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User Reviews for: Planet of the Sharks

7/10  7 years ago
I never sugar coated the fact that, Zoombies and Ghosthunters aside, 2016 was, overall, a VERY disappointing year for this B-Movie fan when it comes to Asylum movies. Honestly, one of the worst since I first started getting into Asylum movies way back in 2007. Even that year's highly-anticipated annual Sharknado entry was, IMO, the worst in that franchise.

Is Planet of the Sharks a good, well-made movie? God no. The acting is pretty dreadful across the board (made worse by some of the god awful fake accents), the CG of the sharks are ok some of the time, but pretty bad most of the time (also seems like just re-used CG models from the Sharknado movies), and the plot makes little to no sense, with a bunch of random unrealistic technobabble thrown in to try to have it make sense.

But good god it's _FUN_. It is fun as all hell, and _THAT_ is what I want out of my Asylum/SyFy style B-Movies. Honestly, when it comes to these types of movies I don't give a rat's ass about acting or quality of effects, I've long ago gotten use to the low level of those things and can easily look past them (within reason). The only thing that truly matters to me is the level of fun and this has that in spades. It's set in the future and is basically Waterworld but with an army of killer man-eating sharks stalking our main cast, and going from floating village to floating village and destroying them. As a fan of low budget cheesy B-Movies, how does that not sound awesome?

Could it have been better? Yeah, sure. But it's certainly enjoyable enough as-is as well, despite its previously-mentioned shortcomings. In any other recent Asylum-filled year, this may have come across as just average, but in a rather lackluster Asylum year, Planet of the Sharks was one hell of a sight for sore eyes.
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