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User Comments for: Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard

dnzt says...
4 years ago
It looks like a cartoon movie with exaggerated scenes. I sometimes expected a beep beep from road runner but the movie is enjoyable in general. 1st one was better but the this one will be enough for most of the people.
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ubuntumuntu says...
4 years ago
1st one was fun.
this is just boomer-reliving-glory-years sad
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moviemankev79 says...
3 years ago
Predictable stupid comedy that feels so long. Ryan does his schtick, Sam does his thing the only one who's slightly amusing in this is Hayek and even that wears thin This film is extremely one-note
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Scouse1960 says...
3 years ago
The studio should be compelled to reimburse everyone who had to sit through this absolutely deplorable sequel, I for one will be doing my best to erase this rubbish from my memory
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jimgysin says...
3 years ago
This is a thoroughly underwhelming cash grab on the part of all involved, complete with (1) a weak script and plot with many indications that it was being done on the fly; (2) a cast that is clearly having fun but not remotely interested in treating this as anything more than the aforementioned cash grab that it is; and (3) a whopping -- based on a subtitle search for "fuc" -- 194 f-bombs. That averages out to almost two f-bombs per minute of run time, and it seems like even more than that. The one bright spot? The jokes in the movie spare no one, and no class or group of people is given any sort of a protected status, which, for my money, is how things SHOULD be, but rarely are these days. Overall, though, given the talent behind the thing, it's the kind of movie that seems to want to make people even more cynical than they already are about the future of film. Definitely not a keeper.
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ragreynolds says...
3 years ago
The first movie was okay, pretty entertaining. This one is just bad. Salma Hayek's character is insanely annoying.
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KevinSocial9697 says...
4 years ago
This is the first film I have seen in the cinema since January 2020 and I have to say I wasn't disappointed as I went in with zero expectations and walked out a very entertained person, it might be because I haven't been cinema in ages but I did enjoy this one more than the first film and I think this is down to the addition of Salma Hayek (Sonia Kincaid) who basically takes this film to another comedic level as the cast, in general, have great chemistry.

Now, this isn't anything special of a film but if you enjoyed the first one I think you will enjoy this one as it is funnier but the story is a little more meh than the first one, the one thing that did disappoint me is that this film did not have enough Frank Grillo who I want to see him in bigger better movies.
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nforcer2000ro says...
4 years ago
Watched Hitman's Bodyguard just before this movie and this sequel felt "hollow" ; they just tried to go over the top with everything and the end result was less funny and less exciting than the original :(
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zdistrict says...
4 years ago
The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy - The Fantastic Sequel To The Original Hitman's Bodyguard - Roller-coaster Action, Nonstop Comedy, The Perfect Movie For Laugh & Unexpected Fun - Ryan Reynolds, Salma Hayek, And Samuel L. Jackson Make The Perfect For The Perfect Combination - I Was Laughing At Every Corner & It Just Kept Going With A Lot Of Fun Characters - Joining In The Fun & Deadly Mayhem Is Morgan Freeman .. And Find Out What Roll

If You Haven't Seen It - Watch It
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Reply by patrickjkellyii
4 years ago
@zdistrict Why Capitalize Every First Letter Like A Title???
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katgrk says...
4 years ago
First time commenting without having fully watched something, but this "Antonio Banderas speaks English while he's playing a Greek guy" facade is killing me. As a Greek myself, I find this a little offensive, not because he doesn't sound or look Greek at all, but because they simply could've casted a Greek actor. It's not like they don't have an option! Even John Stamos would've been a better choice (even though he doesn't speak Greek I believe). Frank Grillo would've made a decent Greek looking guy even. And where on earth have you seen people striking in the own countries with signs written in English? Americans please...
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Reply by Maleniak
11 months ago
@kattberries "striking in the own countries with signs written in English" On every artificial made striking. BTW Mostly made by CIA.
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Reply by glasgow1975
8 months ago
Is this your first Hollywood movie? They've never been famous for their grasp of geography and nationality...<br /> All they wanted was an accent and Mediterranean looks. Banderas has those<br /> Cast a Greek actor and your suggestion is a C list sitcom actor? Nobody is paying cinema prices to see Stamos...
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jgordoneaton says...
4 years ago
Not as good as the first.
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SpeedDemon says...
4 years ago
Absolute crap. I suffered through this drivel for 15 minutes before I had to switch it off.
LOVED the first movie, but this is just beyond stupid.

Salma Hayek takes off her shirt (and it disappears) to 'distract" the bad guys and kills them... and then, suddenly she's got her shirt back on!! Yes, we get it Salma - you've got big puppies and like to show them off, just like all the other movies you've been in in the past 4 or 5 years. You weren't one of those #metoo women were you?

Every other word out of everybody's mouth is an F-bomb of some variation.
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Davezn says...
4 years ago
Very disappointing sequel. Good quality stars, but wasted effort. No way nearly as good as The Hitmans Bodyguard. Very mediocre.
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Nancy L Draper says...
4 years ago
I went to see this movie expecting it to be a fun romp like its predecessor THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD (which I rated a 7). This was a huge disappointment despite the quality cast that was added to this sequel. The character’s had lost their chemistry, the dialogue was purposefully crass, the plot was barely a sketch. Yes, lots of things got blown up, shot up or destroyed but there was no heart. I’m disappointed with this first movie since the theatre reopened after the COVID lockdown. I give this film a 4 (poor) out of 10. [Action Adventure]
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GenesisX says...
4 years ago
A-list stars in a meh movie. Not the greatest thing you'll see this summer, but give it a go.
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plittlefield says...
4 years ago
More of the same but with extra Salma Hayek… which is always welcome and worth the price of admission alone ;-)
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Chilkara says...
4 years ago
More humour that's similar to the first one. Action is so-so but I was laughing almost the entire time.
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vinylpooch says...
4 years ago
It does what it says on the tin. Loudly.
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magic_claw says...
4 years ago
This was bad. Moments of spark but really poor, over-the-top try-hard acting. Salma Hayek is very poorly cast in the role. Reminds me of her acting in that other movie - Bliss. Very one-tone.
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