Aniela Krajewska
/10 8 years ago
Wow. For perhaps the first time in my life, I am completely speechless. I just got back from an early screening of the movie (we have early screenings in Poland! Who knew?). I'm going to try and collect my thoughts as I write, but I'm just buzzing with excitement, so I make no promises as to how this will turn out. I hope you'll stick with me regardless.
After BvS and Suicide Squad were poorly received by critics (and audiences too, although here the opinions were more divided), a lot of people were afraid of how this movie would turn out. And I swear, no one was more scared than me. I didn't grow up with Wonder Woman - hell, I wasn't even aware of her existence until like two years ago, but I so desperately wanted her movie to succeed. A female superhero in the title role and a female director? That is huge. That's something I've been waiting for since I was a kid. And I spent the last year kind of holding my breath, hoping with all my might that this movie would be good.
And it is. Thank the gods, it really is.
Oh, and before I forget: this review will be spoiler-free, I don't intend to ruin any of the important plot points for anyone.
So, let's get to it, shall we?
First of all, the plot. The plot is simple, linear, without unnecessary storylines shoehorned in there for no reason. That doesn't make it any less engaging or exciting, of course. If anything, it allows you to really immerse yourself in the story. And boy, is the story great. There's plenty of cliches there, but honestly, there is something to be said about cliches. If done correctly, they are amazing. And they definitely are done correctly here.
The movie looks gorgeous as well. There are actual colors there, along with some stunning shots. The editing is on point, everything flows pretty much flawlessly.
The music is sick. I mean, they managed to incorporate WW's theme in there, with all of its electric cello glory. And it's just... insane.
The action scenes will make you want to fist pump and yell "Hell yeah!". Whatever you're imagining, I promise you, the movie will exceed your expectations. I still have goosebumps and it's been like an hour since I left the theatre.
As for the acting, everyone does a wonderful (no pun intended) job. I want to talk about Gal Gadot for a second, because I feel like a lot of people had doubts as to whether or not she could handle such a huge role and such an iconic heroine. Worry not. She's got this. It's actually kind of jaw-dropping how much she's got this. She pours everything she has into this performance. Her Diana is layered, a perfect balance of innocently naive and fiercely badass. She brings heart and humanity and a range of emotions to the character. She will make you laugh. She will make you cry. And most importantly, she will make you feel the sheer power and confidence that she radiates while still having moments of vulnerability. She's glorious. She IS Wonder Woman.
Everyone loves Chris Pine, and he does a great job here as well. Steve Trevor keeps up with Diana without once trying to overshadow her and they make a fantastic duo. And he has his fair share of cool moments as well. Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright manage to do a lot with the few scenes they're given. Lucy Davis is super funny. Overall, a pretty awesome cast of supporting actors.
And finally, what struck me the most about this movie was how heartfelt and genuine, and just... good it was. I mean, it's a brilliant movie, but it's also good in the sense that it inspires you and fills you with hope and optimism, which I think is something we rarely get in movies nowadays. It warms your heart and makes you feel so many different things. It hits all the right notes. There's no shortage of dramatic, incredibly emotional moments that will bring tears to your eyes. But it's also often hilarious and joyful - I laughed out loud more than once, and so did the rest of the room.. And when it wants to be epic, it is larger than life, powerful and spectacular.
I recognize and respect the fact that to many people, this movie won't be perfect. But to me, it is. It's everything I wanted it to be and then some. Hats off to Patty Jenkins, Gal Gadot and everyone else involved. They created something truly incredile. I'm seeing it again on Saturday. And quite possibly a few more times after that. If I blow all my money on tickets for this movie, it will be worth it. No regrets.
Now, time to go to bed and cry about how much I love Diana. I hope everyone has as unforgettable an experience with Wonder Woman as I did.
UPDATE: Having seen this movie 4 times in 2 weeks, I can safely say that it's insanely rewatchable. Also, I'm an emotional mess who's cried at least 3 times during each one of those 4 screenings. I'm fairly certain that this movie actually gets better the more you watch it.