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User Reviews for: Captain Fantastic

7/10  5 years ago
This film is a good exercise on what it means to live in a society. If you've watched this movie and are reading this comment right now, i think it's safe to assume you're someone who tries to rationally process everything around you and have at least once wondered about the societal structures we are thrown into from birth and how they dictate a big part of our lives from the first second. And if you're aware of how conditioned and ultimately stifled living can be most times, you must have thought at one point or another what it would be like to send it all to hell and go live in a forest and be self sufficient and not have to work to be able to afford food, and not feel like your worth is dictated by your career or how much money you have in your bank account. Well, this movie does that for you, arriving to the conclusion that to be truly human you have to live with other humans, which means you have to live in a society. In the end, that comes with a lot of downsides because as much as it is human to relate and seek personal connections, unfortunately, it is also human to seek power and control, which is attained through money, which in turn is what conditions and stifles us all. There's obvious upsides and downsides to every story, and the most captivating aspect of this film is that it explores the different dimensions of the most general possible concept: living. It makes you think, it does a good job in maintaining its balance and showing both sides, allowing the viewer to form their own opinions. However, it can get corny and a bit too on the nose at times, and technically wise it's nothing impressive. Solid and entertaining watch.
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