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User Reviews for: White Riot

Saint Pauly
9/10  5 years ago
Eric Clapton, onstage, 1976:

>Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands... So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country... I don’t want you here, in the room or in my country. I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white!
In response to this, David Bowie stating the United Kingdom was ready for a fascist leader, and Rod Stewart saying "This country is overcrowded. The immigrants should be sent back home," a movement arose. That movement was Rock Against Racism and White Riot is the story of that organization.

And holy shit, what a story it was. From luring young punks away from fascism, to staging concerts where black reggae bands and white punk groups shared the spotlight, to protesting marches put on by the National Front fascist party, to organizing their own marches, to publishing anti racist fanzines, to canvassing schools... The extra-ordinary efforts Rock Against Racism made and the incredible lengths they went to amazes me.

[Speaking of punk, I never was much of a punk fan, but I'll tell you I came away from this film with a much elevated respect for punks in general and The Clash in particular. (The documentary's title refers to a Clash song 'White Riot': "Black man gotta lotta problems / But they don't mind throwing a brick / White people go to school / Where they teach you how to be thick". ) Already famous at the time, The Clash put their time and talent on the line in the most unambiguous way possible to decry the racism that was rising in the UK in the late 1970s.]

Not only is the story of RAR fascinating, it is incredibly well told here. Director Rubika Shah draws the viewer in with visuals that are both 70s retro and cutting edge contemporary with music that locks you in like handcuffs.

_White Riot_ is an emotional ride that finishes in a place of hope because it's a reminder that, no matter when or where, there will always be masses of people who will rise up to fight fascism and racism in all forms.

I saw _White Riot_ in a Paris cinema on a Saturday afternoon in August. There was only one other person in the cinema with me. (I was in my normal front row center seat and she was towards the back.) When the film ended and the lights went up, she, a complete stranger, told me how great she thought the film was. When I agreed, she said it was a shame there were only two of us at the showing. Of course, I commiserated with her and then she added, "But I'm going to tell as many people as I can about it." Well, gentle lady, here I am doing the same thing.
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