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User Comments for: Mom and Dad

foursmols says...
7 years ago
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Saint Pauly says...
7 years ago
_Mom and Dad_ is like marrying your lover: exciting at the beginning but it lets itself go and stops trying not long after.
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faithful soul says...
6 years ago
Good to see Cage in a reasonably decent movie for a change, and he goes into full 'unlocking the cage' ™ mode. However, the film's ending sucks, and that undermines the whole mad affair.
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allgloss says...
7 years ago
What a complete waste of what could've been a fun twist on those apocalyptic gorefest flicks. Gets off to a strong start, but just completely withers away until you're watching nothing but kids trapped in a house as Nicholas Cage screams at them. I really wanted to see the effect this epidemic was having at the world at large, but we are only given very small pointless glimpses into how this is playing out across the country. Way too much screaming and chasing and not enough real depth. This film could've seriously been trimmed down to about a ten minute runtime, and it would make for a passable if not enjoyable short film.
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Mr. Sackamano says...
7 years ago
Bishop shanks Nick Cage repeatedly in a Firebird... Worth it for that alone
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moonkodi says...
7 years ago
Dark comedy with a zombie type plot. It's a ridiculous idea but at least it had some stretched out logic to add some sense. It has messages about modern teenage life and those in mid life. Cage's character specifically feels trapped and unfullfied because of the family. I wouldn't say this movie is anti family but it's honest about certain personality types and how the family mould starves them of individual happiness. It's played for laughs and doesn't try and be deep.
I think enjoying this movie depends on if you can just accept the stupid fun and the dark bits. Cage is his usual self and I enjoyed it.
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YaseminB says...
6 years ago
It's a decent film, it's fun, funny, jumpy in areas and the storyline is a first for me; however there's no sypnosis - nothing explaining the plot so you're left with questionmarks... I also think the ending was rushed a little, I'd have liked t see the last 10 minutes or so drag on a little longer. All in all, it's a good watch when you can't think of anything else to do.
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JB4times4 says...
7 years ago
I always struggle with how to rate movies like this. It was an absolute blast to watch. Very over the top dark comedy, but one of the funnest movies I've watched in the past year. I'd say it's a 10/10 for fun dark comedy, and much lower if you're looking for anything else from it.
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ferretpossum says...
7 years ago
A very very black comedy. Great fun, Selma Blair are Nicolas Cage are brilliant together - they should work together more often!
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Carns21 says...
7 years ago
I liked it a lot...love Selma.. ended uneventful. I smell a sequel.
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jarvis-8243417 says...
5 years ago
Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair star in the dark horror-comedy Mom and Dad. When a mysterious signal is broadcast over telecommunications devises parents are suddenly overcome with a drive to kill their children. Cage and Blair give fairly decent performances, but nothing too impressive. And the script seems a little uneven and unfocused; not quite sure of which story to follow, the community or the family, the parents or the children. The violence can get pretty gritty and shocking, and the black humor too is quite edgy. Mom and Dad is incredibly provocative, but while some of it work other parts don’t.
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independentmovieloverrr says...
3 years ago
wow sometimes parents get angry. Nicolas Cage is best.but even better when he becomes RAGE CAGE. maybe if he starts a wrestling carrier that should be his name haha loved the movie concept. watch it you gonna laugh.
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MamaSaucy says...
3 years ago
WTF kind of ending was this???

[spoiler]The build up with the kids in the basement was too long. Enjoyed the intro to the grandparents. It was fun. The end needs to be redone. If it was going to end as it did then it could have ended a when the kids were trapped in the basement or when the gas went off.
Basically this movie would have been a continued back and forth if they didn’t just cut it off. Shameful.

It wasn’t horrible but I’ve been enjoying funny horror this Spooktober.

P.S. glad to see the black kid didn’t die and I’m pretty sure the only reason those kids are alive lol[/spoiler]
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