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User Reviews for: Three Monkeys

8/10  9 years ago
'Three Monkeys', from the director of 'Once Upon a Time in Anatolia'. 'Three Monkeys' wounded up winning the Best Director award back in 2008. And from the way this was shot, I can totally see why. This director is one that excels at atmosphere. Not only is everything extremely well shot with some fantastic cinematography, but there was also a noticeable amount of effort put into the sound design, with many unique foley sounds to help emphasize the tone.

I understand that this film might be a little slower pace than what some people are used to, but I don't consider it boring in the slightest. The way that things are set out visually often gives you something to absorb apart from the dialogue - like the choice to keep their lives in their homes so dark in contrast to what you see outside.

I know that some of you would probably like to hear a plot summary, but I think it's better to just watch the film develop itself. Not only that, but plot summaries do nothing to explain the quality of the film in comparison to presentation. And aside from a couple short moments in this film that were noticeably dubbed, the presentation of this movie is absolutely fantastic.
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