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User Reviews for: The X-Files

CONTAINS SPOILERS7/10  one year ago
So the black oil is alien blood, and either when an alien dies it's consciousness partially or fully goes into the oil? Or not at all? And it's also a form of reproduction.

This movie shows the latter at least, but previous instances of the black oil in the show was of the former.

Maybe since in this movie the alien here/alien blood is different from the alien blood in the show, since this movie alien is from tens of thousands of years ago (or millions as it's suggested), and their alien race/alien blood changed, whether organically or purposefully.

In the show, the russian developed vaccine worked against the black oil. The vaccine not working on this aliens blood makes sense then given my above reasonings, since the vaccine is targeted more toward the current versions of the aliens blood, which Scully was infected with from the bee.

Although, maybe the past version of the aliens blood makes the host gestate, and the new version does other effects. It was suggested this was an isolated case.

Or the aliens collaborated with this illuminati/secret government with this fake but effective black oil/an altered version of their blood, and made them focus their/the planets resources on finding a vaccine to that version. Which would then leave them completely open and be swept up by the real version of their bloods effect, that of replacement, rather than colonization. It's a very clever plan.

Rather than trying to remain secret or risk having the planets resources put into defense of their planet and weapons against them, have the humans direct their resources on the course of a vaccine, into medical science.

Have humanity completely distracted in to take over the earth much more quickly. It's genius.


Scully is stung by the infected bee, and then what happens?

Ah, it's been a while my old friend, but i knew you would return...


The film does feel a bit Mulder centric, with it tapping into his motivations and him being involved with that guy who gave him the initial information. But they should have tapped into Scully's pre-existing motivations too like the death of her daughter.

Solid answers on Samantha. Taken so she could get cloned to eventually help cure her if she was later infected during the colonization.

So the aliens came millions of years ago but some were left behind i guess. And they went hidden or something. Instead of... What? Taking over the planet? Doesn't really make sense.

With Mulder infecting the saucer i do wonder. I mean he could have pulled her out first and then vaccinated her, without infecting the entire saucer. Because the illuminati i imagine were using that saucer to do experimentations and tests and to evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccine, and to understand more about the aliens and how to combat them. So there's that moral thing of thinking about what's best in the long term or the short term, or the morally right choice or thinking about the greater good. By destroying the facility it could be the thing that ultimately doomed humanity, for example, because it was a facility we needed or to use. The aliens are much more advanced than humanity, and if they want to wipe us out, then we would have to be very careful in how we conduct ourselves and our defense and our attack.

Although maybe the aliens were letting them use the saucer to help in their preparations or to help with the distraction.

I really dislike how Scully wasn't really aware of the aliens and the saucer. At least Mulder now got solid proof with his own eyes of what he saw, that he's always so desperately wanted.

As for the movie itself, i agree with the criticisms others have said. It's not a very good movie on it's own, as a continuation of the show, it's pretty good, i like it. I like we got answers, i like the Mulder and Scully relationship, i like the x files becoming re-opened. I like the look of the aliens and how vicious these ones are. There's a lot i like and some i dislike, which i've mentioned above. The opening wasn't very good, but i liked the conspiracy stuff. I agree there were quite a few long boring sequences and chase sequences in the film, and Scully should have had more to do later on and not be abducted again, and abducted and infected again at that.

I did like them traveling to various locations, though the production design just didn't feel right, and i think that's because they didn't get much preproduction time on this film.

Skinner was good. Wish he had more to do, but he is a supporting character.

The mythology in the film does feel like adding a bit to the convolution of it, but we've also received some solid answers and leads. I enjoyed it, and i'm still invested in the mythology and conspiracies.
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