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User Reviews for: This Means War

CONTAINS SPOILERS6/10  12 years ago
Whether you like or dislike this movie, the ridiculously unrealistic portrayal of the CIA, tropes or uncomfortable situations, there is one thing you can't deny:

The female protagonist -Lauren- is not ridiculed or slutshamed, despite having had relationships in the past and considering sleeping with/dating two guys. (And rightfully so!) Neither the two men in question nor anyone else thinks of that as slutty or bad, which should be a given but ends up being one of the redeeming factors of an otherwise mediocre film. It's sad, but it's also true: I found it positively refreshing how they never questioned or judged her.

I do have huge issues with the actual love-triangle, though. Regardless of the Beauty-and-the-Beast nature of the relationship between Lauren and Chris Pine's character, there is also the fact that both guys used their CIA technology to spy on her and, truthfully, stalk her. To find out where she was, what she liked, whom she had been with in the past. - I don't care how unrealistic it was, or how it was just a plot-decide and a comic relief. It's not acceptable, period.

Lauren and Tom Hardy's character, too, made me slightly uncomfortable. They weren't Beauty-and-the-Beast material, but did the writers need him to be with his ex-wife again after Lauren's final rejection? Was that really necessary? Yes, I, too, wanted him to have a happy ending, giving his sweet and genuine (and stalker!creepy) nature, but that was just too easy, and frankly also too predictable.

Had a few laughs, predicted most of the plot (was surprised one or two times) and overall enjoyed it enough. For a chic flick, it'd probably deserve about 7 stars - IF you're drunk like I was while watching it.
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Reply by ActionKaMan
6 years ago
@patriciabr I could tell you you're a feminist without even looking at your profile.
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