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User Comments for: It Follows

KingKon_NL says...
10 years ago
Is this what horror movies have become nowadays? This movie is completely stupid and boring. It has no moments that will make you jump out of your seat and the story doesn't make sense at all. It changes the rules on itself several times.
The best plan the main characters can eventually come up with is "luring" the supernatural "it" to a pool and drop plugged in electrical appliances into the water to electrocute it. That ends up failing miserably so they shoot "it" in the head instead.

The atmosphere that most reviews are talking about gets old really fast. It's like the old zombie movies where they are just slow walking dead that you can easily outrun. Only where there is constant tension there, because they are everywhere, this movie only has one of the "it" beings, so if you get away from it you're safe for a while until it finally finds you again.
Anyway, a complete waste of time.
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