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User Reviews for: Gone Girl

9/10  10 years ago
Amy et Nick un couple modèle, mari et femme vivent en apparence le parfait amour depuis 5 ans déjà. Après avoir vécu à Manhattan ils décident alors de s'installer dans la ville natale de Nick.

Lors de leur 5ème anniversaire de mariage Amy disparaît mystérieusement, l'affaire fait du bruit, le feuilleton médiatique prend forme et devient une sorte de télé-réalité morbide qui passionne le public en masse.
C'est un véritable engouement entre les conférences de presse, des unes des journaux et des émissions de TV pour le personnage de Nick devenu malgré lui le coupable parfait.

Comment un couple qui ressemble à celui de Mr et Mme tout le monde peut virer du parfait amour à la haine meurtrière ?

Tout laisse à penser que Nick est responsable de la disparition de sa femme, la machine judiciaire s’emballe à son tour pressé par les médias de masse et l'opinion publique, un système faillible qui souhaite offrir au public le coupable parfait au détriment de la juste vérité.

Cette vérité trop ennuyeuse pour plaire à notre société, le sang appelle le sang que l'on nous ramène la tête du coupable !

Quelle ambiance ! Maîtrisée du début à la fin et quand je parle de fin c'est un putain de bouquet final à en redemander encore après 2h et demi coller à son siège.

Étonnant de voir qu'un thriller de cette longueur soit haletant de bout en bout sans aucun temps mort, le déroulement du récit est captivant tout en restant recentré sur le sujet pour éviter la confusion dans l’esprit du spectateur.

Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris,... un casting au top niveau où même chacun des second rôle vit son personnage, je ne sais pas quelle ambiance il y avait sur les plateaux de tournage pour que chaque acteur s’imprègne de son rôle mais je pense que David Fincher doit y être pour quelque chose.

Je pourrais faire l'éloge de tout ce casting mais je crois sincèrement que Ben Affleck est un niveau au dessus du lot. Son personnage colle parfaitement à l’ambiance noire et oppressante du film et objectivement ce personnage reste une énigme incertaine sur une bonne partie du film.

Les preuves sont contre lui, son entourage est contre lui, les médias sont contre lui, la société est contre lui... mais seul contre vent et marées il continue de clamer son innocence avec une apparence calme et le sourire de circonstance.

Définitivement l'un des meilleurs films de l'année 2014.
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Reply by LolaPastorelli
9 years ago
je concord nu se pa
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Reply by christopher-ffm
8 years ago
English? How difficult is it to understand that....
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Reply by SignOfTheShadow
7 years ago
@christopher-ffm translate it and read. Not everyone speaks English, and this review is fantastic regardless. Lighten up and exercise a little tolerance.
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8/10  9 years ago
So I just watched "Gone Girl" and it was pretty fantastic. I'm not gonna say too much about the movie's plot because it is something that can be spoiled but it was delivered extremely well the characters were unique, fleshed out and very entertaining.

The soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross was amazing as usual. The right songs were used in the right scenes making certain parts of the movie extremely intense and extremely disturbing, it was all incredibly well paced and I didn't even feel that it was two and a half hours I just wanted to keep going. It was refreshing to hear such professional sound mixing where everything seemed to be at the right level but the characters were still audible and could easily be understood.

All of the actors were great and Tyler Perry's inclusion did not destroy the movie for me at all. Despite how horrible of a director Tyler Perry is, it looks like David Fincher was a good enough director to be able to direct him to act well. Anyway Tyler Perry did not ruin the movie for me and to give credit where credit is due he did play his role very well granted the script wasn't written in a way that called for him to shine but he did fit his character.

The meticulous direction that David Fincher has over as actors is shown quite well in this movie. Many directors would have their actors merely pretending to text when their hands are off screen but in this film you can see actions like those subtly shown through the reflection of characters glasses. It never shoves that in your face doing a close up saying "Hey look do you see this extra detail I put in?" But rather lets you pick up on those things yourself and adds an extra layer of immersion into the film.

When the characters look like they're doing things that are just for the sake of the camera paying attention it helps us believe in the world we're seeing. I'm happy to say that a lot of care and effort was put into this film the story is pretty straightforward and I don't think it's something that I'll have to watch a second time to pick up more details but in my opinion it was riveting. The only real personal issue that I have with this movie is that I found myself yelling in my head at certain characters that should be doing things differently.

But otherwise the story was daring and absolutely fantastic.
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Matthew Brady
/10  4 years ago
"This man might honestly kill me".

The story is about Nick Dunne, as he finds out his wife has gone missing. As increasing police and media pressure mount, the facade of a loving and blissful union crumbles and amidst the lies and behavior of Nick, the question remains - did he kill her?

David Fincher is a true master class when it comes to directing, because Gone girl is one of the best films of this year.

Ben Affleck was perfect for this role, because Ben Affleck through out he's career had a lot of hate from the media and the critics that mostly slammed him in every role that he was in. And that's why he was outstanding in this movie.

Rosamund Pike acting in this film was pure brilliant and spectacular. She was so good in this role she might get a Oscar nomination for this. Tyler Perry in this movie was actually pretty damn good, and am so surprise saying that because Mr. Perry was in such awful films like: MADEA trilogy, Alex cross and the list goes on. But in this movie he did good.

What this movie does so brilliantly well is how we view media today, because most of the stories you hear on the news might not be true and how the media can spread lies about people and ruining their lives. Everybody always believes what the media says even if it's true or not, because we don't know what that person on the news is going through, and this movie got that message out they so perfectly.

My only problem with this movie is Neil Patrick Harris character. Now let me just say that Neil Patrick Harris wasn't terrible in the movie, but his character to me slowed the film down.

Overall Gone Girl is a fantastic film.
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Filipe Manuel Neto
/10  4 months ago
**An excellent film, which never leaves us comfortable and where nothing is as it seems.**

This is one of those films that can unnerve and exasperate us, but that we love to watch. In fact, I don't remember seeing many films where the main character deserved my hatred. I don't want to, and I won't reveal what happens in this film, but it's one of those where appearances can be deceiving and where things aren't what they seem. The action focuses on the disappearance of a woman and her husband's efforts to find her. To our eyes, it's obvious that he really wants to find her, perhaps more than her parents, who seem to be just taking the opportunity to publicize the children's books they've published. However, little by little, he becomes a suspect in a hypothetical murder case.

David Fincher is a director who has already shown what he's worth: I loved “Se7en”, “Game”, “Fight Club” and “Zodiac”, but I didn't really like “Social Network”, or “Benjamin Button”. In this film, he directs skillfully, but not without debatable choices: for me, the story's most important twist all comes too soon, and the ending is lazy, overly sudden, and makes it feel like the film was cut short before the end. The rest is incredibly well done and works wonderfully, and the film is a gradual construction where the details are fundamental and very well-thought-out.

I really liked Ben Affleck's work. For me, it is one of the best films the actor has made to date. We feel his commitment, the way he develops the character and allows himself to appear increasingly distressed, submissive, without a will of his own, like someone who is living a nightmare and just wants it all to end. Alongside this renowned actor is Rosamund Pike, an authentic ice maiden accustomed to the most frigid roles we can imagine. She is not one of my favorite actresses, she is one of those that I consider not very versatile, but she gave everything that her character asked for: coldness, an intelligent and sharp mind, extreme physical and emotional self-control, a calculating spirit and a sweet and angelic face. Among the supporting cast, we have well-selected names, such as the friendly Tyler Perry, a very focused and rational Carrie Coon and a sinister Neil Patrick Harris.

Technically, I believe it is fair to highlight the intelligent use of cinematography, which is almost never warm and pleasant. There are scenes where we see this, right at the beginning, where things were going well for Affleck's character, but the essence of the film is made with a cold, uncomfortable color palette and scarce, hazy or artificial light. The film never makes us comfortable and creates its dramatic tension solidly. The sets and costumes also contribute, with that huge house for just one couple, with few signs of human warmth and joy. Finally, the soundtrack adds a sinister and deeply atmospheric touch that cannot be ignored.
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Andres Gomez
/10  6 years ago
Good cast and decent story, although the end is not very convincing.

The cut of the movie is really good and Rosamund Pike is genuinely scary.

Not a master piece but quite good given the lack of passable movies lately.
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