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User Comments for: Starship Troopers

NotoriousX says...
9 years ago
How a gory, cliche filled, fascist dream can be so entertaining is beyond me, but entertaining it is...

This sci-fi romp is HIGHLY underrated. Highly entertaining and actually thought-provoking in its own way, Starship Troopers delivers a couple of hours of entertainment you'll not soon forget.

The script is loosely based on a book by renowned, sometimes controversial, sci-fi author Robert A. Heinlein, but deviates a lot from the book. If you have read it, you might be disappointed, but I doubt it...

Recommended to anyone with even the slightest interest in sci-fi.
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Pokshyvka says...
11 years ago
Omg, childhood, i loved this movie, wheni was about 12 years old,and now, 10 years later, i watchedit again,and now i feel even more pleasure than before :))) Just feel bad because of Dizzy, she was soo great in this movie :( 10 for nostalgic feels.
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justin says...
14 years ago
Nuke 'em!
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KurtMoney says...
7 years ago
Boy I expected more out of this given its reputation. It's too long. It takes forever to get to the good stuff. It has the older guy who dated Kelly on SBTB. On the plus side it has Ironside and Clancy Brown. I don't know...its a fun movie but didn't live up to its rep.

UPDATE: I'd like to say that I was a real dumdum when I said the above stuff and now have seen the light on Starship Troopers and how it rules. Many thanks to the Action Boyz for helping me realize we got a perfect movie on our hands.
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player8472 says...
3 years ago
This is one of the best Scifi-Trash movies ever made!

If you expect an ideal world in any sense or something to strive for, this movie is not for you.

If you like to watch action in a Universe you certainly never want to live in, this is the movie for you.

What I find most interesting rewatching it (again) in 2021 is that the special effects range from super crappy to amazing even by todays standards (The cheap explosions and the clearly fake hand in the famous knife-scene vs the bugs "artillery" firing at the ships). Sometimes they are even in the same frame so you can see cheap vs amazing at the same time which leads me to believe that they actually did it on purpuse (at least on a subconcious level).
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Heckler says...
11 years ago
A great movie, with some decent CGI and action sequences.

One thing I occasionally struggle with on a personal level is the amount of enjoyment I get from a film that has such a large fascist theme to it. But I resolve this by assuming that Verhoven (who experienced the Nazi regime as a small child) is doing all of it ironically by doing it in a tongue in cheek fashion to try and make it slightly camp/comical.

The only thing that lets it down is the slightly wooden performance of lead actor Casper Van Dien, who's career never exactly went anywhere after this. The only other movies I've seen him in are Sleepy Hollow and then the Starship Troopers 3 movie... which was straight to DVD. Aside from that his career has involved mostly made for TV movies and low budget straight to dvd stuff.

Aside from that, the film is loads of fun and well worth watching, and it stands up to repeated viewing if you just want to throw something on to pass some time.
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Saint Pauly says...
4 years ago
What if the comic that came in your bubble gum wrapper was insightful political commentary... and was still funny?
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moviemankev79 says...
3 years ago
Sadly so brilliantly satirical that some took it as fascist, too subtle for its own good. The horrible sequels are MUCH more blatant to appease the masses and are thus far inferior in just about every way. This is why we can't have nice things. Thankfully I still have this original masterpiece
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Noxiuz says...
3 years ago
I have no idea what I just watched. Is it a comedy? Satire? Was it serious scifi? Horror? Directed by a Dutch guy so I knew it was gonna be weird. So I'm just gonna rate it purely on how entertained I was. Which was quite.

It was nice seeing Denise Richards again. Had a big crush on her in highschool.
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Mr. Sackamano says...
7 years ago
Is this gonna be a stand up fight sir...or another bug hunt??
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simonynwa says...
7 years ago
Verhoeven’s satirical approach was evident in his previous films, but here he takes it to extreme levels, the final sequence serving to remind the audience that the entire film has essentially been one long piss-take all along. That this wasn’t obvious from the start is perhaps a mistake on Verhoeven’s part - the dreadful dialogue that serves as the film’s script, the approach to casting and acting result in confusion as to what is actually intentionally satirical and what is just poor acting/dialogue. It doesn’t help that there is a suspicion throughout that even some of the actors may not have been fully aware of what they were involved in, but it’s also easy to understand why the film was so misunderstood on release and labelled as just another mindless science-fiction action film. Fortunately, the film has undergone something of a critical reappraisal and watching the film again with Verhoeven’s intent in mind, it is remarkable how relevant the film still is and how unbelievably prophetic the film turned out to be.
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AgentDrTran says...
8 years ago
This movie started as a spoof of fascist kitsch and then kind of dropped the spoof part. The romance was so hamfisted you could spit roast it over a fire and feed your family. The telekinesis aspect was mentioned for about 5 minutes in the start of the film, and then used to save the female love interest. Amazingly bad. I thought the first half was much stronger than the second half as the constant battle scenes got tired fast. It's not bad - it's fun - but it's a product of it's time that doesn't age well at all, and you really won't miss out if you don't watch it. If you do decide to watch this, do it drunk, with friends.
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Reply by FinFan
7 years ago
@agentdrtran Don´t know if you´re much of a reader but I can recommend the book by Heinlein. It deals much more with the society than the movie does.
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Noxcivis says...
5 years ago
So bad it is awesome ! Not an A movie but B movies want to be like Starship Troopers.
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Phoenix95 says...
5 years ago
_Starship Troopers_ is a thematically vague movie. Is the film a critique of fascism and the military? Is it a coming-of-age story about friendship and romance? Or is it simply a movie about killing bugs? Nobody seems to know, and I don't believe the crew who worked on this film knew with confidence either.
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