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User Comments for: Justice League

NiklausMikaelson says...
7 years ago
It did not meet my expectations that were set by the original trailers that Zack Snyder released. The fun parts are childish due to Whedon reshoots. Characters are deep, but they got dumbed down by reshoots, and the story is simplified.
The flashback scene is beyond awesome. Be sure to stay all the way until the end because the 2nd after credits scene is so good, it will blow your mind.

Also, I am hoping there will be a Snyder Cut because 2 hours just felt too short for this movie, and I know there are a lot more scenes that were cut for theatrical release, just like with BvS and SS.
All in all, it was a decent movie, but we deserve to see the real version of this movie as Zack Snyder intended it to be.

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Reply by jimmy
7 years ago
@niklausmikaelson Quoting you in the Trakt store. :-)
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Reply by NiklausMikaelson
7 years ago
@jimmy WOW, thanks a lot! :)
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Reply by raulpb00
4 years ago
@niklausmikaelson Here you have your Snyder Cut hahahaha 4 years later, totally worth the wait.
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Reply by NiklausMikaelson
4 years ago
@raulpb00 Hell yeah! Been fighting for it for years and the taste of victory is so satisfying. ;)
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Totxoman says...
9 years ago
The day that Ben Affleck stops being Batman is the day that Batman comes back to become the best superhero films of all. This guy with 0 acting skills is destroying it. Too many awesome films before him to let it pass.
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Reply by JacobKam
8 years ago
@totxoman Ben Affleck is the best Batman!!
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Reply by Jim222001
8 years ago
@jacobkam the only two bad things about BvS was Zack Snyder and the script. Make that 3 bad things Jesse Eisendork was horrible.<br /> I don't blame Affleck anything. I just feel like we barely know his Batman even despite it being a 3 hrs movie.
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Reply by LoganSpirit
8 years ago
@jim222001 There is nothing wrong with Snyder, if you want something to blame, blame the script.
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Reply by aniketbarik12
7 years ago
Ben Affleck is fine as the Batman. The only thing that ruined BvS was the terrible script.
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Reply by cizor
7 years ago
@totxoman Go eat your cereals ... Affleck is a great Batman ...
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Reply by leed-dave
7 years ago
@totxoman Imagine the Nolan series never existed... We'd all be comparing Affleck to George Cloony and praising him for making Batman good again :p
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Reply by Nerdo1973
7 years ago
@jacobkam true... for me he is way better than Bale... Bale is 4ever ruined for his Terminator outbursts anyway
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Reply by ABSTRACTlegend
6 years ago
@totxoman Affleck was the best part of this movie, hands down!
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PHug says...
7 years ago
TV Barry is 1,000 times better than movie Barry
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Reply by roey5678
7 years ago
But the slo mo was pretty cool
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BarroomHero says...
7 years ago
Honestly thought it would be much worse than it was. Still was not very good though.

The Good:
They did a really good job with the rooftop scenes. Felt very much like a Batman movie.

The Bad:
Steppenwolf... who cares. I certainly didn't. He looked like he came from Jack the Giant Slayer.

The tone of the movie seemed backwards. Very serious in the beginning and then goofy at the end.

The Ugly:
Aquaman's one liners were horrendous. Other characters had a few bad ones as well but his were by far the worst. They made him such a cheeseball.

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thoroughmas says...
7 years ago
Big, loud, dumb, messy, gave me a headache. Not without some decent moments. Better than Suicide Squad, I guess.
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mounirabbas says...
7 years ago
i loved this movie i don't why ppl are hating it. sure there was some issues and it could've been better and it feels a bit rushed but beside that DC will learn it mistakes and take this franchise to a whole new level. i love both MARVEL and DC and the movies they are making. this is a beautiful era we are livin in so lets enjoy it. PEACE&LOVE
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faithful soul says...
7 years ago
While it's not as good as the Avengers movie, it's not as awful as the Fantastic Four flicks. While this may sound like faint praise, it's because I expected so much more. Still, considering the challenges the film faced - a change of director, Henry Cavill's CGI'd facial hair remover, studio insistence on a shorter length - the film isn't bad at all. In fact, at times the film is very entertaining, especially when the gang work together. Unfortunately, another CGI monster undermines the movie, and the film loses its heart whenever spectacle overtakes character and emotion. Still, it's a comic book flick, so while we have been spoiled by some of Marvel's latest offerings, the film does at least retain some of the spirit of its source material. I'm hoping for a longer cut, which may improve the film's shortcomings.
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Bob.Frapples says...
7 years ago
I saw this movie. It was called _The Avengers_. It had an all powerful cube. And alien invaders. From the past. OMG. I used to love DC when I was a kid. What happened? At least they could have changed the shape of the sinister device. Another cube?
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Reply by dollas_mike
6 years ago
@bob-frapples but you already know that Marvel's cube is a cheap copy. DC's motherboxes have been around much longer. why should they change one of the most important technology in the DC universe only just because a Marvel movie first appeared. as a lover, you have to know that.
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