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User Comments for: Tyrannosaur

moonkodi says...
8 years ago
Movie about emotional suffering, abuse and coping. Some nasty and all too realistic English characters along the way.

As the movie progresses the story progression just gets better and better, as they should. Very emotional moments in this. I cried.
I don't think this story could have been told any better. It's real, horrific, relatable and superbly acted. Paddy got some great performances here. Outstanding performances. And who knew Paddy was so good? I've seen him in a few movies and like him so was curious about his project. He gets it. He writes dialogue with a perfect balance of plot development/revealing, natural character based filler/relationship interaction and sheer flow. Some scenes are not dialogue and they are still powerful. He knows where to insert actions instead of words.
One of my favorite movies but hard to watch. I watch ant Paddy to do another genre.
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