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User Reviews for: Old

CONTAINS SPOILERS4/10  4 years ago
Cool concept but terrible, terrible writing.
None of the characters behaves in a believable way, it all feels staged (you know those lines that just happen in movies but just don't feel right in real life? Like "there's no time to explain, just follow me" or "we've got company"), even at the beginning at the resort, before the supernatural part kicks in, like a series of scenes almost unrelated one to the other and patched together, each with the precise purpose to stimulate a feeling in the audience or to get the plot ahead. Characters falling as flies like in predictable horror movies.

Some unexplicable sloppy screenplay moments:

- "I'm a nurse. My name is Jarin"
- (after the seizure) "I ruined everyone's breakfast"
- "Everyone needs to have a voice here. [...] We will make destructive decisions if we don't feel safe with each other" (The whole group psychology session on the beach, really).
- "Guy, I feel better!" (after having her tumor removed)
- (baby dies): "maybe we should all talk about what just happened"
- "I stare at the remains of nameless people in glass cases, and I kept thinking I'm going to be one of those people"
- (holding those pool rubber buoy worms) "I'm using these to swim out. I have a sister, she's a therapist too. I need to get to my sister, we never talk, we had a fight a long time ago. **She's older, but now I am** ."
- (why do you keep lighting the matches on?! And just the whole scene)
- (Rust that acts like poison into the blood stream?)

The ending was the best and more naturally progressing part of the movie
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Reply by SpeedDemon
3 years ago
@lumaestri Perfect summation. How about the part where the kids thought they couldn't get pregnant until doing it at least 10 times
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Reply by heddy1
2 months ago
@snowy_caphaddock I agree that those moments were jarring, but while watching, it was more fun for me to think of justifications than to simply not like those moments...<br /> <br /> "I'm a nurse. My name is Jarin" - Nurse's way of politely informing the doctor that their help is not needed, as they are a qualified nurse who is very familiar with his wife's episodes. It's also revealed later that they live in the same neighborhood and the doctor is always forgetting his name, so he is plainly stating his name and occupation to remind the progressively-schizophrenic doctor.<br /> <br /> "I ruined everyone's breakfast" - Attempt at comic relief. Tells us that this epilepsy-stricken woman is far, far more concerned with other people than herself. It's later revealed that her occupation is therapist/psychologist, so this makes sense and was a decent way to let us get to know the character.<br /> <br /> (The whole group psychology session on the beach, really) - A natural thing for the therapist/psychologist woman to set up. Earlier, she stated her theory that the blacking out upon each escape attempt was actually just group psychosis caused by personal problems, so she is attempting to solve the "group psychosis" so she can escape this horror.<br /> <br /> "Guy, I feel better!" (after having her tumor removed) - Expressing her surprise at how quickly she recovered. She was probably expecting to need at least a small amount of recovery time. Lets us know that she is not yet grasping the full extent of the time speed-up effect.<br /> <br /> (baby dies): "maybe we should all talk about what just happened" - More therapy offered by the psychologist. She is focused on getting out, the only way she knows how: therapy. It is later revealed that therapy would have been quite helpful to the new mother, were there time for such therapy to be administered; she becomes delusional, treating a bundle of beach-found material as her baby, as if the baby never died. Deprived of therapy, she temporarily becomes useless for the team, which is quite significant given that young people have the best chances of escaping. She ropes her lover into her delusion, further wasting valuable time.<br /> <br /> (Rust that acts like poison into the blood stream?) - They were not saying that rust itself is poison. Rust is toxic to cells, but a small amount would not do anything on its own. However, rust nearly always carries tetanus or other deadly bacteria, which is what really killed the dementia/schizophrenia doctor character. Time enabled the bacteria to multiply quite fast once it acquired its host.
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Reply by heddy1
2 months ago
@speeddemon I thought is was funny. Makes sense to me: from the perspective of a six-year-old (a very intelligent six-year-old, as demonstrated by previous dialogue), they only know that their parents "play" (his word for it) on a regular basis but only rarely does a baby happen. Despite their intelligence for their age, the six-year-old had not considered that their parents used contraceptives (and probably does not yet know what contraceptives are).
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