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User Comments for: Half Magic

shonikwaaa says...
7 years ago
Literally only here for Rosa Diaz.
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thejimmike says...
6 years ago
they are all pretty hot in this one. way more emotional than funny, but it has some great stand alone scenes/moments. seems a little too sexualized for the message i think they're wanting to send.
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faithful soul says...
6 years ago
Half magic? Don't expect even an ounce of movie magic in this lacklustre effort, with a patchy script and uneven direction. There's little here for anybody expecting any real laughs or insight, and at times, it is just plain embarrassing.
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AdamMorgan says...
3 years ago
I always liked Meg Ryan. Or maybe is it that I like the characters that she has played? There is always just such a sweetness to her. Because of my feelings for her I recently gave a movie that she directed (Ithaca) a look even though the reviews said that it stunk. I think I got what I deserved - the movie was incredibly sweet and incredibly not good. I think that I watched this movie under a similar premise - I have always had a huge crush on Heather Graham's characters so I thought that I would give Heather Graham the writer/director a look. And the same result. Now I am a male so I know this movie wasn't written for me but I'd like to think that even if it was I would recognized just how cliché and amateurish this script is. I only made it through half of the movie.

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