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User Reviews for: Malevolence

2/10  4 months ago
If you watch this on Peacock, the little icon in the bottom left corner will display an 81% score on Rotten Tomatoes. I haven't checked that to see if it's accurate or not but even if it is, don't be fooled. This is an absolute stinker. When I was in high school (and that's been a day or two ago), I wrote stories kind of as (I guess?) some kind of emotional outlet. It gave me some kind of weird happiness to write my fantasy life just the perfect way I wanted it where either (1) everything went just the way I wanted it to and I was super-popular, super-cool, ladies' man, driving the best, coolest, and fastest cars, etc etc... or (2) bad things happened but in spite of it all, I managed to turn everything around to where it was exactly the perfect conclusion and I _still_ rocked the world even with all the bad that had happened.

SYNOPSIS: Some really bad (as in "terrible at what they attempt", not "evil") bank robbers wind up with some hostages on a deserted farm. In the abandoned and horribly-dilapidated house next door lives a serial killer. They cross paths. The result is pretty much what you would expect [spoiler] with the exception of one of the so-called "bank robbers" deciding to turn repentant, gentle, nice-guy hero who tries to rescue/free the hostages and gets rewarded for his attempt at a good deed.[/spoiler]

This movie reminded me - from start to finish - of one of those incredibly awful, outlandish stories that I wrote. There was NOTHING good or enjoyable about this from beginning to end. The acting was horribly weak and emotionless, the storyline itself was one gigantic cliche, the ending was so predictable you could see it coming almost in the first three minutes of the film...even the musical score just blew chunks. (In all my years of watching movies with subtitles turned on, this is the most I've ever seen _Musical Sting_ listed as one of the closed captions.) This was just awful. I'm not sure how it rated an 81% on Rotten Tomatoes; heck, I can't even fathom how it rated a 58% here on Trakt. But it showed up under one of my "lists" that I subscribe to, and the synopsis sounded promising, so I hoped maybe it wouldn't disappoint me too badly.

It did.

Avoid this movie. This just sucked.
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