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User Reviews for: Paprika

6/10  2 months ago
Yeah I had high expectations for this, specially after the masterpiece that is Perfect Blue by Satoshi Kon, I went in expecting another great character study but ended getting a very averagely executed movie of what could've been a thousand times better. To kick things off I had such a hard time connecting with any of the characters everyone seemed not even mildly interesting to me. Don't get me wrong the idea behind this and the premise was so smart, but I feel like it didn't get the runtime it deserves and especially after seeing multiple brain fucks this didn't hit as hard, I won't be surprised if this inspired Nolan to make Inception because the concept is very similar but Nolan just executed it perfectly.

The animation is really good, it was smooth and fluid all around and the plot direction was one of the few strengths of the movie, but the lack of a cohesive narrative and the storytelling being rather weak didn't help the case, I can totally see what Satoshi Kon was trying to do here, I am just convinced he is just a superior being when it comes to ideas such as this, but with the end product I think I was more confused than I was satisfied if that makes sense? I've seen many movies that made me say "Woah WTF", same thing here but I just didn't care enough to look into it more and had a much more neutral reaction.
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