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User Comments for: Fear Street: 1994

Lee Brown Barrow says...
4 years ago
Its Scream meets The Blair Witch but it still manages to transcend both of those films to become its own thing too. An intriguing setup for the next two Fear Street movies and I for one am looking forward to them.
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Noxiuz says...
4 years ago
They really put the blame on the friends that helped em? Calibri font was released in 2007. More human than human was released in 1995.
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Reply by setagllib
4 years ago
this are awesome catches haha man they didn't do their homework
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Jim222001 says...
4 years ago
The very beginning feels like it wanted to be Scream. Then the movie becomes about witches, girls in love and possessions.
It is basically more for you if you enjoyed movies like Goosebumps and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Though it throws in some brutal deaths when you don’t see it coming.
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vinylpooch says...
4 years ago
Was it too much to ask that they all died?
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TvWatcha3 says...
4 years ago
3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Fear Street Part One: 1994’:

1. Lemme tell you… I loved it! It was nostalgic. It was an homage to so much that has come before _(that intro had ‘Scream’ written all over it)_. But it also had a hefty dose of originality. Great characters you cared about. It took risks. It surprised you. And it was a LOT more mature than I expected it to be. I loved the books way back when, and this made me wanna read them again. Bravo.

2. I LOVED the LGBT twist in the beginning! Did NOT expect that person to be Sam. Solid execution.

3. It had a bit of a _Hocus Pocus_ vibe to me, which made the character deaths and the paths into “Rated R” territory that much more effective. It was a weird and welcomed mix.

Bonus Thought: I legit can’t wait for the next one. Super invested.
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jensequel says...
4 years ago
Best line: "Let's Timothy this bitch."

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oldthembones says...
4 years ago
Screenplay by: People who never worked in a mall.

Music by: Someone who cannot research song release years.

Directed by: Who cares…

It’s awful.
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brunoliv says...
4 years ago
the scenarios, the setting and the care for nostalgia are positive points without being too exaggerated. even some cinematography techniques are reminiscent of 90s movies.
I couldn't care less by the [spoiler]LGBT surprise because... why a lesbian character is a surprise? it is so much a surprise as a straight couple... i don't get it why some people are praising this. we are all the same[/spoiler].
I'm noticing a growing trend on [spoiler] killing major support characters after a long development[/spoiler] and this is somewhat positive for the audience to react with more emotion to the story, BUT i fear that this could get old very quickly.

overall it's a good movie and the trilogy release strategy it's an interesting one.

if you think that this movie is "weak" or nothing special, just give a chance to the part two, it is WAY better and WILL get you hooked up to know more about the lore.
consider this movie as "part zero" or just a introduction to the main event.
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csrz says...
4 years ago
What a disappointing first part of a trilogy. 1 point for representation but I expected so much more. It starts out pretty well with that suspenseful opening sequence that draw inspiration from Scream and it has a cool introduction, those got me really excited but my excitement stops there. I find this film very generic and too stupid to be taken seriously. This film feels very made-for-trilogy that it can't really stand on its own. The direction and editing are often baffling to me. It tries to fit too many 90s songs into one film. Most of the protagonists are unbearable. They're supposed to potray 90s teenagers but failed miserably and the dialogue is far from good. It tries to copy too many horror films without adding its own spin. I admit the last moments are pretty fun until they put the trailer for the second film in the end :neutral_face:. Overall i'm not impressed but it's pretty watchable. I'll probably watch the next two parts anyway.
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sech11 says...
4 years ago
Not great, not terrible. Like an okay “made for tv” movie.
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ritz657 says...
4 years ago
The first installment of the Fear Street Trilogy is a mid 90s slasher horror flick which is tedious, unexciting and doesn't fit the good standards. With dull writing and excessive gore this mediocre slasher is barely watchable. The plot twists are dreary. Watch it only if you are interested in this genre for a few cheap thrills.

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CinemanicBonkers  says...
4 years ago
I really enjoyed part 1, definitely that classic slasher feel and loved all the cast.. bring on part 2!
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jordanvic says...
4 years ago
A Netflix movie that's....actually pretty good?? How did they not make this suck. Good job.
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paulrob666 says...
4 years ago
I mostly enjoyed it, until right before the end that is.
Sticking their pal with numerous EpiPens after they drowned her was just too fucking stupid. People knew basic CPR in 1994 for fucks sake.
PS: I'll never look at sliced bread in the same light ever again.
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