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User Comments for: Moonfall

Bragison says...
3 years ago
This is definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. Yes, it's not Interstellar. Yes, it's ridiculous. But it's also a lot of fun, and John Bradley delivers the laughs as expected.
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ajax99 says...
3 years ago
The promotional tie-ins were painful. I’m looking primarily at you Lexus and Kaspersky. To call it a plot is charitable. If you want to see a disaster, this is your movie.
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Reply by damac78
one year ago
Kaspersky in the Space Shuttle had me laughing so hard :joy:
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mediacenterkodi says...
3 years ago
I can’t begin with to tell you how dumb this movie is. About half way through i decided I had been subjected to enough of the terrible story and turned it off. Don’t waste your time on this.
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RayTaylorhome says...
3 years ago
Watched it earlier today. We all liked it. Was it the greatest sci-fi movie? No. It was entertaining though. Yes. The action scenes were good. The ending was good. A completely different take on where I thought it was going.
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Reply by Thatguyyy
6 months ago
@raytaylorhome an 8 is crazy work
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dnzt says...
3 years ago
I have seen worse but this may be one of the top shitty movies. It will offend religious people as it changes what the books tell which I do not care but as a point of art, it is full of CGI as expected which feels like you are in a video game with shitty scenes. Not worth it. 3/10
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potnot says...
3 years ago
let go of your imagination, be a 6 year old again and enjoy the ride!!!!!
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jezzfreeman says...
3 years ago
Was it stupid? Yes.
Was it ridiculous? Also yes.
But did I enjoy it regardless of the above? Why, yes I did.

It was an weird but interesting take on a love child between _Elysium_ and _2012_. The storyline was well over the top but the action scenes were exciting. The CGI wasn’t bad on the whole - except for the car chase which would’ve looked better had they switched to anime for that scene. Nobody could act very well except for Halle Berry who also looks like she’s been airbrushed to about half her actual age.

All in all, I won’t be watching it a second time, but I also don’t feel like I’ve wasted the last two hours of my life.

Edit: I suppose Michael Peña and Donald Sutherland can act but they were given very mediocre and minor roles.
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bsalemink says...
3 years ago
This reminds me of similar movies, except it is so much worse.
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johnattar says...
3 years ago
I promise you this.
From the start to the end you will understand nothing, only our ancestors used AI :rofl:
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derrgoo says...
3 years ago
Good cast and good ideas which I thought was entertaining. Good to see some big sci fi movies finally coming out.
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Reply by SoloDolo4200
3 years ago
Good ideas. That’s all they kinda gave us. Would of been really interesting if they gave this one an big big budget.
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vinylpooch says...
3 years ago
Sometimes a film can be entertaining and terrible in equal amounts.
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Reply by mediacenterkodi
3 years ago
This is so true and made me laugh reading it haha
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T__a__n__k_0 says...
3 years ago
If you went to the bargain bin of a roadside truckstop in the middle of nowhere and found a cheap knockoff sci-fi DVD called "I can't believe it isn't Armageddon" this is exactly the movie I'd expect to find on there. Chinese money in a The Asylum style production that make Syfy TV movies look good. Good for a one time watch provided you leave any actual science outside.
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juliosoft says...
3 years ago
I was expecting catastrophes and destruction and it has been given to me. That double Kaspersky ad, those crazy ideas. The classics of divorced husband and nuclear general are fulfilled. I am left without knowing if the White House is destroyed like other times
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Catsy says...
3 years ago
Too much action, not enough science.
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jarvis-1783384 says...
3 years ago
It's a new genre comedy science fiction :) it was fun that's is real science fiction for me :)
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momentuk says...
3 years ago
Much better than all the other disaster/alien movies of the nineties and 2000's
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Arkam_ says...
3 years ago
Looks like a cheap copy of Meteor Moon
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eliottrobson says...
3 years ago
As far as disaster movies go, this is a very entertaining one with an intriguing plot. There is, as expected, a lot of nonsense in regards to the circumstances that lands our lead characters at the heart of the issue. However, the ending is surprising and provides a welcome science fiction approach.
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Obione_TdG says...
3 years ago
What an abundance of trash. None of the situation or plot points made here make any hint of sense. The stereotypical American movie where the apocalypse seems not only to affect and almost destroy the United States alone, but also everything is concentrated on an handful of character, while the rest of the world is completely ignored. And, as if it not were enough, every single character risks of being killed every minute, but they always savage, sometimes in ridiculous ways.
Still puzzled on why such plots are still made.
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Trevskie says...
3 years ago
Reading the script/plot/synopsis, how did any studio allow this utter crock of shit to be made? Emmerich has made nothing but junk since Independence Day, and this is the worst yet.
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Jordyep says...
3 years ago
Ever since the mid 90s, Roland Emmerich has attempted time and time again to repackage and recapture the ideas from _Independence Day_. After many failed attempts, it’s baffling that there’s still a theatrical market for films like this. Or rather, it’s odd that Hollywood thinks there’s still a market for it, given that all of Emmerich’s films since _2012_ have flopped at the box office. He’s about to add another one to his resume. This should’ve gotten a streaming release at best, as it belongs in the same category as a film like _The Tomorrow War_. It’s background noise you throw on while you’re doing the dishes or folding the laundry. It's too disposable, phony, poorly acted and boring to pay any serious attention to, let alone pay money for. There's a sense of authenticity and fun to dumb action movies like _Independence Day_ that you're never going to capture in the circumstances of the current industry. I applaud Emmerich for making a big, original studio film, but it’s still generic schlock that doesn’t have a single ounce of personality. Fuck whoever financed this, you’re making recent Star Wars and Marvel content look passable by comparison.

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IllIIllIllIlll says...
3 years ago
Cheesy? Indeed. Questionable acting? It's there. Crazy storyline? The craziest. Did my partner and I munch down on tons of popcorn? Heck yeah. For all its faults, I had a great time in the theatre. Oh and by the way, they loved it, go figure.
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kodi.c.conway says...
3 years ago
Mm. I watched it to the end, and that's about all I can say. I really think Hollywood (and/or the Chinese) should do something else. Like go and create children's toys. The poster was good, though.
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Saint Pauly says...
3 years ago
Like speeding to work: it moves along pretty well but covers the same old ground.

I don't ask much from action films. I want tons of action and no romance. While Moonfall delivers on both counts, there were some scenes that made the movie unnecessarily long, and many many more that didn't bring anything new to the genre.

But the CGI was good and served the story well, so it was perfect as a Saturday morning cartoon.
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