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User Reviews for: Seven Up!

6/10  5 years ago
First in a long line of documentaries, which check-in every seven years with the same group of children to see how their lives have unfolded. Our first meeting is very short, as these things go, which should be expected since the subjects are just seven years old and there isn't a lot of back-story to investigate. There's already a lot of developmental divergence among the youngsters, though, which is intentional on the part of the filmmakers.

Of course, the great experiment is noting how much crossover there is between classes over the decades. How much upward mobility is really available for that sweet cattle rancher's child from Scotland, versus the son of a financial analyst who already boasts of his investments in the stock market? Or for the boys, as opposed to the fairer sex? For now, we hear a lot of their parents' opinions filtered through their offspring and some interesting - if not vital - notes about a typical day in their life.

Seven is a great age for thinking; beyond the point of simple observation but not yet jaded or corrupted by one's experiences and surroundings. Thus, we get a lot of honest, unashamed opinions on some heavy matters, and some very raw answers that we'd never hear from an adult. It's all just the tip of the iceberg, really. Like the subjects themselves, this is just a sketch of a greater picture yet to come. It does serve as a firm foundation for looking back, for comparing and for contrasting, and that's sure to make for an excellent long game.
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