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User Comments for: Infinite Storm

sealover1 says...
3 years ago
I really enjoyed this movie worth a watch
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dridriov says...
3 years ago
Local "Twerk and Rescue"worker rescues Bernie Lomax in this mistitled Weekend at Bernie's III. Unintentionally hilarious. Blooper takes (they actually burst out laughing) included directly in movie.
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agiledood says...
11 months ago
I couldn’t get past the fake snow. Especially after recently watching Society in the Snow. I know that probably sounds petty, but watching Naomi thrash around in styrofoam pellets just destroyed any believability for me. I didn’t rate it, but I turned it off after 20 minutes.
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Lee Brown Barrow says...
10 months ago
Pretty decent survival film with a surrounding story that channels the infinite storm within those who grieve.
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+schmoogie says...
6 months ago
Infinite Storm (2022) - ❤x6

I'm not really sure what I think about this movie. It was definitely not what I thought it would be. Sometimes that's a good thing but in this case it was not, for me at least. The whole storm and rescue part was way too long and never really went anywhere I felt. It wasn't until nearly 90 minutes into the movie that it looked like something might happen - it did, but it was still not what I expected. Turns out the entire movie was [spoiler] about grief and how two people dealt with it. [/spoiler] This was a very personal kind of movie. No action, adventure, mystery etc.

How I rate:
1-3 ❤ = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 ❤ = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 ❤ = I expect you will like this too
9-10 ❤ = movies and TV shows I really love!
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Shahera galal says...
a month ago
Just boring .
i can't continue watching
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zax2000 says...
3 years ago
A gorgeous film that is, unfortunately, a little too plodding for my taste. A spectacular performance from Naomi Watts to go with the stunning cinematography. I especially loved the shots of Pam going through the motions of life; it was very grounding. Also unfortunate is the fact that as a New Englander, I know that the mountains of Slovenia don't look anything like the White Mountains of New Hampshire. (Or maybe I just know the region too well to suspend my disbelief and let the similarities overshadow the glaring geographic inconsistencies.) All-in-all, a movie where the parts are greater than the sum, and that's too bad.
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WillHawkster says...
3 years ago
I love movies that make me feel cold.
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Johnny.Lumsden says...
3 years ago
Not at all what I expected, as I was expecting a true heart pounding thrilling survival story, but really what it was was a very believable realistic survival story with a very deep meaning. As half of the film was a edge of your seat rescue/survival mission that could happen to anyone, the other half had some interesting twists as it was about the aftermath and reconnecting of the two main characters, and them getting to know each other officially for the first time, as they realized their stories are very similar.
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_nicoc says...
3 years ago
Has more of drama than adventure. It was ok, easy to watch.
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Themanski90 says...
2 years ago
The bones are here for a engaging drama/survival story exploring the deep agony of grief, but it doesn’t fully deliver. The bad styrofoam snow and storm special effects were distracting. Naomi Watts’ performance is solid but overshadowed by the peculiar characterization of John. Intimate survival films need to thread the needle as they do not have the typical structures that a basic 3 act film can lean on, and this one just misses.
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Reply by agiledood
11 months ago
I made it through about 20 minutes, that fake snow was too unbearable to watch.
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Copeland1994 says...
2 years ago
I went into this movie with much higher expectations than I should have. I went in thinking A Perfect Storm or Everest, meets Wild, and it kind of was…but weaker in almost every way. It is still engaging and has similar beats if that is what you are into, but I can’t help but feel it sludges through a bit too long and doesn’t hit quite the emotional highs (or lows depending how you look at it). It is much more of a drama than survival adventure, and that will work for many, just not what I wanted.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommend to Everyone
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