later he learns that telling jokes doesn't seem to work very well. As Nancy & Clint look through the city ordinance they find something odd in the ordinance that states that buildings must be 7 stories from top to bottom. The building that the city wants to build is 11 stories from top to bottom that means that the city can't build the building because it would break a water main.
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Eminent Domain
Breaking Away
Episode 18 - 4-25-2004
Clint treats a man with Aperger's Syndrome named John He wants to lead a normal life but John's Mom is afraid that a normal life would only cause her son heartbreak. Clint and Nancy try to teach John how to overcome his fear of not having his mom to help him. Raul thinks he is ready to be his own man after becoming interested in New York City messengers. Raul then decides to take the test to become a New York City messenger in hopes of not being told what to do by his parents.
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Breaking Away
Daddy Dearest
Episode 17 - 4-18-2004
In this episode Dr. Oliver Crane tries to reconnect with his father who hasn't seen his son in 30 years. Dr. Crane senior unexpectedly drops by Westbury clinic where his son is caught trying to keep the clinic clean before his father arrives. Oliver has a hard time getting close to his father while he is trying to figure out how to treat his patient, Dr. Crane 's father immediately feels that the patient needs surgery and then tells his son he will do the operation. Beverly is bothered by the new partner her husband Nate is getting Nate doesn't seem bothered by the new partner he is getting because Nate thinks this partner he is getting is a guy but is shocked when he learns that his partner is a girl. Dr. Crane Dr. Crane is waiting for his wife to return from a shopping trip and join him for lunch. Mrs. Crane can't wait to show her husband the necklace she purchased. She hands him the necklace so he can fasten the necklace for his wife, but as he does Oliver notices his father's hands began to shake.
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Daddy Dearest
Wedding Bell Blues
Episode 16 - 4-11-2004
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Wedding Bell Blues
Searching For Bonnie Fisher
Episode 15 - 4-04-2004
A dellusional teenage girl thinks she is Bonnie Fisher, author of "Cusp of the Day." But the only way Lacey Sanders will come to terms with who she really is, is if Bonnie Fisher herself helps her.
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Searching For Bonnie Fisher
Till Death Do Us Part
Episode 14 - 2-22-2004
Donna DeWitt has a new beau named Brian who has secret he has been hiding for 3months. Donna shocks everybody with an engagement ring from Brian. Everyone at the clinic wonders why everything happened so fast. Brian falls in love with Donna over lunch and wonders if Emma (Brian's daughter) would be ok if she were to marry Brian. While at lunch Brian is rushed to Westbury where Clint learns Brian has Cancer. Brian asks Clint not to tell Donna.
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Till Death Do Us Part
Leader of the Band
Episode 13 - 2-15-2004
Joe comes to town and tells Clint about his dad who died when Clint was 10. When Clint tries to find Joe he learns that Joe was let go from his Job. Joe learns he has Alzheimer's. Now Joe must use what time he has left to get close to daughter & also help Clint understand who his dad was.
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Leader of the Band
Arsenic & Old Spice
Episode 12 - 2-08-2004
Shannon a college roommate comes by the clinic feeling tired all the time, Nancy isn't happy to see her because Shannon dated all the boys. Clint runs tests on Shannon come back negative, that is until Clint runs a heavy metal toxicology screen to find out if Arsenic is making her sick.
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Arsenic  Old Spice
Episode 11 - 1-25-2004
Derek learns his daughter gets a modeling contract. Nancy tries to help catch the thief who stole her purse, but when Nancy show up at the apartment of suspected thief she learns she may have picked the wrong guy. The guy doesn't recall taking Nancy's purse because he has Diabetes.
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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Episode 10 - 1-18-2004
Clint wonders if Colleen may be going too far when she gives him a Porsche! Colleen's son sues Clint for inappropriate doctor-patient conduct, suspecting that Clint just wants Colleen's money. Clint learns Colleen is dying of a Cerebral Aneurysm. Kevin learns that to fit in all he needs to do is be himself, even in a wheelchair.
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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
No Pain, No Gain
Episode 9 - 1-11-2004
Clint treats Heidi for pain he feels will go away with rest, but when the pain continues Heidi's Coach all think her pain isn't real. Meanwhile the staff at Westbury must pass a test to get an a+ rating. Clint asks to look at Heidi's medical records. Clint learns not to judge his patients so quickly and listen more.
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No Pain No Gain
Swing Shift
Episode 8 - 12-07-2003
Dr. Crane & Clint Cassidy train Kyle, a medical student, to help treat patients at Westbury. After Kyle misdiagnoses a patient, Clint wonders if there is something much worse going on with Kyle. Kyle tells Dr Crane & Clint he has Peripheral Neuropathy.
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Swing Shift
Donny's Millions
Episode 7 - 11-23-2003
Donny suddenly learns he has an inheritance, Clint tries to advise Donny on how to handle the money. Clint learns Ray (Donny's Cousin may try to keep Donny from getting the money. Raul learns how to handle an allowance.
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Donnys Millions
Men In Tights
Episode 6 - 11-16-2003
Nancy finds love letters in an old desk, she then finds that the husband died of a disease. Meanwhile Raul gets to play Romeo but soon finds he wants to quit the play because Kiley didn't get the part of Juliet.
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Men In Tights
Rules of Engagement
Episode 5 - 11-09-2003
Captain Steven Doss launches operation Rules Of Engagement as a way of asking Tippy to marry him. Clint treats a young boy named Jordan for ADD. Clint notices something else is wrong when Jordan doesn't hear Clint calling his name. Jordan gets hearing aids, Clint tells Jordan's parents that he has auto immune inner ear disease.
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Rules of Engagement
Pick Your Poison
Episode 4 - 11-02-2003
Clint treats a baby that has PCBs in her system. Clint tells the Barnes family that all have PCB in their bodies to the fish they ate. Clint decides to talk to the CEO of BND manufacturing, Clint only gives himself and Westbury trouble.
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Pick Your Poison
The Candidate
Episode 3 - 10-19-2003
When Clint learns Tom Bailey stopped taking Oxycodone (used for pain relief) "Cold turkey" Clint decides to put him back on the drug to ease him off the drug. Clint finds out Politics can be a problem when Tom's patient file is leaked to the press. Beverly learns her parents are getting a divorce she learns that her family will always be there no matter what happens.
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The Candidate
The Way We Were
Episode 2 - 10-12-2003
Tippy's friend Marcia hides a secret. Raul has to put something in time capsule that will be opened in 60 years (2063) Marcia ends up in the hospital. Tippy is asked to say with her and learns the secret. Marcia asks Tippy for sleeping pills, Tippy thinks 10 pills is too much. Tippy learns of Marcia's other job as a news photographer in which she photographed the death of a little girl. Raul asks his friends to help him make a video about what has changed & what might change 60 years later.
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The Way We Were
Westbury: The Final Conflict
Episode 1 - 10-05-2003
Nate drives everybody crazy with pictures of the baby, while Nancy, Clint, & Derek try to find away to get Westbury back from Richard Black. Dr. Crane, Clint, & Donna DeWitt meet with Richard Black and learn they can't come back to the clinic. Irene gives Clint an idea as to how patients can be treated. Clint uses his home as a clinic. After looking at Irene's chart Clint thinks Irene may have a tumor. Donna, Nancy & Tippy think Richard is cooking the books and making him rich. Richard learns Westbury isn't his hospital anymore.
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Westbury The Final Conflict
Season 3  
And Baby Makes Four
Episode 22 - 5-18-2003
Nate wonders if Beverly's food cravings are common. Richard Black tells everyone at Westbury that going corporate is good idea, but problems are about to happen. Richard Black continues his big lie only Clint smells a rat, while trying to get his friends to at both sides. Clint gets himself in trouble, Donna gives everybody with Richard's company a tour of Westbury. Nancy wonders if Clint is reading Richard wrong. Clint speaks with doctor who was bought by Richard's company, The meeting Clint requests back fires as the doctor he spoke with is drunk at the meeting. Clint arrives to find Westbury bought out by Richard and is fired for miss using his passion (for the clinic) against Richard. Nancy sees Richards true colors after Donny was picked on. Clint is asked to stay at the clinic to get ready for a big battle.
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And Baby Makes Four
While You Were Snoring
Episode 21 - 5-11-2003
Nate is have trouble sleeping because Beverly is snoring, So Nate asks Dr. Crane for help! Dr. Crane helps Nate by telling him to sew a tennis ball in a sock and then sew the sock to her nightgown! One problem they both lose sleep! Nicole's heath gets worse and Clint can't find out what is wrong with her. Nate still can't sleep because Dr. Crane's advice works. Clint has bad feeling about Richard Black when a Biopsy is requested for Nicole. Clint thinks Richard Black said no to the request. Later the test is proven that Nicole was telling the truth.
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While You Were Snoring
Evaluate This
Episode 20 - 5-04-2003
Richard Black wants to make Westbury Clinic apart of his management team, but doing so Donna DeWitt agrees to performace evaluations. Richard Black asks Dr. Crane to handle the cross evaluation of the nurses which instead of turning out right turn wrong! Clint attends a middle school open house to meet Tracy. Soon Clint find out Tracy has Aplastic Anemia. Clint runs tests on the parents only to find the parents don't match,Clint is about to find out that Tracy is adopted at the request of Shelia (the adoptvie mom's sister who died giving birth). Clint sets out to find Danny Taylor who he thinks is he is Tracy's dad, and tries to get Danny to give blood. Danny quickly says no because he wants more money. Danny then wants full custody (because blood tests prove he is Tracy's dad.) Since Tracy has no idea she is adopted, Danny leaves things as they are because he isn't ready to be a dad.
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Evaluate This
The Checkered Flag
Episode 19 - 4-27-2003
Racers Scotty Redfield and his father Bud come to town shortly before the beginning of the racing season, and both father and son are devastated to learn that Scotty has a subdural hematoma that could end not only his career, but his life as well. Nancy offers comfort to Bud as she also waits for news on Scotty, whom she has gotten romantically involved with.
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The Checkered Flag
Safety First
Episode 18 - 4-13-2003
Clint is shocked when a patient he prescribed medication for ends up in ER moments after seeing her. Did he give her the wrong medication? Can Diane help save the patient's life?
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Safety First
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Episode 17 - 3-09-2003
Martin Derek's Father-In Law is ready to quit smoking but he may more problems. Raul & Justin think their idea was stolen by a publisher.
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Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Welcome to New York (2)
Episode 16 - 2-23-2003
Clint and Doc Johanson must find a paient before someone else is sick. Poor Tippy has a big problem the IRS! Can She pay $90,000 to them before she loses everything?
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Welcome to New York 2
Welcome to New York (1)
Episode 15 - 2-16-2003
Friends visit Clint from Montana as well as Sara who brings back memories for Clint.
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Welcome to New York 1
Lost and Found
Episode 14 - 2-09-2003
Sometimes it is better to let romance take it's course as Raul and Evan try to match Evan's mom with Clint but what happens when an old love returns and new information is found out?
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Lost and Found
Angels in Wating
Episode 13 - 2-02-2003
Tammy Cochran tries to comfort a teen who has Cystic Fibrosis.
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Angels in Wating
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Episode 12 - 1-12-2003
Clint is caught in bind when he cares for Mom and son who are friends of Nancy.
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Dont Ask Dont Tell
A Clear and Present Danger
Episode 11 - 1-05-2003
Nate and Gunny may be put in danger after Clint learns the secret Gunny is keeping.
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A Clear and Present Danger
Man's Best Friend
Episode 10 - 12-08-2002
Clint helps a friend get a job at the clinic only to find that he turns down the job offer.
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Mans Best Friend
The Producers
Episode 9 - 11-24-2002
Clint & Kate Weston reconnect; Dr. Crane is asked to write for a magazine about his most unusual medical case, but may have a lot of trouble finding one.
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The Producers
Second Time Around
Episode 8 - 11-10-2002
Dr. Derk runs into an old friend, who has a new fiancee. Dr Derek thinks the man wants his money. The Fiancee's life threatening condition makes the doctor change his thoughts.
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Second Time Around
The Price of a Miracle
Episode 7 - 11-03-2002
Can you buy a miracle? A 7 year old girl gives Clint all her life savings to save her dying brother. There Mom has lost faith.
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The Price of a Miracle
Full Moon Rising
Episode 6 - 10-20-2002
Derek wants a taste of the wild side of life and joins Clint on a ride with a Paramedic wildman. Tippy and Nancy start a book club.
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Full Moon Rising
Episode 5 - 10-13-2002
A baby is left on the clinic's doorstep now Clint tries to find the mom as he fights to save the baby.
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Sea No Evil
Episode 4 - 10-06-2002
Clint must help a yong boy decide wether to go and talk to the DA after the boy saw a murder. Nurse DeWitt has no date for gala.
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Sea No Evil
Stroke of Luck
Episode 3 - 9-29-2002
Clint treats a dad who wants to sell the family business, the son may get his wish as dad's health gets worse. Rual and Justin get jobs,they like the money but not hard work.
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Stroke of Luck
On Pins and Needles
Episode 2 - 9-22-2002
Clint Gets in hot water with a new new nurse over a medical mishap. Raul is chosen for advanced math class.
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On Pins and Needles
Full Disclosure
Episode 1 - 9-15-2002
Clint mentors a new intern, Nancy learns her beau had an ex-wife.
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Full Disclosure
Season 2  
Episode 24 - 5-19-2002
Is Nancy ready to move on after the death of her Mom? Tippy Williams tries to set Nancy on a date with a young lawyer. Nancy grows closer to Clint, while he continues his relationship with Dr. Weston.
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Time Flies
Episode 23 - 5-12-2002
Good bye can be easy or hard to say, Nancy has deal with her mom's impending death.
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Time Flies
My Secret Identity
Episode 22 - 5-05-2002
1h 0m
Clint tries to help an injured woman who has amnesia. Derek seems to be having a mid-life crisis. Raul and his friend Justin discover on-line gambling.
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My Secret Identity
The Commercial
Episode 21 - 4-28-2002
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The Commercial
Karate Kid
Episode 20 - 3-31-2002
Clint tries to help a man who refuses to publicize his need for a lung transplant because he is afraid that a secret from his past will come out. When Raul has trouble with a bully, he is rescued by a girl.
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Karate Kid
Love of the Game
Episode 19 - 3-24-2002
Clint tries to convince a college basketball coach that his son, a star player, may have a serious heart defect. A woman sues Clint for malpractice, claiming that his treatment robbed her of her psychic powers. Raul starts following Clint and Nate around for a school assignment. Nate tries to determine why Jelly Bean confessed to a crime he didn't commit.
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Love of the Game
Citizen Crane
Episode 18 - 3-03-2002
Clint becomes temporary caretaker for a street performer whose partner has become very ill. Dr. Crane considers running for city councilman and hires an image consultant.
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Citizen Crane
Queen of Denial
Episode 17 - 2-24-2002
Clint's discovers that his new patient, a friend and former sorority sister of Ms. DeWitt, is addicted to prescription drugs. Also, Clint is attracted to a new surgeon.
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Queen of Denial
Episode 16 - 2-17-2002
Clint must help Raul's band teacher cope with the news that he has ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. Dr. Crane's college rival shows up at the clinic.
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My Boyfriend's Back
Episode 15 - 2-10-2002
Nancy must make an emotional adjustment when her first love returns -- with his fiancee. Clint tries to help a boy who hasn't spoken since the car accident that killed his brother.
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My Boyfriends Back
Busy Man
Episode 14 - 1-20-2002
Nate tries to help a workaholic who is to busy to worry about his own health or to spend time with his family. When money disappears from a crime scene, Nate and his partner are investigated by Internal Affairs.
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Busy Man
All in the Family
Episode 13 - 1-06-2002
A couple comes to Clint seeking infertility treatments - but Clint's diagnosis and medical advice surprise them. A rival clinic challenges the Westbury Clinic to a bowling match for their annual charity competition and our gang thinks they finally have a chance to win - until Tippy joins the team. Nate and Beverly counsel an engaged couple - and end up learning a thing or two about their own marriage.
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All in the Family
Tis the Season
Episode 12 - 12-16-2001
Clint, Nate and Beverly try to arrange a memorable Christmas for Raul, who misses his mother. Nancy is annoyed when the clinic's gift exchange requires her to get something for Dr. Crane. Clint clashes with Dr. Crane over pro bono medical care for sidewalk Santas. Dr. Derek's wife goes into labor.
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Tis the Season
Gypsies, Janitors and Thieves
Episode 11 - 11-18-2001
A gypsy girl asks Clint to help her run away. The staff rebels when Dr. Crane fires their beloved janitor.
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Gypsies Janitors and Thieves
Some Gave All (2)
Episode 10 - 11-11-2001
This episode includes comments from firefighters. Also A firefighter who lived through 9/11/01.
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Some Gave All 2
Some Gave All (1)
Episode 9 - 11-11-2001
This episode includes comments from firefighters. Also A firefighter who lived through 9/11/01.
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Some Gave All 1
No Time Like the Present
Episode 8 - 11-04-2001
Clint proposes a drastic treatment to the parents of a girl with seizures.
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No Time Like the Present
First Impressions
Episode 7 - 10-28-2001
Clint must decide whether to make a report on a woman who may have poisoned her child. Raul runs into problems when he befriends the school geek.
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First Impressions
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Episode 6 - 10-14-2001
Clint works on solving a medical mystery, while trying to make a couple realize that their constant bickering is harming their son. Nancy gets her first driving lesson, from Dr. Derek.
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Garbage In Garbage Out
Easy Money
Episode 5 - 10-07-2001
Clint begins to suspect that another doctor is fraudulently admitting patient only to collect money from their insurance companies.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Easy Money
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Episode 4 - 9-30-2001
While treating a teenage girl for a mysterious illness, Clint helps her heal a rift with her father. The unexpected arrival of Nate's ne'er-do-well brother causes problems between Nate and Beverly. Dr. Derek can't get rid of the hiccups.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Home Is Where the Heart Is
Second Opinion
Episode 3 - 9-23-2001
After Dr. Crane tells a patient she needs an operation that will leave her unable to have children, Clint violates Crane's orders and suggests an experimental procedure. Raul befriends a troubled girl who is homeless.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Second Opinion
I've Got a Secret
Episode 2 - 9-16-2001
Clint's migraine patient turns out to be unable to read or write. Nate gets shot in the line of duty.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Ive Got a Secret
Blind Alley
Episode 1 - 9-09-2001
Clint helps a blind man by means of a corneal transplant, but his wife wonders if the world he sees will come up to his expectations. Dr. Crane is dismayed by the gratitude of a mobster whose life he saved.
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Blind Alley
Season 1  
A cowboy-boot wearing, ranching, country doctor, who makes house calls, is lured to a sprawling metropolis by a slick lady friend and immediately finds himself neck deep in culture shock. He begins work at a downtown medical clinic and within a day turns the clinic's administrative and medical procedures topsy-turvy.
Face In the Mirror
Episode 11 - 5-20-2001
A model learns the risks of plastic surgery. Clint helps an associate cope with the loss of a child.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Face In the Mirror
Love or Money
Episode 10 - 5-13-2001
A singer and former girlfriend comes to Clint with a health problem.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Love or Money
You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello
Episode 9 - 5-06-2001
Elanie pays Nancy visit with a sad secret.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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You Say Goodbye I Say Hello
The Art of Medicine
Episode 8 - 4-29-2001
Clint help an artist who under went caner treatmet for 3 months.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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The Art of Medicine
Captain Supremo: Have Tights, Will Travel
Episode 7 - 4-22-2001
A "Stressology" Specialist helps the staff deal with a superhero who believes in his powers too much.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Captain Supremo Have Tights Will Travel
The Ride
Episode 6 - 4-08-2001
Raul is very ill. Clint is a part of a ride along program.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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The Ride
You Gotta Have Heart
Episode 5 - 4-01-2001
A TV reporter follows Clint for a day, A 17 year old hopes that a heart transplant will fulfill a dream.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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You Gotta Have Heart
All In a Day's Work
Episode 4 - 3-25-2001
Dr.Crane leaves the clinic and makes trouble for Clint. Dr.Derek gets bad news.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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All In a Days Work
Family Matters
Episode 3 - 3-18-2001
Clint delivers a baby in a cab. Later when the baby is critically ill, the father sues for malpractice. A man claiming to be Raul's father appears looking for money. Raul doesn't take to Beverly. Dr. Herbert learns he will be a dad.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Family Matters
Pilot (2)
Episode 2 - 3-11-2001
Clint Cassidy who leaves country life in Montana, Follows the woman he loves to New York City. Only to find out that working for an HMO is Hard.
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Pilot 2
Pilot (1)
Episode 1 - 3-11-2001
Clint Cassidy who leaves country life in Montana, Follows the woman he loves to New York City. Only to find out that working for an HMO is Hard.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Pilot 1
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
The Last Ride
Episode 7 - 11-14-2004
Nancy feels her life is in a rut. She and Clint go on a ride with the New York Emergency Medical Services Team. Dr. Crane treats a patient for panic attacks but later learns may be all his patient needs is a new change life. As they continue their ride with the New York EMS team Clint and Nancy soon discover their next patient is a dog. The patient's name is Claire who decided to lie down for while forgetting to turn the stove off. Her dog (who is hearing) actually called 911.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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The Last Ride
Evaluate This
Episode 20 - 5-04-2003
Richard Black wants to make Westbury Clinic apart of his management team, but doing so Donna DeWitt agrees to performace evaluations. Richard Black asks Dr. Crane to handle the cross evaluation of the nurses which instead of turning out right turn wrong! Clint attends a middle school open house to meet Tracy. Soon Clint find out Tracy has Aplastic Anemia. Clint runs tests on the parents only to find the parents don't match,Clint is about to find out that Tracy is adopted at the request of Shelia (the adoptvie mom's sister who died giving birth). Clint sets out to find Danny Taylor who he thinks is he is Tracy's dad, and tries to get Danny to give blood. Danny quickly says no because he wants more money. Danny then wants full custody (because blood tests prove he is Tracy's dad.) Since Tracy has no idea she is adopted, Danny leaves things as they are because he isn't ready to be a dad.
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Evaluate This
Pilot (2)
Episode 2 - 3-11-2001
Clint Cassidy who leaves country life in Montana, Follows the woman he loves to New York City. Only to find out that working for an HMO is Hard.
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Pilot 2
Some Gave All (2)
Episode 10 - 11-11-2001
This episode includes comments from firefighters. Also A firefighter who lived through 9/11/01.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Some Gave All 2
Rules of Engagement
Episode 5 - 11-09-2003
Captain Steven Doss launches operation Rules Of Engagement as a way of asking Tippy to marry him. Clint treats a young boy named Jordan for ADD. Clint notices something else is wrong when Jordan doesn't hear Clint calling his name. Jordan gets hearing aids, Clint tells Jordan's parents that he has auto immune inner ear disease.
Where to watch
The Roku Channel
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Haven't Seen
Rules of Engagement
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