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User Comments for: The Darwin Awards

dunpealhunter says...
14 years ago
The Darwin awards are for the people that die in such a stupified way that it is probably better for the human race that they won't be able to reproduce.

The movie itself is not that great. But the true stories that are told in the movie are amazing.

I especially enjoyed the one about the guy that attached a jet engine to his old 1980ties car in order to break the world record of the fastest car ever made. He took it for a test drive while his just as smart brother was filming everything on a camcorder for proof. Surprisingly the jet engine actually worked and after a minute or so where the windshield broke under the high wind pressure and the tires melted because of the friction and pressure his car was launched in the air and crashed into a mountain. Keep in mind this is a true story, this actually happened to someone!
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