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User Comments for: Wolf

AlfieSGD says...
2 years ago
There have been so many werewolf movies in the past decades that it's hard to stand out from the pack. The rather boringly titled 1994 film "Wolf" certainly has a few trump cards in this regard. The cast, for example, is respectable, at least on paper. Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer in the main roles, as well as actors like James Spader or Christopher Plummer in supporting roles, are quite something. And a score by Ennio Morricone is also a selling point, for starters.

Despite all these ingredients, the film didn't really click for me. Nicholson is okay, even if he seems a bit bored, but especially his chemistry with Pfeiffer, I didn't feel at all. Overall, the film also takes too much time with its narrative; a faster pace would have certainly done it good. The werewolf transformation looks solid in terms of effects, but not exactly outstanding either. Even the score by Maestro Morricone seems somehow arbitrary. I also found the finale very badly staged, so I look at the end of the film even more negatively than I would have thought at the beginning. It had the potential to be so much better.
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