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User Comments for: In the Tall Grass

claimthestars says...
5 years ago
This is one hour and 20 minutes of people screaming eachother's names while running around in a field of tall grass.

Literally. Nothing else.
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Smoove_BoBo says...
5 years ago
I'm a Stephen King fan with that being said I'm disappointed with this film. I get the plot, I get how the field works... but its bland. There's really nothing that excites you.
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faithful soul says...
5 years ago
The first half is definitely better than the second, but it's still a cut above many cookie cutter chillers out there. Will give you the incentive to mow your lawn too.
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Reply by pedropt-deleted-1610128666
5 years ago
@faithful "Will give you the incentive to mow your lawn too." lol nice one
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David0542 says...
5 years ago
[spoiler] If only dead things doesn't move in the field then why didn't they carry on the dead dog with them and tried to escape? [/spoiler]
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Reply by Makara Nou
5 years ago
@david0542 [ iwas thinking the same. And the dog is alive in the end lol]
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Reply by rickvaldez
2 years ago
I thought the exact same thing and later the man said, without eyes your better in here, that are two ways that would have solved the movie in a better way (my opinion)
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Whitsbrain says...
5 years ago
I've read a lot of Stephen King but I don't remember this story, which would make sense because this isn't good. The field of grass is cool and the whole evil rock thing is fine. But I'm totally baffled why rock-toucher Ross (Patrick Wilson) turns into an insane killer yet the other rock-toucher, Travis (Harrison Gilbertson), helps girlfriend Becky and little boy Tobin leave the tall grass. Maybe the rock has an adverse effect on realtors but rockers aren't affected as much. Eh...whatever.

The time line confused me and try as I might, I could not figure out when Becky, Cal, Ross, Tobin, or Travis were coming or going. I thought about that time line for a good while but to this point, I have no idea who arrived before who, who showed up after who. Eh...whatever. There was also something significant about the church, I suppose. I just haven't the slightest idea what it might have been. I'm going to just go ahead and assume that I wasn't paying attention and not blame Netflix for creating another crappy movie.
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Reply by Buck Flower Sings
5 years ago
@whitsbrain This. All of this. Agreed. Spend your time thinking about how any of this adds up in a plot and you still just come out feeling like this was just a crapshoot of ideas thrown together with no working order. Grass idea was cool and timelines could have been a solid thriller concept, but instead, shit. On top of that, not a good movie either.
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Makara Nou says...
5 years ago
You will either love it or hate it. This is a movie of this type. Don’t let low or high rate fool you. Better see it for yourself
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Mr. Sackamano says...
5 years ago
Roll some of that grass up and smoke it baybay
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Xiofire says...
5 years ago
Once again, King (and son) offer an intriguing, robust premise, only to squander everything built up with the final act. I've yet to read/watch anything from the mind of Stephen that doesn't drift during the climax into total mediocrity, and ITTG is no different. It really is a shame to have a total idea factory like King never quite know how to utilise the great content he puts out. The first 40 minutes are engaging and full of promise, but little is done with the premise laid before us, fizzling out with a few good scares and some gore for good measure. Not to discredit the film makers either, some of the aesthetic shots of the grass to establish scale are truly a pleasure to behold, but visual splendor cannot support such a weak plot. Probably worth one run through for genre fans, but ultimately not worth the investment.
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angel1online says...
5 years ago
Really enjoyed it. For it’s a change its a complete change to your typical horror. Was an original concept with no guesses of what happens next. Lots of twists.

Excellently done and brilliant acting.

One of my favourite horrors, I’ve seen in a long time. I love horror films. I don’t normally comment, but this deserved the recognition. Excellent film!
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Reply by hildebread-deleted-1573600359
5 years ago
@angel1online maybe we should start at the definition of a horror movie :wink:
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Reply by angel1online
5 years ago
@hildebread lol, I suppose it’s open to interpretation to each individual :wink:<br /> <br /> But, for the sake of answering your question, here’s the quotes from two dictionaries: <br /> <br /> 1. a film with a frightening storyline or atmosphere (Colins Dictionary)<br /> <br /> 2. A film where very frightening or unnatural things happen, for example dead people coming to life or people getting murdered (Cambridge Dictionary)<br /> <br /> Each to their own, theirs no right or wrong. It’s simply an opinion. <br /> <br /> :wink:
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amasulem says...
5 years ago
Aside from some great overhead visuals of grass shifting in the wind not much of a story to warrant the time invested. I don't feel redeemed from the Tall Grass and time shall not be reset for me. It's not Oz, Dorothy, it's Kansas, with some Rock 'n' Hole.
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katzimatzi says...
5 years ago
It’s not good but there have been worse horror movies. Definitely could have lived without it though.
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TKPNPodcast says...
5 years ago
Starts well. Then, it gets lost in the weeds.
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SaltyCatFish says...
3 years ago
Would have been better served as a pamphlet than a feature film.
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Abycidaire says...
3 years ago
I didn't see the movie. My TV was pitch black half of it. I don't care about the characters I CAN'T FREAKING SEE THEM!!!!!!
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