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User Comments for: No Way Out

AdamMorgan says...
2 years ago
I can't remember the last time that a single movie got so many stellar and terrible reviews. In a sense I get it - while this movie was probably flawed in several ways (and much of it didn't age well because the technology changed so fast) there are a few things to really like about it. I'll be honest - I thought that I had the movie figured out. And for much of it I did.... just not all of it. I was really mad at myself later on, and I loved that feeling of being punched in the face by a movie. I did see a quote about this movie that is probably true (and I am paraphrasing here): it is better than it has to be but probably not as good as it ought to be. After the movie ended I realized that I had enjoyed it but thought that it could have been a classic. Some of the stuff in the latter third of the movie (before the final scene) was just plain goofy.

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