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User Reviews for: Soulcatcher

/10  one year ago
Polish film Soulcatcher's key shortcoming is doing too many things badly, when it could have done fewer, well.

The story starts off engagingly enough and it looks like we are being set up for a zombie style, military action flick, with a sci fi tie in. Instead of developing this idea and running with it, this film then moves into a weapons of mass destruction scenario and throws in half baked, political intrigue.

Action is still core of this film but its bumps jarringly over the roughly rutted, plot hole infested path, of inconsistent storytelling. The results an unsatisfying watch that leaves a strong sense of indifference.

The remaining positives include fair to middling action sequences and decent acting. Clearly some money has been spent, on these aspects of the film.

In summary, oftentimes, "less is more", especially when you are dealing with what is presumably, a straightforward action driven flick.
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