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User Reviews for: The Lost Husband

4/10  4 years ago
We all know going in what's going to happen, let's be honest. Which means these movies are all about the chemistry and relationships. And yet, the little relationship building there was wasn't enough to make up for the confusing plot. Her husband is "gone". She refuses to say dead so I'm thinking he's in jail or she's running away or something. But no, he's just dead and all those tense past scenes are just to reveal the "dark" reality that they were in debt. Which was obvious since she lost everything. And there's the mystery with the aunt that has you expecting a big reveal like I'm your real mom. But then the big reveal is that she lived with them for a couple years. They loved her and treated her right and her mom took her away and her response is to yell "you're just as bad as she is". What? This lady loved you like a daughter and lost you and that's the big bad secret? And you're mad at her for it? Then she drives to go confront the mom and yet doesn't even really confront her in any satisfying way. And the romance, which is supposed to be the backbone of the whole movie is all over the place. They introduce an ex-wife, then she's paralyzed, then she's gone, then they kiss and that's it, movies over. It wasn't satisfying for the romance, it wasn't satisfying for the plot, it was just a big mess.
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