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User Comments for: No Time to Die

T.Cash says...
3 years ago
Ana de Armas steals the show and I'm not sure that's a good thing for such a small part
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atroxa says...
3 years ago
A proper send-off for Daniel Craig, he did much for the franchise. One of the better Bond-films for sure, there's lots to like here. The acting is great, music fantastic and obviously the action is riveting. Even at 163 minutes, it does not drag - and even though I wanted more, the ending was perfect. It's exciting to discuss who will become the next Bond, but let's enjoy this ride first and let it sink in.
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Reply by inksybinksy
3 years ago
@atroxa I agree with your review but do you think there will be another Bond since they killed him off? I guess anything is possible since it's Hollywood we are talking about. The only other thing I can think of is that he survived but the explosion burnt up his face so he had to get plastic surgery.
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Reply by YoungArgonaut
3 years ago
@inksybinksy i expect another continuity reboot is more likely
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Reply by glasgow1975
3 years ago
@inksybinksy this is Bond, not Robocop, he took an air to ground missile, I doubt there's a surgery for that.
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trix256 says...
3 years ago
Ana de Armas was the best thing in this film. Brought some life into the movie. A good bond movie but far from Daniel Craig's best.
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onewarmguy says...
3 years ago
An exciting action film typical of the franchise with 007 saving the world, loved it. I particularly enjoyed the small role of Paloma by Ana de Armas, she sparkled playing that part. In all honesty I could see a Paloma spin off, at least one. We're due for a new action film heroine to arise and I'm not overly enthusiastic about a female Bond. Hope to see Paloma again.
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ackleswest says...
3 years ago
You have all the time in the world :hearts:
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dnzt says...
3 years ago
When it is a Bond movie, your expectations are at a high level. OK, we know the history but this is nothing more than an ordinary action movie.
It is sad to see Bond movies evolving latest years. I remember old ones were full of extreme scenes which can be only done by Bond and full of never-forgotten sayings where they call those into your attention frequently. Everything is becoming lame so these movies are.

They should follow the original casting from the book. There should not be a gay Q, female 007, or etc. In general, I am not opposed to any of those but this is the way of a Bond movie. I am disappointed.
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ferretpossum says...
3 years ago
A poor send-off for the great Daniel Craig. The action is lacklustre compared to previous outings and resembles a first-person shooter game for much of the time. The love interest is flat and uninspiring, Rami Malek's villain intones nonsensical, cliched dialogue in a disinterested manner and the whole thing takes far too long to go nowhere. The only bold and interesting choice comes right at the end of the movie but it is too late to redeem this flabby effort.
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eduromer says...
3 years ago
What a waste of Rami Malek and Christop Waltz….
Story made no sense…
This is not a James Bond movie TBH should have had a different name

I give it a 4 for the bar scene that was good… the rest better skip and go back to watch some of the classics…
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Reply by dewille
3 years ago
Second that. One of the worse Bond movie. Also I’m afraid next Bond will be black trans him/his/it fighting not for Her Majesty but for social justice ;)
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Reply by E.c.alderfer11
2 years ago
Felt like a Mission Impossible movie, but still a good one
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Reply by PorterUk
one year ago
Waste of Waltz was Spectre....<br /> <br /> Malek. Well... He's just not great is he? And the whole lack of aging, possibly Dr No obfuscation didn't help.
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JoeyvanAwesome says...
3 years ago
Im kind of sad about the Craig-era ending, but it was a great ride with a good ending. I really like that the whole James Bond-franchise became more action-based and less about goofy henchmen and gadgets. He was the first Bond that could actually kick someones ass. I really doubt that about all the previous ones.

Anyway, the action in No Time To Die was awesome, as expected. The fights, chases, etcetera were all good. The music is amazing (I still can't get enough of the classic Bond tunes). I didn't really care for the whole 'new 007'-bit. But the performances of Craig, Malek and all the others were great. Emotional at times, but mostly bad ass. All in al, they did a good job to tie the whole Craig-saga together and I enjoyed it very much. Worth the wait.
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ThePantheist says...
3 years ago
Oh yes ! Such a original idea of killing off main characters
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bondless says...
3 years ago
This isn’t a typical bond film. There’s too much introspection and too many cracks in the Bond veneer to qualify as just another Bond flick. Instead, the film is probably an attempt to modernize some of the classic elements of the franchise. Despite this laudable goal, No Time can’t be counted as a success. The story arch is severely underdeveloped and difficult to follow.
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westsackles says...
3 years ago
No Time to Die, but a lot of time to cry :cry: A beautiful send off to Daniel Craig as Bond.
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teuben says...
3 years ago
Watch Spectre before watching this, even if you've already seen it.
This will prevent you from scratching your head in confusion for the first half of the movie. It's been 6 years, I completely forgot about the events and characters in Spectre and they are pretty much required knowledge unless you don't care about the details of who is who and what is what at all.

Having said that, No Time to Die was an okay bond movie. It has some of the classic, humorous, near impossible, bond moments from the old bond movies while also having the more serious, emotional, sometimes frustrating, moments we expect to see in the modern ones.
[spoiler]As for the ending, all I kept thinking was how this weapon, in it's dormant state, would've been more easy to "cure" than a traditional bioweapon. They keep repeating how it can't be countered once "infected" but that just seemed like an easy out.
Having said that, the choice Bond made still makes sense as it completely eliminated the chance of it ever reaching his family. Besides, he was completely shot up anyway, there was no way this man was walking away from the situation alive.[/spoiler]
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CorsOfLuke says...
3 years ago
Goodbye Mr. Bond. Your death was phenomenal.
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cutecruel says...
3 years ago
I’m so very tired of the EVIL RUSSIAN TROPE. Maybe I’d like modern action movies if the villains weren’t always "Russians who want to destroy America/the world." No motivation, just being Russian is enough to be evil. Who else than a Russian!? What would Hollywood be if Russia didn’t exist? They would not have a single villain! The whole industry would’ve collapse if they didn’t have the Russians. Get a new plot line, already!

Rami Maleks vaguely Russian accent is an insult. Hollywood/Brits are allergic to hiring Russian actors to play ... Russians. Why, while there are tons of Russian-speaking actors in Hollywood/Britain you bring people who barely can pronounce simple phrases or even their names?

I couldn't finish this long car commercial. Bond, as per usual, behaves following the same logic as Bella in the _Twilight Saga_. The film is formulaic and utterly boring.
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Reply by abetancort
3 years ago
@cutecruel Don’t worry China stands first in line to become the new evil when they get bored with the Russians.
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Reply by cutecruel
3 years ago
@abetancort No way! Hollywood could never muster the balls to depict a Chinese villain, they will twist like a pretzel to avoid mentioning anything Chinese in a negative light (even though China is seen as geopolitical rival by the US) but won't think twice before creating a negative narrative around Russians.<br /> <br /> Hollywood loves 'Scary Foreigner' persona as the sinister villains/antagonists in TV and movies. But Asians, Latin Americans, and Middle Easterns/Muslims are out of the picture because it’s somehow ‘racist’ if you cast them as the villains according to Americans. So, Russia is the only remaining enemy state populated by ‘white’ people, and vilification of stereotypically ‘white’ ethnicities has become the only acceptable outlet in USA. You can’t make other nationalities sound like 'Scary Foreigners' without running the risk of being cancelled. <br /> <br /> And since Brits follow America in anything, Bond fought Russian villains during Cold War, will get to fight only Russians in the future as well ... okay, maybe some Polish people or Serbs for, you know, diversity.
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JakeyWest says...
3 years ago
If you, like me, had some doubts about Daniel Craig’s as a 007, No Time To Die has changed that. The non stop action and suspense thrilled me, proving that the bumped up running time was worth every minute. It has everything you want and expect in a bond film plus more. Just a few characters at M16 were a tad bitchy but tolerable, at least they try keep us safe from the bad guys.
Still feeling this could be my favourite bond film.
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CinemanicBonkers  says...
3 years ago
I wasn’t a big fan of daniel craig as james bond and his movies beforehand were alright but not brilliant but he’s proven me wrong with no time to die thats become my favourite James bond, plot was sound, one liners were fun, action was class and the cast were great but wasn’t a big fan of lashana’s character or even acting and ana de armas should of had more time with her character.
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morganemorris says...
3 years ago
Bond makers take some big swings. That's all I can say.
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Lee Brown Barrow says...
3 years ago
There are all the things you expect from a Bond movie here…the one liners, the action, the lovemaking, the global locations…but it’s also a film that surprises, in more ways than one. I’m saying nothing more so as to avoid spoilers, but if you’re a Bond fan (particularly of the Craig era), you will like this. It’s not perfect - it drags around the midsection - but there is still a lot to enjoy.
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ak13 says...
3 years ago
Wasn’t really impressed by this one... I think I was expecting a bit more from a James Bond movie
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alzinch says...
3 years ago
A waiting a so long time for ... this.
OST is bad, with no emotion. I can belive is an Hans Zimmer composition.

The editing of the title "song" is bland, fortunately the song interpreted by Billie Einish raises the level

[spoiler]Ian Flemind must be turning over in his grave...[/spoiler]

[spoiler]First at the beginning James Bond doesn't work for MI6 and the 007 number is given to a black woman, then James Bond meets his daughter, James Bond daddy, .... and the best of all the elimination of all the members of SPECTRE.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]And the worst thing is the end > James Bond is simply killed. I find this very irrespectful against Daniel Craig who has always invested himself in the interpretation of 007. He has even been physically injured on the set several times. Certainly he will return with a new interpreter? At the point where we are why not an obese 18 years, in a wheelchair, with piercings and vegan.[/spoiler]
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Midnitewolf says...
4 years ago
Première expected Oct 2021. Probably cinema release?
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LampieKris says...
4 years ago
How on earth have 18k people managed to watch this? hahaha
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Reply by Midnitewolf
4 years ago
@theflyinglampie and rising 22k now! You are right friend. That is a lot of people to watch an unreleased movie! I am baffled.
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Reply by Appoxo99
3 years ago
@lampiekris I watched it on the 1st Oct 2021. Was an amazing movie ;D<br /> [spoiler] JK am not a time traveller but I will watch it at the mentioned date and others probably added it this way as well [/spoiler]
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