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User Reviews for: The Fast and the Furious

2/10  5 years ago
The testosterone reaches critical mass quite early in this ridiculously self-indulgent nitrous oxide orgasm. Paul Walker gets his breakout role as an undercover cop, one with very little interest in actually doing any police work, who falls in with a crew of enterprising gear heads on the midnight street racing circuit. Vin Diesel, the headline costar, takes on his usual character: a growling, flexing, ultra-chill bro with shady connections but an open heart. Neither are particularly likable or interesting.

The whole thing is shallower than a toilet bowl, ticking so many "cool point" boxes that it mimics a rich, forgettable, three-minute music video. We've got fast cars, gorgeous sex objects, adrenaline-rich action scenes, loud radio hits (juuust a bit dated) and a posh location or two. Not much in the way of meaningful character arcs or deeper substance.

It's a true "what you see is what you get" experience. Big and dumb and gruff and insecure, with a plot that varies from meaningless to pointless and a versatile cast with nothing to do beyond gripping the steering wheel (or each other) and looking sexy. On this first go-around, at least, the action retains some passing association with reality. Points for that.
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7/10  one year ago
(520-word review) Film number one is in the bag; wow, there are NINE more.

Everything about this was 2000s galore; the music, the outfits, the cars, the dialogue, the personalities of the characters, and the somewhat grainy/fuzzy cinematography. All of that adds to the charm, specifically the cinematography. The time-lapses and the nighttime cinematography were good.

A nostalgia trip for most people, looking back. A combination of experiencing that time and this film back then. For me, it's more of an understanding ("Damn, a film that came out in 2001 is the epitome of 2000s pop culture") than a feeling; frankly, some of it didn't land for me, particularly the constant blasting of music, both songs and the score.

Throughout this film's duration, I wasn't feeling much of a story there; humble beginnings, given what the franchise develops into. You could say the same for those films, as far as not "much of a story there" is concerned, and that's probably accurate. More or less. Yet part of me feels the plots in those films are better. I NEED to hear the word 'family' in every line.

Either way, the ramped-up outrageousness in those films likely makes up for it if that's not the case, whereas this one doesn't have that. The calm-before-the-storm/humble beginnings nature made the lackluster story stick out.

The "purpose" behind it regarding Brian O'Conner (also, I already knew the plot twist concerning him, but I can't remember how) was lackluster; the "real" purpose of the overall film was undoubtedly the aesthetic. The cars and the racing: being "cool." And the developing camaraderie between him and Dominic Toretto, of course.

In that vein, it was the best part, starting with the final heist: the development between them, especially everything after Dom learns the truth and Brian immediately goes to his place; that scene with them was well-acted by Vin Diesel and Paul Walker.

That's also when the film began moving along, picking up steam. Becoming more enjoyable, as up to that point was less so. That includes the romantic angle with Brian and Mia, which was 'there.' Nothing more, nothing less. There wasn't much focus on it anyway, for some reason, and it wouldn't have made a difference if it wasn't there.

My main criticism was Paul Walker's acting (although he was good-looking: his hair, in particular). While writing this, I have no idea whether people have said/are saying anything about it, particularly in this way. But yeah. His acting was mediocre until the scene with Brian and Dom at Dom's house after the final heist; his and Vin Diesel's acting in that scene was their best in the film.

Acting-wise, Chad Lindberg (Jesse) was up there with Vin, and there should've been more of him. Bars. He even resembled Aaron Paul. Or not. It was more so the vibe and personality of the character that made me think of that comparison. Chad (Jesse) could've played Jesse Pinkman.

As a film that's pure 2000s style and aesthetic from the music to the clothing, the Brian-Dom camaraderie held it up, complimented by the charm and action sequences.
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6/10  3 years ago
"Let's go for a little ride."

That little ride turned into a franchise that is still going strong and will have its 9th film in little over and month. It even has released a spin-off. It has been awhile since I had seen the humble beginnings of this franchise and I must say I still find it very enjoyable.

Vin Diesel feels at home straight away as Dominic "Dom" Toretto, I always enjoy seeing Michelle Rodriguez, we have Paul Walker as the other lead in undercover cop Brian O'Connor and Jordana Brewster as Dom's sister Mia. Who would've thought these 4 would be the start of the "family" on which this franchise later thrive on.

Anyway this one is more about racing compared to the later films and it is enjoyable. I love the soundtrack but that might just be nostalgic knocking because this film was released when I was in the middle of puberty. Also it always cracks me up seeing Ja Rule and his character being named Edwin. The action is alright, I love the scene with the truck near the end and the final race between O'Connor and Dom.

I must confess I love the over-the-topness of the later installments much more but it is a joy that the first one is still damn entertaining.
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/10  11 months ago
To be honest, the thin plot doesn't really matter here. This is just a good excuse for some fit people who look great to race souped-up production cars at break-neck speed around Los Angeles. Eye-candy Paul Walker ("Brian") and hardened "Dom" (Vin Diesel) look like they are truly pumped up for their roles and given neither have much by the way of dialogue to remember, they just get on with it. The soundtrack is irritating but the production and stunt work match the high octane pace of the film and I quite enjoyed it.
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/10  5 years ago
***Kinetic, “hip” street-racing flick with Vin Diesel and Paul Walker***

A newbie to Los Angeles (Paul Walker) falls for a café host (Jordana Brewster) while trying to join a street-racing gang led by her brother, Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel). Meanwhile the LAPD are trying to apprehend a radical group on the highways that targets semis and their valuable cargo. Michelle Rodriguez is on hand as Dom’s babe while Matt Schulze plays an angry member of his gang.

“The Fast and the Furious” (2001) was the beginning of the popular street-racing franchise that currently has eight movies with two more planned. The over-the-top action is akin to “The Road Warrior” (1981) while the tone mixes the comic book melodrama of “The Warriors” (1979) and “Torque” (2004) with the more serious air of “Grand Canyon” (1991) and “Training Day” (2001). (Yes, I realize “Torque” and “Training Day” debuted after this one; I’m just providing comparative references).

Speaking of the tone, there’s no goofiness and the actors take everything dead seriously, which is good in my book, but the flick has several unintentional laughs because, while quasi-realistic, the thrills & posing are so exaggerated.

Brewster and Rodriguez are effective in the feminine department, but neither do much for me personally. There are a few good-looking ladies in the periphery, however.

The soundtrack contains several dynamic urban numbers, including the excellent “Deep Enough” by Live.

The movie runs 1 hour, 46 minutes and was shot in Los Angeles & nearby areas (San Bernardino, Hemet, Malibu, Westminster, Beverly Hills, etc.).

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