One (stylized as ONE) is the pseudonym of a Japanese manga artist, best known for his web manga series One-Punch Man, which was later remade as a digital manga illustrated by Yusuke Murata. One serializes One-Punch Man on his own website under no official publisher, while the manga remake is serialized in the web version of Weekly Young Jump. His other well-known series, Mob Psycho 100, was serialized in the online version of Weekly Shōnen Sunday, called Ura Sunday. He was born in Niigata and grew up in Kōnosu, Saitama. As of December 2015, his website gets more than 100,000 hits a day and has logged more than 70 million total visits. Description above from the Wikipedia article One (manga artist), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Born: October 29, 1986 (Age 38) in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Streaming Sources for all ONE Movies & TV ShowsTitle | Rating | Job | Role(s) | Year |
Movie | Writing | Original Concept, Original Story | ||
Movie | Crew | Creator | 2021 | |
TV Show | Writing | Comic Book 24 Episodes | 2015 | |
TV Show | Writing | Comic Book, Key Animation 37 Episodes | 2016-2022 | |
TV Show | Writing | Comic Book 12 Episodes | 2018-2018 | |
Title | Rating | Job | Role(s) | Year |
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