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User Reviews for: The Bank Job

7/10  4 years ago
An honest opinion on this movie, it is really good and interesting, but the reason I do not think it is great is because of the pacing........as usual Statham (Terry Leather) is great as he plays the role of the rough and tough British gentlemen perfectly and for sure it is one of his best performances as he is playing to his strengths and also the supporting cast is pretty good.

The true story of this bank robbery has always been interesting to me and I saw this film years ago and didn't think much of it, but watching it now it has some really interesting moments and it does show the secrets a lot of politicians, celebrities and royals never wanted anyone to find out about and to this day we still do not know the full extent of this robbery, also the actual heist bit is 10/10 and it has a lot of those great moments.

But I promise you the issue with this film is the pacing, it gets interesting and then gets boring in parts but does pick back up. My verdict is to give it a watch and get ready for a pretty interesting film that is a little rough around the edges, also don't expect the usual Jason Statham action film, which in my opinion is the reason a lot of people like this film including myself.
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/10  one year ago
Based on a true story, Jason Statham does his usual as struggling car dealer "Terry" who is alerted to an opportunity to get rich quick by "Martine" (Saffron Burrows). She knows that a safety deposit box facility is going to be without it's alarm systems for a week or so and therefore if they can assemble a skilful team and... yes, think "League of Gentlemen" (1960) only with tunnelling. Now "Terry" doesn't really stop to answer the obvious question - where did "Martine" get this information? Millions of pounds of cash and jewels in these well protected boxes, well of course - but what else might they contain? Who, as importantly, is likely to get a bit narked if their precious cargos are appropriated. Success will come at a price, and that is something that soon descends on them all once they end up with considerably more than the bargained for. This might have worked better with a stronger supporting cast, but neither Burrows nor a motley collection of British regulars really add much to this vehicle for a star who has charisma on screen and a glint in his eye - but that can only take a film so far. This is quite a dry, procedural heist drama that, like so many of the genre, is more fun in the planning but that peters out once the execution and it's aftermath kick in. It's enjoyable enough to watch, and you can only imagine just how many secrets - state or otherwise - are or were holed up in facilities like these all around the world. Somehow, though, this just doesn't ignite nor live up to it's potential and is all a bit flat and forgettable with not enough action and some seriously banal dialogue.
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6/10  5 years ago
The Bank Job börjar inte speciellt lovande: den röriga starten introducerar en skara nya karaktärer och miljöer i snabbt takt i scener som känns lösryckta från varandra. Inslängda i denna mix finns även korta utfyllnadsscener sim endast får det att snurra till i huvudet och inte passar in i helheten. Sedan tillkommer den irriterande hektiska musiken, som lever i en världs av konstant fart och spänning även i scener där det inte skulle behövas.

Och det är just dessa lugnare scener som är filmens svagaste länk. De mera spänningsfyllda momenten är filmens största styrka. Själva bankrånet och de efterföljande svårigheterna är utförligt och väl gjorda. I dessa scener får såväl Jason Statham som den legendariske Poirot-stjärnan David Suchet skina. Däremot försöker filmen etablera men kärlekshistoria mellan huvudpersonerna utan att någonsin följa upp det och kemin mellan Statham och Saffron Burrows är inte speciellt påtaglig. Dessutom är Peter de Jerseys Michael X både irriterande och totalt onödig, trots att han målas som filmens största bov.

Slutresultatet är en något ojämn kriminalfilm, som fungerar bäst under just de kriminella ögonblicken och inte så bra när det kommer till det övriga. När filmen dessutom saknar en ordentlig klimax i slutet lämnar eftertexterna en sur smak i minnen.
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/10  2 years ago
**The Bank Job appears to be a face-paced exciting robbery and espionage film. While those things did take place, it was long, slow, and not as flashy as hoped.**

With Jason Statham as the lead, I expected The Bank Job to have fight scenes and car chases. It did not. Compared to other Statham flicks, The Bank Job was slow-paced and more dramatic than action-focused. Some of the pacing results from the story being based on an actual bank robbery in 1971. As intriguing as that is, it also made the story drag on. The heist takes place halfway through the film, with a full hour of runtime before the end. The robbery's aftermath is filled with political maneuvering and negotiation between several dangerous groups interested in the contents of the safe. With an hour to tie up all the loose ends, the ending somehow felt abrupt and disappointing. The Bank Job has a few cool moments, but even with a strong lead like Statham, it was average at best.
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