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Brady's Beasts


Streaming Episode Guide

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Season 3  
How To make your monster Eat
Episode 55 - 3-05-2006
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How To make your monster Eat
How To Build monster's Cave
Episode 54
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How To Build  monsters Cave
Brady's Beasts Season 3 Episode 53
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Bradys Beasts Season 3 Episode 53
How To make your monster Eat
Episode 18 - 3-05-2006
Coming soon
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How To make your monster Eat
How To Build monster's Cave
Episode 17
coming soon
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How To Build  monsters Cave
How to Heal a Howler's Heart
Episode 16 - 9-30-2005
Julie seeks Brady's help in returning a very loud howler to the wild.
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How to Heal a Howlers Heart
How to Goodbye a Goblin
Episode 15 - 1-01-2006
A most gruesome Goblin arrives in Ravenville. Thinking all monsters hate him, he begins to scare and intimidate the monsters into leaving town, one by one. The Goblin believes being the only monster in town will guarantee he gets Ravenville's love and attention all for himself. Brady learns about this monster exodus, and takes emergency measures to protect and hide the remaining monster population from the evil Goblin. This is just a temporary solution. Brady still has to get to the heart of the problem. He manages to confront and convince the nasty Goblin that you can't force people or monsters to love you. To prove their point, all of Ravenville's monsters throw a "Welcome to Ravenville" party from their hideout, much to the Goblin's and Virgil's surprise. The Goblin is instantly won over by this outpouring of affection and changes into a nice monster.
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How to Goodbye a Goblin
How to Mystify a Meanie
Episode 14 - 1-01-2006
In the midst of some home “renovations”, Maxwell discovers a lantern. Thinking he has hit the jackpot of his dreams he quickly rubs it to release his dream-come-true: a wish-granting genie! Unfortunately for the Plunketts, this magic lantern is the home of a Meanie, an evil reverse-genie who gives the orders instead of receiving them. This Meanie has all the Plunketts become his slaves. Luckily Brady has avoided his spell. Brady discovers that there is an even more sinister plot to the Meanie's actions. If the Meanie succeeds in getting the Plunketts house key, the Plunketts and the Meanie will have magically switched homes. The Plunketts will become prisoners of the Meanie's lantern, while the Meanie will become freed from his lantern and live free in the Plunkett's house. Brady must act fast to stop this from happening. He tricks the Meanie back into his lantern and corks him in for good. As soon as the Meanie is back where he belongs, everything returns to normal, including the Plunketts.
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How to Mystify a Meanie
How to Vex a Virus
Episode 13 - 3-24-2006
Virgil accidentally uploads a dangerously evil computer virus onto Brady's computer. The Virus grows, assimilating and controlling everything electrical in its path. The Virus has taken over the entire house which it uproots and drives downtown to take over the rest of the town. Brady talks Ravenville's monsters into distracting the Virus. This allows the Sparker to sneak up and short-circuit the Virus, neutralizing it once and for all so Ravenville can rebuild and get back to normal.
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How to Vex a Virus
How to Peg a Pooka
Episode 12 - 1-01-2006
Things begin disappearing mysteriously throughout Ravenville. Brady discovers that a mischievous Pooka is responsible, but nobody can see it except the family dog, Boris. The invisible Pooka is a prankster who loves creating conflict by taking or switching people's property. Soon enough all of Ravenville's citizens are fighting each other, unaware that the Pooka is responsible for their misplaced stuff. Using specially tinted glasses and help from Boris and Virgil, they find the Pooka and put an end to his trouble-making by matching him up with the Minotaur.
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How to Peg a Pooka
How to Save a Sapphire
Episode 11 - 3-24-2006
Virgil is terrified as he receives a surprise visit from a Sapphire (a white vampire immune to daylight, but allergic to moonlight) named Velma. She’s searching all over town for Vlad - her true love she met through the personals. Unfortunately the moon is quickly rising so she must spend the night in Virgil’s closet, the best refuge from the moon’s rays. As luck would have it, Brady is actually with Vlad, desperately searching for Velma. This is their all-important first face-to-face date, so Vlad is extremely nervous, but his mood quickly turns to depression when Velma can’t be found anywhere. Getting these two love birds together seems like an impossible task because Vlad is allergic to sunlight, and Velma to moonlight. Brady and friends come up with the perfect solution – the two lovers will spend their time together safely tucked into Vlad’s cosy treehouse, perfectly sheltered from both the sun’s and the moon’s rays.
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How to Save a Sapphire
How to Catch a Spring Fever
Episode 10 - 1-01-2006
A strange botanical creature, the Wilding, has planted its roots and taken over the homes and shops of Ravenville. It’s a jungle out there! Literally! Brady's scratches his head. Why are all these plants suddenly spreading and multiplying? Brady's figures it out. This plant won’t stop until it turns the whole world back to its greener roots. Time for Brady to use his monster savvy and ... his green thumb. With the help of an exact replica of Ravenville under glass, Brady and his friends trap the Wilding.
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How to Catch a Spring Fever
How to Paint a Pigment
Episode 9 - 1-01-2006
Maxwell comes home with a horrible-looking clown painting which he believes is beautiful and priceless. He hangs it proudly in the living room. Soon enough the paint oozes off its canvas, spreading out on all surfaces like a blob, removing all colour from what it touches. The whole town is being stripped of its colour with hilarious results. Brady and friends find a way to restore the missing colours. They lure the Pigment to a fountain spouting coloured paint. The Pigment bites the bait and sucks up the paint to the point of blowing up like a gigantic balloon. Even the Pigment has a limit. He explodes like a giant water balloon, releasing a tidal wave of colour onto the town. Everything and everyone's colour has been restored, and everything is back to normal. Well almost everything.
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How to Paint a Pigment
How to Stop a Stink
Episode 8 - 1-01-2006
Brady puts Ember and Virgil on monster watch during his short trip out of town. A mysterious creature has arrived in Ravenville, and its smell is so toxic it is creating havoc around town, knocking people and monsters unconscious, melting cars, etc... Ember and Virgil finally track and meet the charming, elegant but smelly Stinker. They try everything (bubble baths, fire hose rinse, fountain dip, etc.) to wash the stink off, but to no avail. Luckily Brady returns from his trip and shows them the only way to neutralize the harmful fumes. The source of the stink is internal and emotional. They must make the Stinker feel good about himself, and sure enough the smell is gone, making it easier for everyone in Ravenville to enjoy their new friend – the Stinker.
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How to Stop a Stink
How to read a ghost story
Episode 7 - 1-01-2006
Brady, Virgil and Ember have homework to do, so it’s off to the library to find the books they need. Virgil mistakenly takes a magical horror book instead of a history book. The book is dropped, opens on a page releasing the ghost of the royal Jester from his confinement. Unbeknownst to Virgil, he is the butt of the Jester’s practical jokes, and is led to believe that his house is haunted. Armed with a protoplasm scanner, Brady comes to rescue his friend. The scanner isn’t picking-up any ghost activities, but Brady knows something’s up when he discovers that a character is missing in the famous horror book. But how can you convince a Jester to go back to the dull routine of a boring book now that he has tasted the excitement and freedom of the real world? Brady finds a new book for the Jester. He convinces the Jester that nothing could be more fascinating than a history book filled with centuries worth of stories, locations and civilizations?
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How to read a ghost story
How to distract an Attractor
Episode 6 - 1-01-2006
Brady's class is visiting the Ravenville electrical plant during a field trip, coincidentally on the same day the Attractor, a big magnetic robot, is there to re-charge his magnets. Clumsy Virgil accidentally trips and unplugs an outlet; causing the robot monster to explode, sending his parts to scatter all over Ravenville. Each individual part has a life of its own and is wreaking havoc throughout the city. Can all of Brady's friends put the Attractor back together again?
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How to distract an Attractor
How to make a Medusa blink
Episode 5 - 10-05-2005
The Ravenville museum has received a statue of Medusa! The nosy museum curator accidentally brings her back to life, and the Medusa, true to her nature begins turning everyone into stone.. Brady & Virgil are protected from her paralyzing gaze by wearing a special pair of high-tech reflective sunglasses. After battling it out, Brady succeeds in planting a pair these same glasses on the Medusa's head, thereby neutralizing her petrifying stare. This has an enlightening effect on the Medusa, who gives up her evil ways to become a good Ravenville citizen. Now that the danger of turning people into stone has been removed, it's much easier to make friends.
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How to make a Medusa blink
How a monster runs for mayor
Episode 4 - 1-01-2006
The Mayor is running unopposed for re-election, but his anti-monster platform is not going over very well with the town’s monsters and their friends. Vlad decides to give the mayor a run for his money and runs against him. The odds are in Vlad’s favour. The mayor is worried he may actually lose, and Brady mysteriously offers him his services as campaign manager. This is all part of Brady's cunning plan to get the mayor to change his campaign into a monster-friendly platform. The plan works to perfection, and everyone is happy - The mayor gets re-elected, and his newly revised campaign platform actually improves the monsters’ living conditions. Virgil & Maxwell were completely oblivious of Brady's double-agent plan. Virgil thinks his buddy has betrayed his cause, and Maxwell was banking on Vlad’s election for his real estate scheme to work. Needless to say Maxwell’s greed has cost him a bundle again.
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How a monster runs for mayor
How to make a monster cry
Episode 2 - 1-01-2006
Vlad is knocked into the bog by a strange bat-like creature, completely new to Ravenville. Brady's interest is piqued by a certain detail of Vlad's complaint. Brady believes they are dealing with a Weeper, a creature that makes people cry in order to collect their tears, basically a tear-drinking vampire! Little does Ember know, her new best friend Jenny is in fact the human version of this mysterious Weeper monster. Ravenville is harassed by the Weeper's creature version because it has to be mean to people to collect their tears. That is until Brady and friends demonstrate that tears of laughter are infinitely tastier. Naturally, Virgil serves as the butt of a joke so funny that everyone is crying from laughing so hard, proving to Jenny the Weeper she will never have a shortage of sweet-tasting tears of laughter as long as Virgil is around
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How to make a monster cry
How to hook up a missing link
Episode 1 - 3-22-2006
It’s late night in Ravenville and a tall hairy mysterious creature is secretly studying Ravenville’s women, one by one. While hanging out the laundry, Pollyanna spots the creature who immediately whisks her away. The Plunketts notice Pollyanna’s absence the following morning because breakfast is not ready. Brady investigates, while Maxwell mobilizes another one of his infamous search party (which, as usual, quickly degenerates into an unruly disorganized mob). Sitting around a campfire, Pollyanna gets to have a friendly chat with her captor - a lonely female Missing Link. Turns out the Link was just looking for some girlfriends for some coffee talk. Pollyanna teaches the Link that abducting people is wrong, and the two of them become great friends. Pollyanna brings her new girlfriend back home for a tea party with some of the other girls, and everyone gets along marvellously. Meanwhile, Maxwell’s search party is lost in the woods and couldn’t even find its own shadow on a sunny day.
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How to hook up a missing link
Season 2  
How to turn your pet into a monster
Episode 20
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How to turn your pet into a monster
How to remind your monster who he is
Episode 19
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How to remind your monster who he is
How to raise a Hatchling
Episode 18 - 3-22-2006
Brady wakes up and finds a happy bouncing monster egg. How did it get there? Brady isn’t quite prepared for this kind of responsibility. This egg proves quite challenging to manage, as it hops and rolls around. Things don’t get any easier once it finally hatches. This Hatchling can fly and breathe fire and has an uncanny resemblance to - Brady's favourite monster! Brady concludes his favourite monster has given its egg to him. The Hatchling is too much for Brady and Virgil, so they enlist Ember for some help. All is well until Virgil accidentally spooks the baby which flies away in a panic. They finally find the baby on top of the haunted house. Suddenly, Brady's favourite monster swoops down, catching its offspring, and flies away into the horizon. Not only does Brady miss the baby terribly, he feels he has disappointed his favorite monster. The next day, his favorite monster returns its baby to Brady, until it is ready to leave the “nest”. Everyone is overjoyed, except for the baby’s favourite chew toy – Virgil.
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How to raise a Hatchling
How to break up a Berserker
Episode 17
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How to break up a Berserker
How to put out a fiery dragon
Episode 16
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How to put out a fiery dragon
How to steal a monster's treasure
Episode 15 - 8-07-2005
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How to steal a monsters treasure
How to plug the Loch Ness leak
Episode 14 - 9-18-2005
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How to plug the Loch Ness leak
How to catch your missing shadow
Episode 13 - 9-11-2005
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How to catch your missing shadow
How to dodge the Quicksand
Episode 12
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How to dodge the Quicksand
How to unplug a Sparker
Episode 11 - 9-11-2005
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How to unplug a Sparker
How to stop a monster migration
Episode 10 - 9-04-2005
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How to stop a monster migration
How to collect monsters
Episode 9 - 8-28-2005
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How to collect monsters
How to housebreak the monster under your bed
Episode 8 - 8-28-2005
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How to housebreak the monster under your bed
How to sabotage a Gargoyle
Episode 7 - 8-21-2005
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How to sabotage a Gargoyle
How to give your monster courage
Episode 6 - 8-21-2005
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How to give your monster courage
How to put together a skeleton
Episode 5 - 8-14-2005
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How to put together a skeleton
How to celebrate Christmas with your monster
Episode 4 - 8-14-2005
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How to celebrate Christmas with your monster
How to make your monster happy
Episode 3 - 8-07-2005
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How to make your monster happy
How to be a good monster sitter
Episode 2 - 7-31-2005
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How to be a good monster sitter
How to date a Werewolf
Episode 1 - 7-24-2005
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How to date a Werewolf
Season 1  
How to turn your monster into a Latin lover
Episode 15 - 6-19-2005
Max orders Brady: ""No more monsters in the house, or you lose your computer!"" Seconds later, a very hairy Yeti sneaks undetected into the Plunkett home, attracted by its favourite food - garbage. Brady stumbles upon ""Wigs"" the Yeti, and must now find a way to sneak him out before Max finds him. Virgil is there to help, but Arlene discovers their big hairy secret. She blackmails Brady into finding her a date to make her unappreciative boyfriend Bobby jealous. Brady ingeniously sets her up with a seductive Latin date - Wiggario. Arlene is smitten! Little does she know that Wiggario is none other than a shaved version of Wigs. Things get real crazy once Bobby, Arlene, Wiggario, and his Yeti nemesis confront each other.
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How to turn your monster into a Latin lover
How to impress a girl with your Mummy
Episode 14 - 6-06-2005
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How to impress a girl with your Mummy
How to build your own monster
Episode 13 - 6-01-2005
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How to build your own monster
How to sneak your monster on vacation with you
Episode 12 - 5-01-2005
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How to sneak your monster on vacation with you
How to use your monster for home protection
Episode 11
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How to use your monster for home protection
How to haunt a house
Episode 10
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How to haunt a house
How to find your missing monster
Episode 9 - 4-24-2005
Brady has a webcast to demonstrate the technique for building a monster. Something goes wrong with the recipe, and his audience’s' projects turn into uncontrollable mischievous blobs. These blobs join together into one giant mega-blob, sliming up Ravenville and gobbling up citizens. How will Brady deal with this gelatinous problem and rescue his gobbled up friends? Brady gets the giant blob to swallow a mountain of every inflatable object in town, and then shoves a leaf blower into its side. The growing internal gas pressure launches the blob into the sky like a swelling balloon. Luckily it explodes over the water, making for a safe splashdown for the citizens who were trapped inside the blob. The mayor thanks Brady by having him clean up the tons of blob slime covering the city.
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How to find your missing monster
How to soothe ruffled feathers, fur... and scales
Episode 8 - 4-17-2005
Brady receives an email from someone claiming they’ve found his favourite monster. Brady takes a look at the enclosed photo – that’s him alright! Brady is ecstatic: his monster is staying with Matt from Vomit Falls and he’s willing to trade him in for another monster. Courting his father’s economical leanings, Brady suggests that they should drive down in their uncle’s motorized home to Vomit Falls for the family vacation. Sneaking Stitch in such a cramped vehicle will be tricky. Keeping him a secret from the other Plunketts, while on the family road trip from hell, will be worse. Especially when Brady has to find a replacement monster in the woods.
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How to soothe ruffled feathers fur and scales
How to handle a part-time monster
Episode 7 - 4-10-2005
After witnessing a botched burglary, thanks to a helpful goblin, Brady comes home to find Maxwell and Pollyanna in a panic. They’ve heard that robbers are stealing valuable collectibles all over Ravenville. Their vintage comic books and childhood dollies are no longer safe from the greedy clutches of these hooligans. Maxwell frowns on installing a security system, Brady suggests using a monster as theft protection. Maxwell will not budge; he does not want a monster in his house! But after hearing Virgil’s appraisal of the comic book, Maxwell knows he’s sitting on a gold mine. So Brady hires the Werewolf to protect the family’s precious heirlooms. Brady's thrilled, he finally has a pet monster to call his own ... but does the rest of the family think it’s really a good idea to have a Werewolf around the house? Maxwell is so desperate to get rid of the furry fiend; he’s willing to put his beloved comic book collection up for bid.
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How to handle a parttime monster
How to get rid of an undesirable monster
Episode 6 - 4-03-2005
Mr and Mrs Dandy move from their tiresome old haunted house to open a ghost-free Bed and Breakfast. The Dandy children really miss their old haunted house; so Brady and friends agree to help out. Brady and Ember parade around as mock ghosts until Virgil finds and recruits new phantom friends to move into the inn. Much to the Dandy parents’ dismay, the journalists who came to review the new inn’s opening think the mock ghost gimmick is great fun. That’s until Virgil arrives with the real ghosts and scares everyone away. This gaggle of ghosts is bad for business. Even the Dandy kids admit that too many ghosts spoil the fun. The Dandy’s move again.
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How to get rid of an undesirable monster
How to keep a sea monster from eating your town
Episode 5 - 5-23-2005
Brady is distraught when he finds out that Maxwell wants to sell the house and move away from Ravenville. Brady is mostly devastated that he will never find his long lost favourite monster if he moves away. He promises a cash reward to whoever finds his beloved missing monster. Maxwell is stressed out by the sale of his property; he gets Brady to promise that the potential buyers will not be bothered by his beastly business. But much to Maxwell's horror, his open house is ruined since the monsters and their owners show up at the house in hopes of collecting the reward.
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How to keep a sea monster from eating your town
How the monsters came to Ravenville
Episode 4 - 3-27-2005
With the help of his friends Ember and Virgil, Brady meets Vlad the Vampire and adopts him as his monster. He tries his to keep his new monster a secret, thinking that if his father does not notice the vampire, that he would let him keep it. Brady keeps getting weird calls from the citizens of Ravenville, complaining that the monsters are causing raucous. A secret meeting is held in the forest, with all the kids and their respective monsters: vouching it’s not their creatures who are responsible for this chaos. Brady and Virgil uncover an underground movement of the citizen’s neglected pets who are purposely sabotaging the monster’s reputation. As a confrontation mounts between citizens and beasts, Brady calls for understanding, to be responsible monster and pet owners.
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How the monsters came to Ravenville
How to throw a monster party
Episode 3 - 5-30-2005
On his way home from work, a flu-stricken Maxwell meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Delighted, Maxwell decides to put up Dr. Jekyll in exchange for his medical services. At first, the family finds it handy to have a doctor hang around the house. His medicated shampoo promises to help restore sheen to Brady's sister Arlene’s hair. Pollyanna, Brady's mother, is given a special powder to give her a radiant complexion. But his cosmetic concoctions have undesired, freakish side effects. Brady is very suspicious about the doctor’s orders. Brady realizes the doctor’s fiendish plan: the Plunkett family is slowly turned into mutants and is eventually sold to the local pet shop. While Brady attempts a daring monster rescue, his twin brother and sister, Marvin and Gaye, work on a reverse transformation formula.
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How to throw a monster party
How to groom your monsters for success
Episode 2 - 5-30-2005
10-year-old Stanley Crumb has captured a tadpole from Ravenville's infamous pond, the Black Lagoon. Poor Stanley had no idea the tadpole would grow into a creature so big; his fish tank can no longer contain it. Is it because Stanley overfed the poor thing? Things go from bad to worse when Stanley leaves the creature unattended overnight and he floods the basement. Brady and Virgil run to the rescue, but taming this beast is no easy task. Meanwhile, the snoopy Game Warden is obsessed with catching the Crumb family red-handed interfering with the local wildlife. Brady has a plan to catch the monster, as he wants to reunite the creature with its better half. To be a monster catcher, you sometimes have to be a monster matchmaker. Unlucky for Virgil, Brady has picked him to be the bait...
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How to groom your monsters for success
How to bond with a Banshee
Episode 1 - 6-13-2005
Brady has finally captured the monster of his dreams. Maxwell, Brady's dad, is horrified and a bit annoyed with his son when he discovers the beast; so he sets it free. Terrified, Maxwell incites the citizens of Ravenville to declare war against all monsters and to capture them in the forest. Luckily, Brady and his friend Virgil thwart the monster hunt by getting all of the town's children to adopt a monster. But not before he teaches them a lesson on the responsibility of monster pet ownership. Too bad for Brady that his monster does not come back to him.
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How to bond with a Banshee
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