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User Comments for: Fight Club

aldy says...
10 years ago
Enjoyable but incredibly overrated and an absolutely terrible ending.
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Reply by bumperjumper
5 years ago
@aldy you tripping the ending was perfect. the blocking, the framing, the build up, the explosions, the last line of the movie, the music all add up the best ending of any movie ever made.
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Reply by findley
2 years ago
@aldy ARE you dense womp womp
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Reply by Wes Candela
3 months ago
@aldy incredibly misunderstood by you,
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LucasNegroni says...
10 years ago
Nothing to say, mind-blowing movie! Please sit and prepare yourself to a messed up brain!
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Derrick says...
13 years ago
A great movie but transparent ending. Still worth a watch and a recommendation.
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Horror future #7 says...
6 years ago
I think this is not so mind-blowing as much as some people are saying..Fincher gave us some clues so we get what is happening and to enjoy his film more..In my opinion this movie deserves to be in the list with one of the greatest films ever as it has unique plot and absolutely crazy perfomances.

8.6/10 i reccomend you to see this film over than once as this is not enough.
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crybunny says...
3 years ago
oh my god that was amazing!! and THAT ENDING!!!! HOLY SHIT
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5alil. says...
11 years ago
"The things you own end up owning you."
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MadCowDzz says...
14 years ago
I was told not to talk about it...
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YaseminB says...
5 years ago
It's an okay film, waaaaay too overrated though, and the major plot twist was obvious to me an hour or so into the film - which instantly puts a downer on things as there's no surprise element left. It's not worth over two hours worth of your time to call it an 'amazing film' I really don't understand how it has SUCH high ratings by everyone. I'd be totally fine never watching it again, but I also don't regret watching it.
Also, finally, the whole plot doesn't make sense because these massive companies are going to have back-ups all over the world. Blowing up HQ in one US city will NOT accomplish the mission it states it will.
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Reply by AdmiralClarky
2 years ago
Their plan not making sense and the plot not making sense are two very different things.
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Mr. Sackamano says...
8 years ago
His name was Robert Paulson
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Noxiuz says...
3 years ago
I watched this when it came out and was confused. Until I watched it a second time. Now I'm watching it about 20 years later and it's still an amazing film. This is one movie I can't find any flaw in. Acting. Story. Pacing. Cinematography. Even the vfx hold up. Perfect.
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catherinemiddleton says...
5 years ago
This movie has been hyped up in my head and I’m so underwhelmed...what did I just even watch? It was nothing like I’d hoped.
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