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User Reviews for: Disclosure

/10  2 years ago
I could make a good argument about how this movie is mysoginist trash, but let's not even go there, let's do this without getting "woke": this movie has no idea what it wants to be.

For one side, as another person said, this could be considered a kind of spionage movie, and this is true for pretty much the last 30 minutes of the movie after they pretty much just forget about the sexual elements. It is a movie about a dude that can't lose his job because getting a new job at his age is almost impossible, so he can't lose his job despite the fact that he knows he is unwanted in his company. That could have been a good movie. But then they bring the sexual element.

And the two other things. Is this a movie about how men can also get sexually harassed, or is this a movie about how men can be falsely accused of sexual harassment? And the problem is this movie has no idea. And that happens when you actually DON'T care. They don't care about sexual harassment, this is a childish "nOt aLl mEn" response (I'll give you it was that way before the not all men movement, so at least it was ahead of its time in cringness). I would be willing to bet the writers have never experienced sexual harassment or rape as the victim. I could also bet they didn't care to do more research about the testimonies of actual men that have suffered from sexual harrasment or rape. They just feel the fear that they might get falsely accused. And by the way, there are perfect ways of making movies about a man getting falsely accused of sexual harassment, go watch the masterpiece that "The Hunt" (2012) is.

But anyways, I won't say much more about that. It's just that this movie doesn't know. For one part we have the thought that men could be sexually harassed. This dude DID get sexually harassed...but do we see anything that show us how he feels? He doesn't seem to care, and he certainly wouldn't have tried to do anything about it if he hadn't gotten sued before. We just don't get any feeling from him, no regret, no shame, no guilt, no embarrassment, no fear. Zero. Did he feel harassed and/ or raped? Because he was, but the writing is so bad we don't know anything about how he feels. Admittedly, there was not much reaction time from the thing to the suing, but every reaction he has, is a defensive response to show he's innocent. He just wants to prove he's innocent. But if he didn't feel harassed, then what is that bullshit speech from his lawyer about how "no means no" also when a man says it. This movie is two hours long, pick what you're trying to say and stop wasting time. If you want a story about men getting falsely accused, then cut self-righteous bullshit and get the point. If you want to make a movie about how men can get harassed or raped, then do that and show me some emotion other than defensiveness. This dude got into an elevator with his perpetrator and had plenty of time with her without us knowing he was feeling any feelings other than the need to prove his innocence.

And then of course, even the marketing for this movie. Can you imagine a movie about sexual assault when the poster is literally the sexual assault scene making it look all sexy and shit? No care at all whatsoever for the topic.
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