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User Comments for: Pearl Harbor

artisover says...
12 years ago
There is bad, then there is insulting. This falls into the later category; I don't care if Bay wants to make his testosterone fueled action films for teenage boys. But when he starts to bastardize history and deliberately bend it to suit his own political agenda, I have to step in and call bullshit.
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Nikathy_ says...
7 years ago
I know many people dislike this movie but I saw it in my childhood more than a dozen times and still have to say that its one of my favourite of all times.
For me it has the right amount of action, drama and romance and I love the historical aspect of it.
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FinFan says...
8 years ago
This isn´t such a bad movie. Yes, it has a cheesy love story. But you have to put something in a movie like this otherwise you´ll end up with a pretty expensive, out of proportion documentary. And I´ll doubt people would watch that. It´s not totally accurate historically but a lot of things are based on facts as they were known then.
Altogether it´s above average blockbuster cinema, not even Bays worst movie (that would be reserved for some of the Transformer movies). [spoiler] The one thing I think was too much was putting the Doolittle Raid in at the end. I understand the intention in doing so but this would be material for another movie alone. [/spoiler]
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gahudnall-deleted-1490229630 says...
12 years ago
Terrible love story.
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jekyl6669 says...
6 years ago
It baffles me how a movie like Titanic is universally celebrated as one of the most important and successful films of all time, yet this movie is derided as strongly as it is. It's basically the SAME movie! I'd like to hear a good argument for the difference of opinions on these films, and not one with just childish defenses like "It's just terrible!!!". It's a little bloated, but it has an effective, tragic love story, as sappy as it may be. And it features an impressive, bombastic recreation of that tragic disaster. It works well enough for what it is.
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Jim222001 says...
5 years ago
Michael Bay turned Pearl Harbor into a romance/bromance war film. It is at least nice to look at and occasionally entertaining. Though the soap opera like moments hold the film back.
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filmtoaster says...
5 years ago
I legitimately love this film. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe I'll write a longer review later expressing why, but I love the characters, I love the staging, I love the action, I love the music, and I enjoy the story. It's another fictionalized depiction of a historical event like Titanic, but it works really well, more than what the average audience member gives it credit for. I personally recommend it.
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jarvis-8243417 says...
5 years ago
From director Michael Bay comes the big-budget World War II epic Pearl Harbor. The story follows two best friends who become fighter pilots and get stationed at Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack. Featuring Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, Jon Voight, Jennifer Garner, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Alec Baldwin, the film has an all-star cast. And, the special effects and battle sequences are extraordinarily well-done, as is the score by Hans Zimmer. But the script is awful, trying to squeeze three different movies into one, and doing a bad job of it. Also, the pacing is incredibly slow, dragging on and on interminably at times. Yet despite all of its problems, Pearl Harbor is a compelling war film with some powerful action scenes.
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Leo hunter 23 says...
6 years ago
The film leaves much to be desired in the action scenes and to follow the love triangle more, which ends up making the film much less attractive
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ColdStream96 says...
6 years ago
Pearl Harbor har ett rykte av att vara en rätt så förskräcklig film. Jag blev därför positivt överraskad. Den är ingalunda ett mästerverk eller ens en speciellt djup krigsfilm, men den har sina ögonblick. Humorn fungerar bra, till exempel, och periodkänslan är autentisk. Det finns en hel del karaktärer att hålla reda på, men deras berättelser byggs upp på ett snyggt sätt och alla ges tid att växa under filmens gång.

Det som inte fungera rika bra är att denna film väldigt gärna vill vara krigsfilmernas Titanic, men alldeles klart är långtifrån det. Intrigen rullar på utan att ens försöka gå speciellt djup, dramatiken är varken nytt eller speciellt intressant. Det är den ödesdigra attacken som i själva verket är filmen största styrka. Den visar krigets kaos och olika sidor på ett bättre sätt ä många andra filmer. Krigssekvensen är rätt så lång, men blir aldrig tråkig. Problemet är att detta varvas med ett triangeldrama och en pinsam kärlekshistoria som aldrig leder någon vart. Som tur är känns filmen inte för lång och skådespeleriet fungerar för det mesta helt okej.
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Agent24 says...
7 years ago
Despite the not so good reviews, I really like this movie! It has the most gorgeous actors and an epic love story in it. It is three hours long but never gets boring, which says a lot about a film. The ending, especially with the Soundtrack is just heartbreaking. But for me, this movie will always be a true epic!
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milkhoneytea says...
8 years ago
Some of the secondary plots, I am not sure why they were included at all, when they were not given the attention required to be properly developed. The eye candy is really the one thing this movie has got going for itself (Affleck and Hartnett were and still are extremely handsome men, but they never looked as good as in this movie, and I think neither did Beckinsale!), and that is just not enough to hold a three-hour long movie together. Taken as a lame Nicholas Sparks-kind of love story though, it really is not terrible, just seriously long.
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NealZ says...
3 years ago
i cant help it, i just love this movie.
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