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User Reviews for: Secret Life of the Long Haul Flight

6/10  6 years ago
Amusing that one of the early shots clearly shows a passenger's full boarding pass. When this documentary aired, we were already well aware that sharing pictures of a boarding pass, even an old one, is not a good idea because of how much personal information the barcodes printed on it might contain. I guess Channel 5 didn't get that memo.


I suppose this documentary is decent enough, but it was nowhere near as technical as I expected. So much of the screen time was actually devoted to following specific passengers' stories, and a lot of the complexity related to the operation of a massive jet aircraft across multiple continents was glossed over or left out entirely.

Was it fun to follow the two dogs from door to door? Certainly. It was absolutely hilarious seeing John's mom go nuts at the surprise of seeing him at her birthday. I even appreciated Malcolm's storybook reunion with his "new" family. Daniel and Bethanie made for a cute footnote, I guess—with their baby, how could they _not_ be cute?—as did Belinda. They certainly covered all the main groups: Visitors, prospective residents, old residents coming home…

Still, I do wish there had been more screen time devoted to the actual "secret life" of this long-haul flight. But maybe I'm just tired of news and documentary filmmakers always taking the human-interest angle on things.
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